Check out my perpetual grow!

Good morning MoBilly! Have you ran that ILGM Gelato a few times?

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I’ve grown it 1-2x before it’s very nice indeed. But then again me and my wife are a sucker for that dessert/ sweet weed lol


Good morning everyone! Hope yall are having a great day so far


Good morning everyone. Have a wonderful day


Just the once but there were six of them. I smoked that sweet weed for 2 1/2 years from that one run. I had so much dang pot in the house from those and others that I grew just after that. I’d love to have another jar but, sadly, I finished it all up early last year.
I won’t ever grow that much of just one strain at a time again though. I love variety in life.

Here is one of them from back then.
One of the prettiest plants, in veg and flower, that I’ve ever grown. I called her “Beast”.


Looks amazing! At the moment I’m trying to acquire some of jaws slippery rails. I’ve been obsessed over tasting banana trainwreck again since I was a teenager but it’s no where to be found. Well jaws has taken the arcata trainwreck and banana OG to make this but he only made a f1. I have the banana OG from o kid and that’s a good start. I was gonna try to find arcata trainwreck to make my own seeds but if I can find some of jaws gear and save myself some time I’m all about it. I had messaged @SamwellBB as I noticed he seemed to take a liking to it saying he created an f2 but there wasn’t much talk on it. I’ve messaged 2 people in hopes to find that strain by jaws but if I can’t get it then it’s back to trying to find arcata trainwreck either clone or s1 seed


Very beautiful and healthy lookers you had there, wow! That lush green always brings a bit of drooling, I’m sure if they kept on like that it gave you a wonderful harvest :green_heart:


That was my first grow using LED’s. I was hooked on them after that. What a step up from my little blurples! Yeah they kept going very nicely.
That was a fun run.

Hope you don’t mind the pics @HighTilliDie .


Not at all brother share away! Love seeing others success! Your plants look great! Nice chunky buds!

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Thanks :pray:t3:. They were slightly neglected the last two weeks so I won’t complain about how they are doing. lol
My granddaughter is back home now and I can put more time into growing.

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@MoBilly there ya go man! I just recently flipped the 5x5 to flower and the face off tent will be next. Everything else is growing like crazy now that they are happy


That’s how we want them. :wink:


Big shout out to my buddy grogimp on Instagram for this amazing package! I’m so excited to try out all these soaps, seeds, and lip balms! The last bar I had really helped my sore muscles after work. Specifically the arch of my feet and my hands it did wonders on and I’d reccommend him to others out there as well! Amazing guy with hand crafted products that really work!

Link above if you’d like to find his website to reach out and have an order made


So just leaving some notes right now the 5x5 I believe is in it’s 6 day of flower and i just flipped the face off tent last night. Face off was looking a bit dark green from the bump from 80 to 90% nutes so I diluted back down to 80% and im hoping the flip to flower will have then wanting more nutes soon then I can redial it in. Clones are doing well of the face off. Both sets. One set in the 4x8 with the donutz triploids and pineapple upside down cake then 1 set in the cloner. My wife said keep the set in the cloner for the time being and then later kill off 1 set but keep them around for the moment in case anything happens


What kind of cloner do you use?

I use the traditional puck and dome. It work’s but each time it feels like I’m riding by the skin of my teeth, praying at least one roots. I’m wondering of aero cloners are faster and more reliable?

I hope you’re doing well :v:


I use the clone king 36 site. It’s really quite handy. You can see roots as quick as 7-10 days on most strains. They have other brands or it’s rather easy to make your own. Main cost is the pump setup and sprayer heads

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I think I’ll have to take a good look at one of those, probably one with less sites.

Another thing i dislike about the dome is hardening off the clones. It looks like some of those aero clones don’t use a dome? Do you still have to harden them off?

There is only really 1 cloner that they sell that has a dome and it’s over $100 so I didn’t even bother looking at it. I clone here lately at 76 F and 72 rh. They stay in the cloner until they are rooted then go to the mother tent that hovers around 55-58 rh and never have had any issues. Actually this last batch went from the cloner to the 4x8 with no humidifier. I honestly haven’t even bothered to look at the humidity I’m sure it in the high 40s but they weren’t bothered the slightest just make sure it’s not a big jump in temp and rh and you should be fine. I don’t do anything to harden off


Update time! So we have the 5x5 which is now day 11 of flower. I noticed some growth underneath getting absolutely no light so I cleaned it up to keep the growth focused up top. Might be a bit early but I had to do something to combat the high humidity. The basement started to flood with all this rain lately and now the bottom of the 5x5 is wet and it’s like ugh guess I gotta get more tiles for the high side of the basement now. The new 4x8 was unaffected but man the whole bottom of the 5x5 was in a middle basically so I put fans up all around the basement to try and dry stuff out. Basement humidity is like 78 RH and I’ve sucked up probably 13 gallons of water from the floor already. I did add a dehumidifier to the tent but then had to turn around and add the HVAC line from the house (cut a hole and mounted a 4 inch flange to HVAC in house) to the tent for added cooling but even now it’s at 78-80. I took some clones from the cloner and added them to the 4x8. With the addition of the new clones i turned on the other light and started splitting them up better. The donutz triploids and pineapple upside down cake (PUDC)will get transplanted to a 5 gal probably this week. After transplant I’ll allow a week to recover then probably top allow another week to recover and flip to flower. Ive noticed PUDC was much hungrier than the others so she’s now on full strength veg water (1.8ec) while the others are working their way up at (1.3ec). I’ll end up killing off 1 set of the face off clones but the only one I don’t have duplicates of is #5. It seems #5,#6, #8 are more finicky than the rest and #1 always roots the fastest. I still have cuts to test sex in the 5x5 but tempted to just toss them as the face off is in flower. Speaking of which they are now day 5 of flower and looking a tad bit light green but most the issues have faded. Back down to 80% nutes 5ml per gal cal mag. Lastly we have the mother tent which ive been meaning to reset a few of the bigger plants but it all seems to be going alright here lately besides the flooding lol. Little extra pics at the end i found a interesting colored cicada. Flew away after the pic


Went ahead and did some outdoor gardening today. Got my “trellis” setup which is just 2 16 ft hog panels cut in half and bent to a half circle for the vining plants to climb. Made some stakes from cutting it in (16ft panel) half with the extra material. Looks pretty good. Planted climbers on the outsides and celery, broccoli, lettuce, and brussel sprouts in the middle. Then off to the side I have carrots and green beans in between the berry plants. Not sure what will happen with these sugar snap peas they are very heat tolerant but I figured worst case scenario I can get some shade netting to tarp over the hoops