Check out my perpetual grow!

Looks good. I wanna see it filled with greenage. :slight_smile:

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Me too @MoBilly! I can’t wait to see what takes off for me. My grandma was going on and on the whole time saying I shouldn’t even plant peas because they don’t like the heat and im like I’ll get 3 varieties and plant them all if they all take off I’ll be up the my ears in sugar snap peas


Everything looks amazing…great training of your plants

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Great canopy….great scrog

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Good morning everyone! I hope yall are having a great day so far! On the planner for today is a trip to Indian camp creek park with my wife and the kiddo. Never been here before but they have a massive playground I’ve heard! When things get to hot we are gonna go play in the creek and bring a towel and spare change of clothes. Might end the day with some ice cream and a movie. Thanks for the kind words @percyryan66 I appreciate it!


Sounds like the perfect day…have a great weekend

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Hey brothers, I’ve had the most success with an aerocloner. 90% success with it so far. Any other method and I always get about 20% that live lol. Not sure why? But I use the oxycloner 20 site kit. Nice and small but has enough space to do clones side by side or spaced out.


I was trying that new method shared on here to find out the sex with extra cuttings under flowering conditions and those cutting with just plain RO and very little light actually started rooting in like 2 weeks but I think due to the lack of light I wasn’t seeing the sex on any of then but 1. Aeroponics is still the fastest way ive seen to root a clone tho. Regardless I have figured out that at the moment I have 4 females 3 males and 1 that is unknown. I ordered a carbon filter to keep the pollen out of shared air space with the other tents and today I’ll be going back thru all the tents and making sure I don’t have any vents open and any intake I’ll make a mesh filter or something for with pantihose to keep the pollen from going where it shouldn’t. Any other ideas are more than welcome! I’ll try to snag some pics here in a bit but in 2 tents lights don’t come on till about 11am. The 4x8 I’m running into some issues with the face off clones. I was feeding face off water (80% strength veg nutes and 5ml cal mag per gal) but now the plants are not happy with me. My wife was telling me the past few days they looked droopy and I was like meh but today I’m like ok now those look like crap lol we need to fix this. Im gonna go at it with a flush then cut the face off water down to half strength and use that to top off after getting my runoff numbers to see what’s going on. For anyone curious about which is which I made a list last night
Face off 1- male
Face off 2- male
Face off 3- female
Face off 4- undetermined
Face off 5- female
Face off 6- female
Face off 7- male
Face off 8- female


Face Off clones. Possibly too much nitrogen? Gonna flush and check ec


Input 0.0 EC 6.2PH
Face off #1- 0.7 EC 6.0PH
Face off #2- 0.8 EC 6.0PH
Face off #3- 0.8 EC 5.9PH
Face off #4- 0.6 EC 5.8PH
Face off #6- 0.9 EC 5.5PH
Face off #7- 0.8 EC 5.9PH
Face off #8- 0.9 EC 5.7PH

I’m thinking that the face off ladies need a lower nitrogen content and more pk as @leetdood was telling earlier. Im gonna try feeding a 50% dilute of my full strength veg + cal mag for the 5x5 next watering and see how they adjust to that

Time for another update! So we have the 5x5 day 16 of flower and looking great! I started to notice leaves curling down on the ILGM Gelato hinting towards nitrogen excess. Then after scouting for a while noticed burnt tips on everything except capjunky so I decided after talking with a few friends to dial back part B (mostly nitrogen) by 15% and keep the part a, epsom salt, and added cal mag (3ml per gal) the same for those 3 plants and the capjunky will continue to get the full strength veg water with added cal mag (3 ml per gal) as she was looking happy. Overall there was a light green tinge which caused me to find the other issues but still looking great and the tops are nice and even it makes my OCD happy! Next we go to the 4x8. I transplanted the pineapple upside down cake (PUDC) and the 3 donutz triploid ladies to 5 gallons. I was so eager to get them transplanted I forgot to do the air base this time around smh lol. I’m not sure if it makes that big of a difference to be honest just extra oxygen to the roots. The face off clones were kinda looking like crap so im gonna be feeding them half strength water and try to dial them up slowly and see how they want to be fed. Next we have the face off tent which I trimmed back as well since I had seen some leaves dieing underneath the canopy due to lack of light. That tent is now day 10 of flower and currently I have seen 4 females and 3 males. Waiting for the other plant to tell me what it identifies as. In the mother tent I went ahead and did some major trimming and I took clones of the 4 biggest mother plants to reset. Learning more everyday this variety keeps me on my toes but I’m excited to see these buds start forming!


So sorry brother I was in the hospital when you was asking for help. I’m back trying to build back my strength :muscle:. What type soil, nute program? Fill me in on all your inputs brother.


No worries @ItsintheGenetics. I believe I have it figured out now just a bit of a juggling act. Not used to adjusting nutes a lot per grow but then again I’m doing it to myself wanting variety lol. At the moment my only issue is the face off ladies. Constant battle with them. The face off tent looks alright but the clones didn’t like the water my flower ladies (face off breeding tent) were getting. I’m diluting the face off water and diluting the part B on the 5x5 for 3 out of 4 plants. Capjunky will continue to recieve the same high strength feeding as she was happy and the rest in the 5x5 were showing burnt tips or curling tips


Morning @HighTilliDie and crew!


Well the only thing there I can say is I like my water to stay consistent in the 6.5 ph range. Try bumping that just a hair and good morning.


Good morning everyone! Hope yall have a great day! I always try to water in at 5.8-6.0 ph because I’m in coco coir @ItsintheGenetics


Alright so I got the face off tent happy and now the 4x8 isn’t lol oh the joys of growing! It seems I have a habit here lately of jumping the gun on feeding more nutes. I was at a 1.3 ec and seeing light green leaves (on the 4 big plants donutz triploid 1-3 and PUDC) so I bumped up to a 1.8 ec (full strength veg water) and they are getting some dark green leaves now smh. I’m gonna go down to a 1.0 ec with 2 ml per gal cal mag after a flush and see how they do. The face off (all the tiny plants) were recently flushed so I don’t expect them to immediately look better but man it’s sad to open up all your tents and see them doing well then go to the last one and ot looks like this grr. Always learning tho and hopefully this can be avoided in the future but it’s also very strain dependent and being rather new to growing myself


Hit them with seaweed. :grin::rofl::rofl:
With the picture, they look great!


Lol I could hit then with recharge after watering and that has some seaweed in it. Haven’t used recharge here lately so it might be a good idea to get back into it. It says it helps with nutrient uptake