Check out my perpetual grow!

Really appreciate it and you know the same :wink:

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1st week of veg. These ladies are growing fast! Dj short blueberry didn’t make it but the others are wasting no time trying to fill her gap! So far most the plants are on their 2nd set of true leaves. Ive been watering about 10-20ml’s a day per plant usually in the mornings for the past 2 days. I admittedly still havent changed their time schedule and it’s running 25% intensity probably closer to 120-130 umols now that the plants have grown a bit and on 24/7. Still haven’t decided a good 18/6 timer that works with my schedule. I think ameren is charging me more for peak hour bs but then again around this time of year my electric is always $300-$580 depending on the number of tents I have going. But due to the peak hour bs I’m thinking ill run my lights at night and that will help with the cold fronts to come with winter around the corner. Mountain temple is sitting happy all alone in quarantine. Tomorrow she will get moved to the mother tent all by herself again and that’s because sunshine daydream should be coming in either Monday or Tuesday and she will need the quarantine tent for a bit. Thanks again @HolyAngel I really hope this strain works for my aunt! Imma give her a clone right after winter passes next year so she can start her outdoor grow!


10th day of veg. These ladies are just growing like crazy! I was doing 20 ml a day but when I checked on the coco in the cups it seemed a little dry so I added 40 ml per plant 50% strength jacks 321 and ill continue to add 30-40 ml per day until they dry up on me again and then ill water to runoff and start using recharge. Later today im gonna spin my light around and then put up a uva light on a 12/12 timer in the middle of the growers choice for the vent tent to really get them going. I still haven’t made my mind up on what clone will take the spot of blueberry but im leaning towards sunset sherbert from all the good things I’ve heard about this specific strain


Day 11 of veg. Spun the growers choice around and hung up the uva bar in the middle. It’s hard to see but I wanted to make sure the clearance was far enough from the plants


Day 13 of veg. These ladies are loving the addition of the UVA ive seen significant signs of growth increase since the addition. Still feeding at 50% jacks 321 about 40 ml per plant per day. They are starting to root nicely for me now as well. A check in on the other 2 tents my quarantine tent seems to be doing just fine. The 4 SSDD in the cloner are starting to get calloused so I should see roots in a week or so. The rooted one is showing nice root growth as well. A look into the mother tent where i have mountain temple and she’s looking perked up and happy. The other 2 baby clones I have were a bit burnt by my first IPM spray during lights on. I’ve learned that lesson and hopefully they recover. I’ll post up the pics I got and try to get pics of every tent again tomorrow as I dont have current pics for the quarantine tent


Day 14 of veg. Here’s a new line of pics for everyone to check out! ChemTek is going crazy. I’m gonna let her grow out more than the others for now and then top them down to the 3rd or 4th node and try to level them out at that time. I have high hopes for the mother tent babies that got sprayed during lights on. They look like they are gonna make a come back no problem new growth is coming in good. Everything in solo cups seems to be taking root really nice. The clones in the cloner (SSDD) are getting more calloused everyday so hopefully roots in 4-5 days now. So far so good for everything! Hopefully I’ll get 5 more clones in this week and one of those will end up in the veg tent now to fill my empty indica spot. I’ve made my mind up its gonna be sunset sherbert who takes dj short blueberrys spot. The next run will be tricky tho I always have too many good choices for seeds and clone then just don’t pop seeds lol. Either way im excited for whay the future will bring for these ladies and my next grow while I’m collecting back my mother tent slowly and surely. Hope everyone is off to a good start this morning and has a great start of their week



Day 16 of veg and I watered these ladies to runoff 2 days ago and now they wanted water again this morning it’s wild! I need to make sure I’m stocked up on canna coco coir before I let them get too far ahead of me if I want to keep everything on the same schedule. Everything is looking great tho! New addition in the quarantine tent gary payton from my best bud matty and now the SSDD gets an extended visit there. I need to only have 1 strain in there at a time because I feel like I’m getting ahead of myself again and I don’t want to allow anything thru the cracks. Moving forward im only gonna have 1 strain at a time in the quarantine tent and not take any other trades until that plant is out of the quarantine tent being as its a 2x2 and not big enough for a cloner and a plant really


I checked all the ladies this morning. Veg tent was looking thirsty! They’ve been getting watered to runoff ever 2 days now at full strength jacks 321 and are starting to root really heavily now! I’m at a stall with the veg tent until I get my coco bricks in from amazon the 10-13th of this month so they will surely be ready to transplant by then. If I would of been prepared they would be getting transplanted first thing when I get back from work Monday but they can wait I don’t see any harm they will just eventually want watered daily during the waiting period. In the quarantine tent I had 2 smaller cuts of gary Payton that just shriveled up and died. 4 remain and they look alright so long as I can get 1 to live that’s all that matter lol. Sunshine daydream ate all starting to root nicely for me now. The rooted clone is showing more and more roots everyday and when I checked the cuts in the cloner they all had roots this morning so thats exciting! I’m gonna hand those 4 SSDD clones in the cloner out to my buddies who have pain issues in hopes it works for them as well as me! I’ll save one for myself as a mother plant of course. A look into the mother tent and the 2 babies are bouncing back! I was pretty happy to see them doing well and looking happy this morning the mountain temple was also happy as can be! All is well on my end hope everyone else is having a good morning. No pics today but maybe later on this weekend if I get time


The pics of my ladies. Might lose another gary Payton but that would leave me with 3 so oh well. 3 of them were really small so I didn’t have high hopes anyways lol. As long as one makes it ill be happy. The ladies in veg are all looking great. The ladies are starting to seperate themselves out. The front are Indicas and are all start to look bushy while the back plants are just reaching for the lights. In the mother tent those ladies got a trim of the affected leaves from the spray (just the 2 small ones) they are starting to look much better now and mountain temple is just growing crazy. Shes gonna need a trim job soon if anyone would like some unrooted snips?



So while I’m at work I have my fiance working in the beginning of our next project. I hate the fact that my ac unit in the flower tent takes up so much space and the other day took it apart to try and clean it up and figure how I can get it outside the tent but blow cold air in the tent via a 6 inch duct. After looking at it for a bit I think I can take the design from a floor register to 6 inch at a 90 degree ducting but tweak the dimensions to fit where i took the old air direction flap off. I just bought a 3d printer from my buddy and did all the repairs and general maintenance so id love to see what I can make here. I’m thinking with how long it’s gonna be that I’m gonna have to do it in 2 or more pieces but I have high hopes for this project and I believe after some work it will fit perfectly and be airtight. I’ll get some pics tomorrow so everyone can better understand but here’s a rough idea based off 2 screenshots


Well my buddy who does 3d prints said im better off getting a metal design and trying to make it work than 3d printing one because for one the 1st print may not work and for 2 he said it would cost just about as much in filament as it would for the actual part from the store so to try to go to stores and find what’s gonna best meet my dimensions. I work with sheetmetal at work so who knows maybe I’ll form my own part from scrap metal laying around at work

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Day 21 of veg. Ive been holding off on getting these ladies transplanted until I can get sunset sherbert for this run. They are now needing watered everyday but I got good news. 1 my coco coir came in today and 2 my 5 clones from my go to breeder (gmo house of clones) are gonna be here Wednesday at long last! I’ll be getting sunset sherbert and the other 4 were replacements for my mother tent gmo graciously rooted and is just gonna give to me for shipping. Those 4 are capjunky, sour diesel ajs cut, stardawg corey, and odd. Back to the veg tent I took root pics of every plant and you can see they are ready for their new homes. The plan is ill either transplant Wednesday night or Thursday morning. Here in a bit I’m gonna transplant all the sunshine daydream clones as they are all rooted and ready for a coco cell. I’ll post pics up of that in a bit but first the veg tent


Alright here’s the quarantine tent. All of the SSDD that were in the cloner were crazy rooted and ready to transplant so I went ahead and did that. While I was in there I saw 3 out of 4 of my gary paytons are getting calloused so thats exciting! Now a peek into the mother tent everyone is looking happy as can be. Not much more to report right now but id like some input on a experiment I previously tried when I was on ILGM that no one could give me answers to. So I wanted to see would a clone root faster with great white mycorrhizae and clonex. I usually do great white every transplant but I wanted to know would it work better same or worse? Well it took like a week and a half longer to root than the others and I just chalked it up to be the fact that using the clonex gel and the mycos formed a paste that was blocking the roots from expanding or something but im curious what you guys think


If anyone is interested in clones down the road just let me know via DM. My mother tent is open to anyone here. I’d entertain trades for seeds or you can just pay shipping doesn’t matter but I obviously can’t help out a lot of people at once. The only one I can take cuts of right now is mountain temple for anyone interested. Im located in Missouri in the USA for anyone curious. Priority shipping usually runs anywhere from $10-$15 depending on how much cushion I give the ladies for the ride


It was a really busy day for me. Transplanted 12 plants. Watered to runoff then the 8 that went into 5 gallons got recharge. Had to add another UVA to the veg tent for the time being with all 8 of those big ladies in there. Ac project was a success im so excited for the extra room in my flower tent. The gary paytons are starting to show roots 9 days later so that’s cool. The mother tent also has 4 new additions odd, capjunky, sour diesel ajs cut, and stardawg corey


Day 29 of veg in the veg tent. These ladies are getting big! It’s the first time they’ve asked to be watered after being transplanted up to a 5 gal bag and man they were thirsty! About 2 gal per plant for runoff at 20%. All the plants are topped except sunset sherbert. She has to do a bit of catch up so maybe another couple weeks veg max. The quarantine is over and those ladies went to the mother tent. Almost all my clone extras were sent out in the mail yesterday and the last 2 my buddy is gonna come get in person. I’m currently waiting on a super silver haze from another friend so thats the next plant coming my way and I’ve been super excited for this SSH


Day 31 of veg. I sprayed athena IPM today and plan to spray every Thursday rotating 3 sprays every week. Next week will be azamax and then suffoilx then the cycle repeats. While I was in the veg tent I went ahead and trimmed and trained these ladies while im waiting for sunset sherbert to get a decent size to trim and clone the top for my mother tent. When I’m trimming and training I like to essentially lollipop to encourage outward growth. I’m not worried about stunting my plants as I don’t have much room to grow anyways and as im waiting for veg they have plenty of time to bounce back. They will get this treatment once more after the flip to flower and then as needed to keep only the buds in the canopy. As these ladies in the veg tent spread wider ill split them up 4 and 4 with the sativas going to the flower tent (4x8) where i can really spread them out and indicas staying in the veg tent allowing for more upward growth. The mother tent is looking alright as well. The trainwreck 14r x pistachio clone has 1 tiny root as of right now so in a few days she will be ready for transplant. For shits and grins that tiny gary payton is still in the cloner hoping to see some roots from her but it may be a lost cause. I’m not worried tho as I have 1 rooted extra set aside for myself. All is good around here and im getting excited to see what the veg tent will do when I flip in the next month


Not a lot new to report today besides I will be going thru a different clone seller moving forward. I’ve got a few in mind off of discord that are just cheaper and have the same if not better genetics than my old clone seller. Moral of the story no matter what genetics someone has its not worth being talked down to or being made to feel like less of a person. You don’t gotta take anyone’s BS and in this market there are plenty of sellers to check into. Of course there is always risks associated with going thru new breeders but nothing im not ready and prepared for now with my IPM in hand and beneficial pests on standby. I’m a while from needing new clones at this moment and still waiting to pull in on some trades. Not to mention sitting on 50 different strains worth of seeds lol. Hopefully here soon SSH will come in from my buddy he’s been having rooting issues with this lady for a bit but he’s bound determined to get me a clone sent!