Check out my perpetual grow!

Oh and a sneak peek at my 2024 canna expo plans! We went to a canna expo in house springs about 40 minutes from us in Missouri. It was a blast but I quickly realized no one had sprayed any IPM on any plants before the event, didn’t know about IPM or claimed to be “organic” yet didn’t know about beneficial pests. The whole thing was a growers nightmare. Almost none of the clones were individually tagged and they had multiple strains per tray with multiple people grabbing plants at a time and it seemed like you’d be lucky to get the strain the tape marks from here to there. There was just a lot to improve on and a mass of people with little or absolutely no knowledge on IPM’s, viruses, and the importance of being proactive not just reactive. Because of all this my buddies and fiance have convinced me to step up and try a canna expo next year to at least show the people the knowledge they need to know about. It would be great to even break even but at the end of the day I really want to be able to inform others of my knowledge and help others learn how to better protect their plants against disaster. So ive taken quite a bit of time already and put a lot of thought into this and wrote up a 3 page paper on everything I want to do in the expo next year. I’d love any feedback from anyone here on how to improve upon my thoughts. Heres the pics of my chicken scratch plan. If you can’t read it then good part 1 of my plan is off without a hitch lmao jk. I did upload the actual text from those pages to my discord and you can join there if you’d like to see that post. I want to be clear I am ONLY selling clones for the event. I don’t want anything to do with shipping clones for sale its just too tedious and I’d rather trade if im shipping. All the clones you see “for sale” for the expo will be for trade if anyone is interested but im NOT SELLING clones besides THE EXPO. Sorry for the all caps but it just helps get the point across


Just a quick peek on the tents. I was training and watering all the ladies in the veg tent and the top 2 purple diesel branches just snapped i swear the second I tried to bend them at all. I hate strains where they don’t like to bend at all before a snap like taking a bite out of a crisp apple. The top 2 branches are just laying flat on the big leaves underneath them. I put raw honey ok the wound and we will see what happens these next few days. Worst case scenario she gets topped down the the 3rd node which won’t be that bad because this lady looks like she’s gonna be one of the biggest for sure. Purple diesel is back left btw. Besides that I topped 96 sour diesel, O.D.D., and 89 northern lights 5. SSDD got a transplant to a solo cup while I try to figure out a day for my buddy to come over and pick her up. The tiny gary payton I gave up on because I had an extra for myself. Everything else seems to be going well in the tents. With things getting cold out my fiance has asked me to bring in her rose and lavendar plants. I told her they gotta go to the quarantine tent after I spray them down outside. Ever since I started spraying IPM these outside plants have been getting any leftovers starting with her plants first as I assumed she would eventually want them brought in. Im probably 2 weeks away from getting clones again for it works out pretty nicely. The rose and lavender duo and single lavender will probably be housed in the mother tent after their quarantine



I checked on that purple diesel this morning those 2 branches were shriveled up. So I went ahead and topped her down to the 3rd node. It actually worked out really nice because now she’s the same canopy level as the rest


Day 37 of veg. I finally topped sunset sherbert! Now hopefully I can get her trained out and big enough in the next 2 weeks to flip to flower. You can see im running out of space quick as soon as I started training these ladies! I had to add the dehumidifier now with these bigger plants and the humidity has been up to to mid 70s and realized im gonna have to split these ladies up here soon so I can keep training further out to reach my training goals and getting them as wide as possible. Otherwise all is good. I was able to top some more plants in the mother tent for the next runs to keep my veg time short and be able to flip right to flower. Im gonna be home in a bit and I’ll take new pictures but for the time being here’s my fish tank and the upside down catfish. The peacock goby photobombed one of these pics lol


Fresh pic after an IPM spray


Love the fish tank pics, very cool. Plants are looking great, what kind of dehumidifier are you using?

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I use a hisense dehumidifier from lowes with the gravity drain feature and I ran my extra 3/4 to ro line from my ro setup on the drain and the line out the side of the tent to a drain location

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Well im in the process now of trimming, training, splitting up the 2 tents, dialing in the other tent to match the veg tent lighting intensity and environment, and then I have to water. I’ll take pics when I’m done but these ladies are starting to look much better with a trim

Day 40 of veg. Im ready to get these ladies to throw down for me before flower! I’ve trained them all. ChemTek’s stems were so hard my thumbs still hurt from working her stems to supercrop. Everything got supercropped and lollipopped to encourage outward growth. This may be a bit much for some but it definitely helps the outward growth from what I’ve experienced personally. Im not too thrilled with the structure of sunset sherbert so far but im sure in time she will be looking amazing like the rest


@Mrgreenthumb here’s info on the dehumidifier in case you were interested

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clean looking tent, love it. Plants are looking great should be some bushes for sure. Nice job on the training. How much heat does that dehumidifier put into your tent? What are your temps when it is running

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That dehumidifier throws some heat off for sure! My veg tent has been sitting at 81 degrees (turned the inkbird down to 72 to try and combat the heat) since the addition of it but I figured with winter around the corner it will be a blessing in disguise in due time. I typically keep my veg tent about 76-80. When I added this to the tent I noticed a 5 degree max increase in my 5x5. Thanks for the compliments! I’m ready to see what these ladies are capable of now that they have more room for training. Definitely gonna try to fill the tents as much as possible before the flip


I’m also trying to figure out if I should offset one tent on the flip to flower by starting one tent 2 weeks after the other or if them being split up by indica and sativa will allow enough time for me to have drying room in my 4x4 and not have 8 plants hang drying at once


@HighTilliDie yooo found it!!

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Glad to have ya here @Hotrods_and_hounds! It was getting lonely with the occasional visitor lol

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Must be because everyone likes those flower pics and I haven’t put any up because I haven’t had anything in flower lol. This flower run is gonna be a great comeback from the spidermite disaster tho! I’m thinking 1 more month max on the flip to flower. Really just want sunset sherbert to get bigger so I will probably flip the 4x8 first to allow sunset sherbert more veg time and then flip 2 weeks after the 4x8 goes into flower for the 5x5


Yeah I am gonna have to give it a full read, but I oddly like the veg pics. Especially when training is involved. I get stuck in my ways and watching others sometimes it set off some good ideas to see what others do! Also you running the sunset sherbert fro
Seed or clone?


I do a lot of training so there’s plenty of that on here! Lol. The sunset sherbert was a clone from Clearwater cuts


All the others were seeds ive been wanting to grow or something that looked interesting at the time