Check out my perpetual grow!

Do you use mycro by chance?

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@ItsintheGenetics Mycorrhizae? I use great white but only during transplants


Everything looks fine. With the smaller plants I would worry more about the roots. As they mature they will be able to uptake more. Don’t over think it to much brother.

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Thank you @ItsintheGenetics

I try and tell him what I think is best but it helps to have a second opinion as I keep telling @HighTilliDie I’ve read a lot and done some runs but I’m still very new to adjusting feed.

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Well with constant adjustments you never set a base line. Over time you lose yourself and find yourself chasing your tail around in a circle. Coco I’ve never done but I have done hydro with great success. I always started at an 1/8 strength nutes and went from there. Just to give you an idea of what my base line was in those days.


That’s why I was trying to say like smaller adjustments and watch how the plants reacts

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Exactly, well I’m yelling at him now :rofl: maybe we can combine and help @HighTilliDie

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Lmfao yeah it’s all a learning curve! You gotta think I’m used to these ILGM strains shit was super easy and I always fed full strength nutes from the get go. Now I’m trying to really dial in seedling growth and learn more about adjusting my nutes per growth stage. It’s these newer strains throwing me for a loop and the variety I so desperately seek so im not smoking 1 strain for 3 months. Like right now I got 5 strains in QP bags in the closet. Gotta gave variety! If I was smart id grow 1 strain at a time but sometimes chasing your tail can be fun in the midst of things I mean my wives puppy does it all the time and has a blast lol. I just gotta remember to take it slow. I really hate the seedling stage like it’s cool to watch them grow but once they pop I’m like ok so when can I flip? Lol I hate vegging it’s all about the flower for me!


Gelato is very easy growing that’s why

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Foliar feeding is your friend. Keep the base line and foliar the needy ones


Always a learning curve with all things brother. Just less of a swing at a time when things start changing. Don’t get into that OMG! mode and do to much. Let the plants tell you what they want. There’s no such thing as a perfect grow.


Now you tell me!!


Well there’s good grows and bad 🤷

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I’m looking for the perfect one. Still haven’t found it, so I’ll keep trying


Better stick to 1 strain then brother

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Definitely easier mono cropping :rofl::rofl:


Just run a whole run of gmo. What could go wrong

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Thanks for all the input everyone I greatly appreciate it! You know my best run was 2 runs ago (golden tiger and chemtek. Chemtek definitely becoming an all time favroite out what I’ve grown this year and last) so im getting the grasp of things but maybe id be better off with 2 large plants than 4 medium sized plants. Whenever I get to my landrace plants I do plan on running just 2 plants to the 4x8 and training across the tent or each taking up a 4x4 area again on my autopots with the 25 gal res. It was really ideal with the auto watering but it’s all in the timing getting things to get to that point. So any thoughts on a good foliar spray? I know jaws posted above he uses foliar cal nitrate and magnesium

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@JAWS would you please share with me what foliar sprays you use? Also can I use the same sprayer as my IPM to apply these or will it cause issues? I always wash my cannafogger out after every use but I know some things just don’t mix. Using lost coast plant therapy, athena, azamax, and suffoil-x in a weekly rotation. I have some cal mag now by botanicare I could try and use as a foliar?

Update time. I went ahead and did some trimming of the bottom canopy. Anything not in the light or net got trimmed out. Unless 89 NL5 is an amazing plant I won’t be keeping her because once I trimmed her back she had like 4 big branches in the canopy so the yield will be rather weak and she was very short and squat the whole grow so not exactly ideal when the other 3 plants are all tall. After trimming I did some supercropping on the capjunky because she’s massive. I couldn’t help but laugh because someone had mentioned capjunky had a small yield but she’s the biggest plant in the tent and also the most hungry. I went ahead and hit the 4x8 with a cal mag foliar to see how they liked it and I’ll check in on them today but I’ll probably top the big 4 plants (donutz triploid 1-3 and PUDC) next Tuesday. I need to quit taking mothers because my mother tent is gonna be packed but ever since I got the tent I hate the idea of throwing away a clone that produce some super fire smoke so im trying to hold onto clones of the plants I’m growing until I can test product to see what is or isn’t a keeper. In the face off tent things are looking great 4 females and 4 males. I’ve been trying to visit that tent last everyday and make good habits for when the pollen sacks open. Ive even got a carbon filter it’s exhausting to with a pre filter over it that’s black to see if any pollen is getting out. Besides that I’m super tempted to scrap the breeding project with the face off because those clones are super finicky and unless the bud is phenomenal like the gary payton was then I’ve lost interest with the strain. I get that the main thing is learning the strain and dialing it in but the phenotypes aren’t being very forgiving on this batch I got 3 very finicky plants #5, #6, and #3 that are always an issue. Not only that but I’m excited to start the banana trainwreck project so I’m trying to be patient and not jump the gun. Lastly I made us of my old cut up trellis net outside to help support the blackberry bushes that were 3ft into the lawn lol