Check out my perpetual grow!

Here is the face off tent. I opened it up and the males were going crazy very vigorous! Had to trim it back some and supercrop more branches the males are starting to blow their load so im glad I formed a habit of visiting that tent last but now I’m gonna have to get used to changing clothes and showering after I’m done to be 110% safe. After waiting what seems like 2 months the ATW seeds are finally restocked on GLG so i took some money i had set aside and snagged them up


I just wanted to share this with everyone and say it made me smile from ear to ear seeing this message! It feels great to help others and we should do it more often! I was so happy to know that my measly $20-$40 actually helped make a big difference at the end of the day. Bonus points I found the post on here of course so thank you for helping me help others within this great community


In other news I got in a surprise shipment for my wife today and let her open it. She was rather happy. I got her some more shroom chocolate bars from my friend to stockpile in the corner of the deep freezer. New packaging looks super cool


Today im gonna do a photodump along with my update. Starting off we have the face off 1-8 in the 4x8. Some look like crap and others are coming back nicely. Then we have the 4 big plants in there the 3 donutz triploids and PUDC. Once one of these banana OG clones get roots in the cloner to reset my mom I’ll clean out the cloner and top all 4 of those plants to keep around till I get to the end product and see if any are worth keeping. Next we go to the 5x5 and im really impressed with the smell of capjunky it’s right up my alley! Like a very sweet bakery smell with berries at the end and juat makes me drool! I did notice while the others are still packing on weight she (capjunky) stalled for a bit (probably because I supercropped every single one of her branches) so im hoping to see her start packing on the weight in these coming weeks. The ILGM Gelato is surely a chunky girl she might have the biggest harvest but I didn’t smell her or 89 nl5. The stardawg corey has a strong chemical smell followed by the skunk blast and it reminded me a bit of my chemtek I was a fan of but the chemical smelled on stardawg corey leaned more towards burning rubber than the new pool floaty vinyl smell the chemtek had. Either way I’m excited to see what they have to offer and the canopy is staying rather even so I don’t have many complaints besides a few burnt tips I’m starting to notice all around but it’s the worst on 89 NL5. How would one correct that less nitrogen (part b jacks 321) and more pk (part a and epsom salt jacks 321)? Anyways next we have the mother tent. The big plants in the back are either already cloned or will be getting cloned very soon in this next batch. It’s a bit more overgrown than I’d like and I still have to add the 8 face off mothers and 4 more mothers for the 4x8 when I top those so I gotta get things under control this next few weeks. Lastly we have the face off tent and it seems i did a miscount. I have 5 females and 3 makes but the males are so vigorous they’ve been getting supercropped about every week and are taking up a lot of space and I got confused. The males are blowing their loads left and right so I visit that tent last amd shower after just to play it safe. I’m so ready to be done with this face off run but I’m trucking thru in hopes it’s worth all my struggles like gary payton was. I’m so eager to start my next project but I still need to get a better grasp on how to select for breeding and more about breeding which I have multiple friends helping me with but I’m very stubborn and lack the proper knowledge to understand why some would just throw out 80 out of 100 in a phenohunt so im very grateful my friends are helping me. I’m sure there has been multiple times they are like come on dude it’s common sense lmfao @Hotrods_and_hounds @ItsintheGenetics


Was that a question? But learning to balance your feeds and what pushes what just comes with time and trial and error. There’s some good books on fertilizer and the effects of each out there. Personal I would look at some agricultural books they have a solid base.

Yes this was a question about burnt leaf tips @Hotrods_and_hounds

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Gotcha if the tips are burnt then back up the feed a touch like 10% or so. Burnt tips lets you know where your limit is.

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Are these plants in coco just now getting burnt tips in flower? Are they on drippers or hand watered?

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I’ll dilute the remaining water by 10%. Just watered 2 of the plants in the 5x5 today

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Yep coco coir and I saw the issues pop up in the past week but the burnt tips are just now starting to be on almost every leaf but faint

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Do you hand water them or have them on a schedule with drippers or something?

On the capjunky she is getting fed full strength veg water and 3 ml per gal added cal mag. The other 3 are just full strength with 10% diluted part B. I hand water them about every 2-3 days right now

Water them everyday and multiple times per day if possible. It’s just drying out too much. No need to adjust feed strength.

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Well I can’t water multiple times a day I’m far too busy for that. If I’m watering daily they will go into the autopot trays and ill hookup the 25 gal reservoir but they aren’t quite there yet. I could try to water sooner


If I wanna get rrally crazy I could get a wifi controlled hose timer and setup bottom feed irrigation to go off at certain times thru the autopot reservoir to water multiple times a day I just hate things that could fail. With the autopot system it would have a fail safe at least because the autopot trays have float valves so you can’t overfill and flood your tent

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I’m looking at 3 options. Would be a cool addition if I have the room


Okay brother, I will tell you the clone face off’s need more calmag. Anytime you see the darker lines towards the middle of the leaf and it goes lighter. That is a calmag issue. I wouldn’t touch anything in that tent except adjust the calmag. The one’s that have the yellow tips in flower, read the npk across the mix you use. All you want to dial back is the 1st number. Don’t do anything crazy, we just want less nitrogen. What weeks of flower are you in?

@ItsintheGenetics 4x8 with face off 1-8, donutz triploid 1-3, and PUDC are still in veg. 5x5 is day 29 (week 4) and the face off breeding tent is day 23 (week 3). All in canna coco coir with no perilite added. Jacks 321 nutes (part a, epsom salt, and part b), armor si silica, and liquid cal cal mag 3-5 ml per gal

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Up your calmag in veg a bit more and keep everything the same in veg.

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I’m not personally familiar with Jack’s but it’s pretty easy from what I heard but I think most only use 1 part throughout a grow. Like I said I’m not familiar with it too much but that’s something I would like to hear about. The burnt tips is a sign she is getting a bit too much nitrogen brother. You can water down the mixture a little bit but I wouldn’t do a major change. I re-read again and seen your in week 4 in one tent. That’s where the burnt tips are? Around week 4-5 is when you start lowering your “veg” nutes and start increasing your "bloom"nutes to push the weight. Depending on the estimated flower time, your right on time brother.

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