Check out my perpetual grow!

I appreciate all the input @ItsintheGenetics and @PatHealy! I’ll try to get it corrected tonight and hopefully next week they look better. Good morning as well! Hope everyone is having a great day so far!


Morning @HighTilliDie . :slight_smile:


Just noticed this thread. Right off, your plants look pretty good from here. I’m 100% with @Emeraldgreen here. I’m far from being a great grower, but do ok. My last run was 9 plants packed in a 4x4. 4 strains. If I have one looking off, I’ll hit with a foliar a couple times. 3-4 days apart. My go to foliars are CalNit and MagNit. Rarely has that not been sufficient.
Your plants responded to what you’ve done I see. This is a response to almost 2 weeks back. Just wanted to share what is a fairly easy solution. For me anyways.


Awesome thanks for the input @crownpoodle I appreciate it! Good afternoon @MoBilly! Sorry for the late reply we were at the springs again but this time with my daughters friend and both dogs. We had our hands full for sure but returned her friend with a full belly and ready to go to sleep. After 6 hours of playing in the creeks she says can I go home and im like sure hun when she’s like I’m tired now I’m like oooohhhhh yeah let’s get packed up then lol. Her parents were happy to have her ready for bed coming home at 5pm haha

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I moved around all the face off flower tent ladies because a friend told me that all the males were in the left and females on the right and they were worried about the far right not getting pollinated so I rearranged the males to make a triangle over the females and a male be touching every female for the best odds. Come week 5 ill move the fan up to the top canopy for a day or 2 before cutting the males down and I’ll save some pollen from my favorite male #1 for future projects


I found that beautiful water this time at the springs!


I just want to go swimming right now in the worst way! lol
Beautiful spot.


One of my spots

You found an amazing place also


I have one of those spots. If I can get down off the ridge I’ll post a pic of our spring. It’s small but it’s my perfect quiet place for R&R. The road is washed out so I can’t even get the tractor down there now but I have been thinking about trying to walk the path down to the bottom. We’ll see. :slight_smile: I miss that spot.


Good morning everyone! Man @MoBilly you talking about tractors reminds me I want to try and get one at my grandmas. Was looking at a base model Kubota with a dozer bucket and backhoe attachment but prices nowadays are wild over 10-20k. Makes me want to fix the old tractor at her house it was my Grandpas but it’s been sitting longer than I’ve been alive and has a tree growing thru it now


I’ve been amazed before when I saw someone pull a dinosaur tractor out of a field… and just a little prep before starting and the danged old things just fire up like it was in use yesterday. Those old tractors were built to last.

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It’s a very old tractor from the 1900s. My grandma wants it gone and told one of her mechanic farmer neighbors she would sell it to then for $500 but they never came and got it and my cousin want to take it from my grandmas and flip it and keep the cash its so frustrating like they need that around the farm and if you were to sell it give the money back to grandma ya jack! It seems like I’m the only one in the family helping my grandma and her husband anymore and it’s beyond frustrating when people line up to have pool parties at their house when no one ever helps and then they are like hey Sam why don’t you stay around for our parties and it’s like because yall are ungrateful that’s why. Too many users in families nowadays. Maybe I’m a old soul stuck in a young body because I love how things were back in the 1900s with the old cars, trading, finances. Oh well I’ll still do what I can to help my elders live their best life even if 98% of my family is crap


My Long tractor was built in the 50’s. It still runs like the thief that didn’t know you own four Rottweilers.
Like I said “built to last”. lol


Video updates today


Mother tent


You keep your mother’s fairly large. How many cuts do you need generally? That little guy in the solo cup is huge


I’m just lazy with my mother tent is all lol. For a while I was doing handouts with all my extra cuts just to help out others but the cold and hot weather started to get to my clones I was shipping so now I’m dialing in the best time to ship and for the most part just shipping to friends or anyone who might ask. I’d keep them smaller if it could be done with less trimming and without needing to eater daily but ive found the 1 gallon is a perfect way to go as they onky need watered every 3 days or so and I can trim as needed


Video updates again today. It’s just a bit easier and I haven’t been feeling great. This damn sore throat gas gone on for 2 weeks then I really ticked it off with some hot wings and had a inflamed tonsil in the right side and ever since it’s been hurting. Stopped smoking last night because it just hurt too much and I couldn’t sleep at night. Making some edibles to take now instead to try and ease this pain until I get set up at my new job and have a day off then if the issues are persistent I’ll go to the doctor finally but I’m really hoping it just goes away on its own. My grandma said come here I’ll get a cotton swab and some turpentine. I’m like does that work and she’s like yeah if you wanna apply it ever few hours and it’s so nasty it will make you gag and im like ehh no thanks. She said back in the country in Kentucky they didn’t go to doctors according to her mom and you would try old wife remedies. I’m good on that tho lmao


Yummy infused blueberry muffins! Don’t mind I have one lol


I’ve been slacking on updates and haven’t been on my own thread nearly as much but thats because I’ve recently got a new job (now in the steelworkers union 8139) and I’ve been working OT everyday and opted to work Saturday which I’ll be doing for a while probably as I just had my wife quit her job to be a stay at home mom. My wife does have an account here and I’ll see if she wants to post pictures and updates to ask for help or keep people updated otherwise I might just do updates 1x a week as this job is rather physically demanding and im wore out at the end of the day. @SparkUp is my wife and she’s been doing a kick ass job taking care of the plants lately with my first week of work it’s just been her taking care of everything. She used to hate gardening and now she cares for 4 different tents with close to 30 plants at the same time. It’s a lot to manage at times but she’s been watching and learning with me along the way since we started almost 4 years ago now


Anyways here is the update. We have the 4x8 1st. Pineapple upside down cake (PUDC) to the left and then the rest are donutz triploids. The PUDC is starting to show more signs of what I believe to be a nitrogen deficiency according to what I’m reading in my book (the cannabis encyclopedia by Jorge Cervantes). I’m getting ready to flip this tent to flower I just want to try and fill the tent side to side as much as possible and get PUDC happy like the rest of the plants. Next we have the mother tent which we reset just about all our mothers except the back 3 at this point. We recently moved in the face off clones and decided not to keep the males around and I accidentally killed #2 female at the same time thinking it was a male (lol should of labeled them better) so I have 4 females of that around now and im really thinking #5 will be the female I keep because she’s done the best and had a nice fruity smell in veg now while the rest don’t have any sort of smell. Now the face off breeding tent day 50 of flower. I’m not sure how long your supposed to let the seeds mature after pollination so maybe @ItsintheGenetics @Emeraldgreen or @JustANobody would know some more to share with me from previous experiences. If you see the video of the last breeding tent I shared #4 in front left had some questionable branches. Well due to the tight spacing and no where to put the heater I guess the heater literally cooked the branches and it had spots where it dried the stem. It wasn’t rotted it was literally dry and the main stem is looking like that too but only 1 branch looked dead and drying and I cut the other one that didn’t look good but don’t have high hopes for that plant and made sure my heater wasn’t on any other stems. Lastly the 5x5 day 56 of flower. I’ll be having @SparkUp check trichomes next week as I believe 89 NL5 is supposed to be a fast flowering strain? I’ll say now I don’t like ILGM Gelato it started to foxtail and juat smells like a watered down capjunky so I cut the mother down as well as I have the actual gelato 33 cut which I believe is what ILGM was trying to imitate. I’m not sure to what to think of 89 NL5 or stardawg corey yet but I know I’m really excited for capjunk because she’s my favorite of the bunch just so frosty and pretty! Last picture is my seeds I recently recieved in from @Pakistanvillages. I got the quetta queen and tirah garde and can’t wait to grow them!