Cheetos Test and how it works

Aloha! Do you all know the Cheetos Test? If not here is all the Cheetos Test means. Go right now and grab one of those little bags of Cheetos you got in your pantry for the last 2 months. Seriously grab it. Now eat it. How stoned you are is directly related to how well you are enjoying the cheetos. From Blah this is boring on my teeth when you are sober, to OMG This is the perfect flavor when high, you can guage just how high you are and if you should go out by how much you love that bag of Cheetos. If the cheetos are OK, you’re good, head out. If the Cheetos are amazing, take up a seat and put on a Marvel movie (or series) cause you should probably chill for a while.

Any foods similar to the Cheetos test where when sober they are quite boring but when high they are amazing?


Wtf? Lol.
I’m pretty sure I enjoy the shit outta cheetos anytime anyplace. Though its probably because I don’t eat them often. Junk food. :stuck_out_tongue:


Lol cheese…

When I’m like “meh, this cheese is ok” I’m probably not stoned …

If I’m sitting with a whole block and a knife, it’s probably not best to leave the house lol


I don’t crazy and boring food when high. I love the same food sober and high. Cheetos are always amazing.

:green_heart: :seedling:


cold smoked pepper jack. goddamn its good when buzzed.


My cultivated palate only allows enjoyment of artisan puffs made from extinct corn varieties excavated from egyptian tombs sprinkled with a powdered cheese made by nuns. Yall just peasants.



Slim Jim. When you eat one on the norm ehh there good. But when you got those glazed donut eyes, that slim Jim is like a flavor explosion of something that may have or will be abused in the future. I find myself snapping into a slim Jim every great while :rofl:


Teriyaki beef and rice too. So fucking good stoned as all hell!


Anything I can get my hands on. Cheese toast topped with honey. I’m thinking of Chester’s.

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Wakeup call, I may need to take a Cheetos tolerance break.

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Stale cheetos and cotton mouth don’t play nice together :yum:


im 58 and finally figured out why my gramps always had cheese and crackers right befor bedtime :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:and yes he wwould sit out on the porch and smoke a pipe right before coming in for the night


I have the counterpart…
It is with the “Huesitos”… a chocolate snack… when high it is not as good as normal. It becomes very “dry” and is dissapointing

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