Chefs and Foodies - Post Your Favorite Recipes (bonus points for pics)

Wife’s lunch tonight
zucchini,mushrooms Chinese eggplant garlic
And salmon teriyaki just put the veggies in a tinfoil tent salt and pepper little bit of olive oil,into the oven for
30 minutes I m going to make myself some beef curry tonight


I get a “denver steak” for about 4 bucks a pound. That’s a small narrow chuck steak.
it’s grass fed organic beef, local to my state.

Anything with a bone in it is cheap here.
For some reason in this town, people are afraid of meat with bones in it. Grown men order chicken fingers in this town. It’s fucking hilarious.

Air chilled organic free range chicken legs and thighs are only 2.00 a pound with bone and skin, compared to $6 a pound for boneless skinless thighs. Breasts with skin and rib are also a lot cheaper than boneless skinless. Air chilled organic whole chickens can occasionally be found very cheap for the same reason.

So my theory is that the price of cuts really depends on local tastes.
Cuts of meat really vary a lot from city and city, or state to state. For instance, I haven’t been able to get tri-tip since I left california.


Lol pussies
Everything in San Francisco is expensive,I have found skirt steaks and flat irons in Safeway for dirt cheap their badly trimmed but that’s fine I’ll trim it myself for that price,lot cheaper than at the shop I work at lol


Been in the cooking game longer than my real job. Cut my own steaks, make my own sausages, all around the kitchen, my specialty is outside tho on the grill and I make my rubs and sauce. Just a couple of pix


Great thread by the way


I’m terrible on a grill
I don’t even own a bbq,I don’t think there allowed in my apartment block,I’m making home made sausages at the minute little side gig ,little extra money never hurt


Maple cured and applewood (hot) smoked pork belly (aka, Bacon for you heathens) :slight_smile:

It’s not difficult and it varies depending on how you plan on curing and smoking. Calculators are available on line. For instance:

You need to plan ahead to cure the belly for several days in the fridge.

Here’s a general plan and guide:


Looks good most bacon in Europe is from the back,
Not the belly like the states

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Oh, we do both. And, they are both delicious.

Back bacon is typically called ‘canadian bacon’ here in the states. A particular cut from the loin.

Perhaps not as popular as belly bacon but it is also available in most stores. More lean than the belly. Lovely fried.

Partially rendered and crispy fat is quite good as well.


I didn’t know that, I work in a butcher shop here in Cali I’ve worked in shops and slaughterhouses in Ireland there’s an Irish shop up the street from me lol they sell bacon and black pudding and chocolate
Mmmmmmmm chocalate that’s my weakness


In Australia it is called middle bacon,
or sometimes rasher bacon, this heathen is quite fond of anything starting with the letter bacon :yum:
Speaking of which @Northern_Loki that belly looks spectacularly deliciosso :ok_hand:

@Indoornesian looks great that’s my kind of feast, meat flavoured meat.
Was this done in a grill, smoker?
I’m drooling here… What’s for lunch :laughing:


This way you don’t have to name it.
giphy (10)


This is a regular thing in my area…


There’s alot of Italian recipes on here. I find myself simply eating ragu by itself; warmed like soup or with bread. Tasty.


Anyone got any good veggie dishes lol,wife looking to cut down on the meat ,she still like a bit of sausage if you know what I mean

Anywayz back to the veggie dishes,she will eat any kind of veggies,I don’t want to be giving her soup all the time

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I like Italian food and women,use to be some great Italian restaurants in San Francisco before this Covid bullshit hit,take away food is just not the same
As sitting down to eat it there,

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Covid has screwed so many things. I have the joy of working in 3 hospitals. I am a grill it and eat by the fire guy. Sometimes I just cook right on the fire. Than again I still practice hand drill techniques so I guess I am old school. Like 10000 BC old school.


My Aunt is Italian. One of those real stout stocky women… Yeah I love me some pizza.


Ok here’s a good recipe. Not too sure on the ingredients though.
So it’s a whitish pizza, so it’s got that damn white sauce…but

Prosciutto, onions, blue cheese, and figs on that damn white sauce with a provolone/mozzarella/feta cheese blend. Kinda like a Hawaiian pizza but so much more sophisticated…and alot better. It’s the blue cheese and the figs that make it.

I worked in a pizza place they used ranch dressing for white sauce pizza lol

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Worked for Tyson beef plant as a lab chemist For about 6 years before moving to Colorado, I was doing all sorts of testing on anything and everything that came off cattle never was the line cutter but Iv come to realize the importance of good sharp knives over time!

Oh the amount of dried bonemeal and dried blood we tested and yes that shit went home in 5 gallon buckets ! all free! The meat/bonemeal is what made shit grow like crazy in NE!

Over 2000 head a day were tomorrow’s steaks!