Chefs and Foodies - Post Your Favorite Recipes (bonus points for pics)

I got the mild for my girls and the Scotch bonnet sauce, I have never tried it but I like this sauce…

Too much is like putting a hot coal in your mouth, I kid you not!


I saw something that made my skin crawl yesterday :scream:

Prawns/shrimp and chicken don’t belong in cans, it’s just plain wrong :laughing:


I’ve never had canned shrimp, but I make a yummy crab dip out of canned crab. :man_shrugging:

The idea that they’re “baby prawns” is more unsettling for me because I’m guessing they’re the ones that died too soon in one of those disgusting shrimp farm operations. They belong in cat food, at best.


Couldn’t agree more…


Every time I here prawns it makes me think…


Aussie, not Pommy :laughing:
Chuck another Prawn on the Barby…
That’s more accurate :rofl:

I haven’t been to Jamaica for quite a few years but that sure looks like the jerk sauce I used to get there.
Just add chicken then on the barrel grill. :yum::+1:


This is gonna be AWESOME!..

Gave all of the frames to my friend for fish stock and soup, a great weekend was had by all…
Except the guy that didn’t listen and had too many ‘vitamins’ :wink:

Good vibes, keep it green

:v::green_heart: :smiley:


Actually I put it on Salmon and it was phenomenal.


There’s always one and they never make that mistake again.


Sure seafood, chicken, pork. Great flavour!

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It’s my day off,
so I loaded up on edibles and vape…

Severe case of the munchies follows…

Couldn’t decide between garlic prawns/shrimp and pasta

So I had both…

And sinse Mrs Enlightened isn’t home, there’s no one to get cranky at me,
so I may as well enjoy myself :laughing:

Why stop at garlic prawn pasta,
when I can have beef fillet too :yum::drooling_face:

Bona fide streaks from licking my plate clean



Looks delicious brother. :+1:
The plate streaks are proof that it was. :joy::joy:

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man i just found this thread and im in love… im gonna have to give several of these a go

and i really love the pics of the kitchen knives thrown in because
the love of a good knife is a love that lasts a lifetime and i dig seeing what other ppl use in their kitchens.

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Awesome! I was hoping this thread would come back to life! If you’ve got any recipes that you’d like to share, definitely post 'em, @CornbreadJunior!

I’ve making stews and gumbos because I love that sort of comfort food during the cold winter months, but they don’t make for very interesting recipes (though my roux is certainly worth showing off - imho :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

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Show us your roux !!!
I only make enough to last throughout the year! I use it with braised short ribs, oxtails, and basically anything needing a dark gravy.

Seafood gumbo and a few jarred roux


lol…“only” :laughing:

But if your jars are full of only roux, we’re on the same page. Most people don’t take it past the peanut butter color, but I go for the color you do. It takes me hours to do it, and as you know, it’s a lot of whisking - but it’s worth it.

I never thought about making so much at once and storing it, but it’s a great idea! Same amount of work, but the payoff is 5 fold, or more!


Here I am at two hours in. I use 5lbs of flower and a gallon of canola oil.

You know exactly how to make the best flavinoid in roux, I can tell by your description of it. Color is the key

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Recipes To follow…

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Wow - yours is so thiccc!!

I also use canola oil, but never in the quantity that you make! I made some a few days ago, and I started with 3 cups of flour and 1 pint of canola oil. It may have started off that thick, but thinned out a bit within the first hour of whisking.

I think I have TV chefs to thank for my knowledge! Paul Prudhomme & Emeril Lagasse. But as you know, once you taste and smell a dark roux, you know it’s worth the time and effort.

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