Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

SRDD x D95 (big)

Also I want to show you a plant F2 D95#7 x D95 (Big)
In general, most F2 plants have the structure of the mother #7, but they also have a smell, it is very lemon, lime, somewhere far pine. But I would like to get on the #7 more smell from “Big”, such as it has #3 (the smell of a felt and cat tray).
I drank it again D95 (Big) and plan to get seeds / d95#7 x d95 (big) / x d95 (big) see what will come out of this …
The plant f2 chose the structure of the cone, the amount of resin and, of course, the smell. similar to clone #7

Do not berate me strongly for the empty appearance of the plant. Them too much for this time. And the task was to choose from more plants. This task was handled well, the necessary plant was found.
Soon I will also show the plant CQSM#3 x D95 (BIG), which was also selected for re -pollination D95 (BIG).


dude that’s an AMAZING fade you got going on there, and well your pics are super clean.

very very nice work my friend …


Thank pleased to hear!


Big compliment from @JAWS

I agree with him, beautiful photos


I love those SRDD crosses, they just look so unique! Awesome! I love the idea of the Cherry Queen Space Monkey though as I know those are DANK AF!


yes srdd is quite a unique strain and great breeding material… the effect is also capable of surprising.
cherry queen - the main failure of 2022!
I opened the package and sent half to a guy I met here. I got all the men from the rest of the seed. so I haven’t tried CQ till now !!!
6 sprouts of c99 x cherry queen are growing now, let’s see what will come of them…

sm x cq - I don’t even know what to expect from them in terms of effect, but the smell will definitely be poisonous :wink:


@Shevchenko sunflowers started… beautiful…
D95 and her crosses next on list…:rainbow:


That’s a big part of the reason I need to pop some, with my ongoing skunk project there’s certain STANKS I’m looking for atm and playing with combinations etc. There’s a few things you sent I need to look through for that project. I also have a nice package here for you as well brother. Got some of everything I’ve made the last 6-7 years and other stuff I’m certain you will enjoy looking through :facepunch:t2:

How goes the struggle over there brother?
I actually lost power yesterday morning and it was freeezing here, even in my house. My wife and I were both bitching, freaking out after I got up and realized. After a few minutes i said “know what it could be so much worse babe, imagine if we were in the Ukraine right now, power outages, cold, bombs, loss of civil rights and on and on…. We are blessed, for real “


I’m out of likes atm but here’s a few :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Those are gorgeous, here we have 2 feet of snow and -8 temperatures so thank you for sharing! I wish !


this sunflower plant from seed i sent?
sunflower - a plant of the sun, a plant of peace!!!
very cool, thank you for the photo, very nice!!!
I hope the D95 crosses will be as cool as sunflowers and have fire in them!


yes, unfortunately such is human nature, we begin to appreciate something only when we lose …

as for your project, tell me what you’re looking for and I’ll try to tell you which cross to look for…


I also had cold and problems here, even if minor. Last week the door froze and I pulled off my doorknob. Oh well, the lock was shitty anyway. Today the door froze again, it’s a new doorknob so I am trying to not break it!

In the end I got it open and put vaseline on the jamb. But gosh, the cold causes problems for us all doesn’t it :sweat_smile:

1 Like

Most definitely my other brother. First it was my car, then the power, your door , and my dad lost power the other day too. It truly wreaks havoc on so much


nature is stronger than us, that’s for sure…
but the @Skyf is not cold :wink:


I’m very lucky
We have year round beautiful weather
Winter actually my favorite time…but nothing compared to what some of you guys deal with.


I love winter, I just don’t love the problems it brings


Starcube (in the new boxing)

It may seem ridiculous but this is a fact: in Ukraine Mars-Hydro products costs twice as much as!
On the site in the states the price of awning 4 x 8 - 209.99 And I bought in Ukraine - 418.33

Light will look for some other because the price is also very different
FC -E6500 - In the States 569.99 And I have 945,94 (with discounts 804)

SRDD x D95

WW xxl auto

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


There he is! I was just thinking about you and :dash: POOF :dash: you appear! Looking gorgeous as always my brother! I’m really liking the look of those starcube more and more as they progress ! Really nice plants all around


Great work, looks beautiful!


I am also glad to see you!
Yes, Starkub is very cool …
He amazes me pleasantly. Unlike some varieties, he began to form a resin a little late, but when he started - he does it very intensely … The plant begins to be covered with resin … I seem to me already see phenotypes … If the second half of the flowering of the plant will not bring surprises , I will leave #6 and #2
I will make seeds with all the plants, but I will only leave 2 women and hold for some time the boy … I will see that he brings to crosses …

@HappyGoLucky21 thank you!