Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Triangle, sfv, irene, bubba, pink, Tahoe

Possibly in that order

The thing is, I have not smoked enough or grown enough

Right now, my sweetheart is irene

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Ya these are the ones I was referring too. I wrote what was written on the pot.

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@InTheWoods Yes, my friend, it’s my mistake … Some markers don’t wash away from porous plastic even a solvent.
SRDD x D95 - (Snow Ripper x Chem DD f3) x (Chem D bx4 x i-95)


I am curious, why do you say brightest, this word specifically?

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Like the stars in the sky are good all, but one is the brightest …

In addition, I still use a translator, so maybe something is wrong …


I do not think something is wrong. It is either your cool phrase, or a saying common in ukraine. I was asking because I was interested and wanted to clarify


I feel like my top answer of triangle kush was correct, because many people say it is the king of potency, and Nspecta of CSI Humboldt, I believe, said he has found many other OG Kush phenos like Josh D/Ghost in the TK s1s.

I believe, personally, that Tahoe is a chem 91 s1 and Irene is a bubba s1. Fletcher of Archive thinks a lot of cuts like loompas headband etc are just ORGNKID og kush s1s. So if ghost is a s1 of triangle and loompas headband is a s1 of ghost, that means triangle is the one!

But also bubba

Also many confusing stories and theories


Thank you, for the answer!
So, of course, I am interested in genetic origin, but I have long realized that the truth (facts) is not found here …
But my question was purely practical.
Indeed, OG/KUSH is a whole era, and indeed for a while, the OG/KUSH console had almost all varieties around, regardless of whether they had a genetically ratio.
I tried some crosses og/kush and it turned out to be different in everything. And different as plants (structurally), and different in terms of odors, tastes, effects …
so I am the squeezing opinion of others whom they consider “that one” og/kush

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I definitely gave it that consideration, and that is why I said I give special mention to irene

But like you said, it was a whole Era. I want to see more

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Also to me, I agree that “the truth” is not found easily
But to me, the answer is in when growers like Nspecta make s1s of Chem 91, TK and we can do the same and inspect these plants, or the seeds from the plants,
We can observe patterns and over time, get sort of a picture…

For example,
What is chemdog?
Obvious answer is dogbud, but what is dogbud? Do we trust these people? What is chem d? Are chem 1 to 4 really from the same batch?

But, if you look broadly, dogbud was likely northern lights, which brings me to a similar question

What was Hindu kush?

Some people say bubba and Hindu kush are related if I recall, maybe a Hindu s1

Hindu has some connection to NL2 etc

I know a guy who ran some nl2 from Todd, he said he saw the connection to og kush, smells, buds, etc

Tahoe is considered a strong og kush by many, but if it’s a chem 91 s1, how can that happen?

My answer is above, that Hindu kush and Northern lights resulted in both these chem and og lines somehow, and that is why they seem so closely related

I am pretty stoned and it’s 3 am and I’m just typing this off the cuff pretty much but what I’m saying is
If you grow the cuts, the parents, the s1s, the progeny, you can seem to observe these patterns

That or I’m just full of shit :rofl:

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Ha-ha, third o’clock in the morning, and Irene has not yet put you in bed!
I have 10am!


It is because i took my ADHD medication, one pill when I woke up, and half a pill a few hours later, and I woke up late. Lately I take it to get more things done, but it does change when I sleep, sometimes late, sometimes long, sometimes short… but I am getting more things finished despite the depression of winter


So what I mean is, it keeps me alert… ish

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I understand what you mean, but I am not interested in genetic identity and origin.
I am interested in subjective perception … What is the cross is OG/Kush in the understanding of a particular person!

I hope your depression will retreat and you will be OK!
I do the opposite, if I feel depressed states, anxiety, sleep problems - then I stop taking anything that can affect my mental state.
This allows me to arrange work and home, to adjust the mind.
Only after recovery I allow myself to return to my favorite activities …
We are all different!


I definitely understand this point of view. For me, it is different because I find myself to have a functional addiction to cannabis to help with my autism. In a way, I find it to be my medicine, because there is a deep need to overthink and be simulated, sometimes this is useful and I can occupy my mind, but lots of the time it is having me on edge and giving me anxiety. Cannabis reduces this overthinking and can resolve anxiety, but can give different sorts of anxiety. So I learn how to use it as my medicine, but also my drug.

On the doctors medicine side, I take anti depressant because it has a noticeable effect on my mood. When I do not take it, I become easily emotional, and do not let go of these feelings, even if harmful to oneself. With medication, I find it easier to say, my heart and mind deserve to focus on good things, to myself and let go of hurt feelings or other feelings.

With the adhd medication, I notice a considerable difference, because with depression and my autism, I have things like “executive dysfunction” and “pathological demand avoidance” which basically mean because of my issues and history, I spend a lot of time coping, which looks like relaxing, and avoiding things in the fear that they will stress me out or end badly, which builds up background stress because ignoring things ends with bad results. The medication helps me because I am more eager to do things, instead of pathologically avoiding them


So I say that we are all different! In addition, the circumstances within us and those that surround us are also different …
What works for me does not have to work for you, and the other way around!
I hope you are OK!


I am doing well. But I enjoy the opportunity to explain why it works for me. A lot of people share useful information on social media that I learned from. It made me realize a lot of things about myself and I like to share things I find insightful with others. The path forward is to acknowledge that i am different, need support, and that to overcome longterm trauma I must take care of myself and surround myself with people who will respect my needs. Many autistic people experience trauma because of unfair expectations or treatment. They are punished for falling behind socially. So to overcome this, this trauma is recognized and dealt with instead of ignored.

So, I knew there was a good reason I stayed home and grew weed, but finding out the reason is helpful :slight_smile:

After a lot of journeying and self improvement, I feel like I am in a good place. Especially because of friends like you and others here


incredibly nice to hear that!
It is great when we share not only the experience of growing or something like this, but also personal experience … It can help others … and helps you feel better when you share and help others!
For this we are here to take and give.


Quick update

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Out of likes atm
Everything looks awesome! Those buds are starting to swell nice now! Gotta be getting STINKY in there! Wicked