Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

every day the smell is getting stronger…however, the smell is still sweet…I associate it with Afghani…don’t know why.


Happy new year @Shevchenko

Viva Ukrania

I see your garden is very good, very cool :sunglasses:

Good day


Afghani definitely has some sweet smells, but also some of my favourite raunchy phenos and terps!! I’m trying to get hands on some old landrace afghani stuff actually


The awning that does not receive attention at all … Once every two days it is watered and all!
I have already said that with the task of checking the new crosses with the influence of D95 (Big), he coped, even gave more expected - I managed to choose a couple of plants for back pollination.

In the tent:

  • (cheese quake x space monkey)#4 x ChemD bx4 x i-95 (big)
  • D95#7 f2 (ChemD bx4 x i-95)#7 x ChemD bx4 x i-95 (big)
  • (Snow Ripper x Chem DD f3) x ChemD bx4 x i-95 (big)

Black Sensi


More Cowbell and Alien Sourz

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Gorgeous brother! You know how I feel about the Chem d x I 95, I bet those are all awesome! Buds look real nice, especially for being neglected. That black sensi is intriguing as well, can’t wait to see those too! Hope you are doing well?


I remember your chem de la chem - very cool! But how do you relate to him I don’t remember :wink:
Do you like these immersion effects? I call his effect “deep” :upside_down_face:
At first, from Black Sensi I expected the wide Indi leaves, then looked at the photo Sensi Star and realized that I was wrong …
I will grow it wider and send it to bloom in a few days …


I enjoy it very much, it’s definitely a deep deep buzz, sleepy kind of, relaxes my muscles too. Sensi star is such a gem, she really is an old school masterpiece. Hope those black sensi are amazing


I personally did not treat Sensi Star but old friends say that it is a murderous smoke and stinking plants … I hope to see … And thank @MonsterDrank for the seeds!


Definitely! Sensi and Death Star are both favourites of mine from way back…. Trying to find Death Star actually forever


@MonsterDrank is a helluva guy . That’s awesome he sent you those.


Oh yeah the Strayfox Black Sensi!! I forgot about those. It’s supposed to be “Black Marshmallow x Vintage Sensi Star” according to the label. Hope they turn out good.


Oh I didn’t know those were from stray! That’s awesome, he’s become one of my new favourite breeders over the last couple of years, puts in mad work no question. Respect @MonsterDrank


very interesting cross, looking forward to the result of flowering!
if sensi star is really a star of the old school, then I don’t know much about black marshmellow… but that makes it even more interesting…


For some reason, the stars are not on my side … Of the 8 plants More Cowbell, only 3 girls …
Alien Sourz (Umami) - 4 plants have already been confirmed by boys and one girl, another plant has not been decided …
The MC boys at this stage are completely unrecognizable, but one of the boys AS I really like! It differs from other plants, it is low with a short distance between nodes, and with a huge fan leaves, on which the fingers are placed very tight! I did not grow plants from this line, so I cannot say which of the parents he went, but I really like it …
I do not want to keep unnecessary boys, after problems with light, and blooming all plants in the mother room and further Reveg. I left only stable plants and do not want to increase this park. Now D95#1, Starcube, Friesland. All others are destroyed.


Large round pots - Black Sensi (3 pcs.)
Small and square - More Cowbell (3 pcs.), Alien Sourz (1 pc) have already transplanted into larger pots but forgot to take a picture.
12/12 from today


My boys

Alien Sourz

Separately my favorite, it seems to me smell of sour apple

More Cowbell

They are the same, the difference in a height of a few centimeters and all … Other indicators are identical.
It may be possible to cut them by leaving one branch, and I will transfer to reveg., so I will determine stable about the sex and leave someone else.

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Well that sucks, but it happens I suppose. Seems like it’s always when u really want a certain sex, it turns out the opposite :man_facepalming:t2: happens to me all the time lol.
Hope you are having a great weekend my brother


the only time I was really upset by the ratio of women to men was with the cherry queen.
6 out of 6 men and I haven’t even tried her.
it was lunchtime, but now it’s normal! there is someone to choose a husband from.


I’ve seen someone suggest that being rootbound or otherwise stressed increases the percentage of males. Can’t remember who. Not sure if it’s true or not.


To say honestly, I also believed that external conditions (such as the spectrum of light, duration of the day, size of pots, etc.) affect the gender of the plant … However, when I saw here at the forum that the laboratory test for the determination of sex From the first germ leaves - I changed my attitude. After all, this test denies the impact of dancing with a tambourine around the sprout on its gender …

As for the rooting of the roots (when it is tight) in small containers, it can affect flowering and the plants bloom even at 20/4.
I had a matter with this when I did not cut the roots in maternal plants for a long time.
The fact that it can affect gender - I have not heard … though who knows …