Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

@Redrum92 yes, from the place where we lived last week it was 800 meters to the minefields.
artillery is far from us, and for cruise missiles, distance does not matter…

@TopShelfTrees1, thank you, brother!


You had to move? Sorry to hear that.


What’s up brother, keep growing. I am moving Tahoe OG and Giesel back to my grow room today, with a new AC in there! I had to move the lights to the opposite side, so they would not blow hot air on the AC. My GMO clone is also recovering :slight_smile:

Just thought I would share with you, my friend


so glad to hear you are doing well too…thanks for sharing!
how do you like gmo? I plan to start your GMO x i-95 in the next cycle.
also received a gift from @MonsterDrank several bodhi packs among them dla 16, which I want to raise together with GMO-95 in one cycle… I have a small expansion planned now, I will replace the tent, because the lock on the old 90x90 is broken, I want to take 120 x 120 or even 150 x 150.


I like GMO a lot and want to grow it


U deserve it @Shevchenko. You were very nice to me when I was new & I can’t imagine how rough it’s gotta be living in Ukraine right now. I hope to see you do really well with that Raspberry Hashplant and the others.

Now that I know I can send you mail but it just takes a really long time… if u need any help getting Bodhi seeds in the future, just let me know and I’ll help any way that I can. It may take over 2 months but it eventually gets there. :laughing:


@MonsterDrank, So my friend, your letter made me nervous! Two weeks to Poland and then for more than 2 months in Ukraine. I already considered it lost. But getting it twice as much!
Thank you again!

Your Raspberry Hashplant I wanted to grow with some of the Blueberry varieties from @Tracker , which I started winning it in his draw from Okcalyxxxxx Blueberry Project.
Probably delicious combinations …


Friesland Indica from Super Sativa Seed Club
as well as pgo x c99


Very nice looking plants :pray: friesland indica is very interested. I have some oldtimers haze f2 from Super sativa club that will try in near future :wink: hopefully you find some interested stuff in those Bodhi packs. Especially those DLA 16 genetics :green_heart:

All the best :wink:


@Faithisyours, friend, thank you and sorry for the long pause …
Friesland Indica - I am also very interesting, diversity. I want to try both at my 50 latitude and in the awning under the lamp.

I once avoided Skunk genetics, and eventually I realized that I was wrong … Now I avoid the genetics haze, maybe I am mistaken for the second time :wink:
Haze makes me too tense and worried. But maybe I have not tried the necessary haze … Still, I treat him with distrust and caution.
Maybe I will try to grow something from haze, but the flowering of 16+ weeks is not very attracted to me …

I am sure that in every pack you can find something special … The main thing is that the seeds are made by love, and then with love grown … :green_heart:

chem D bx4 x i-95 #3



chem D bx4 x i-95 #7






:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


only haze i would suggest would be blue dream its a hybrid haze might be why it doesnt make people anxious or worried


Thank you for the hint! It’s very on time!
I got from @tracker his Dream 6 (is feminized. It’s Blue Dream (JD6 Cut) Reversed and Selfed). Thank him for them!
Certainly I will try them the most grateful time …
I also have half a pack of original ghost train haze #1 from rare dankness Seeds, though the seeds are stored for 7 years, maybe i’ll try to grow them in one cycle, for comparison with BD6


Looking great brother, glad to see you are well! Very nice , I figured sending you anything was a lost cause. Great to know, that’s an awesome pack @MonsterDrank respect :facepunch:t2: @Shevchenko those GMO x i95 from top Dawg? I have a pack here too as well as a pack from Chem Labs I plan on doing a nice big hunt. Tag me when you pop those, hoping we can run them close together and check out/compare expressions. Stay safe my Ukrainian brother :ukraine: :facepunch:t2:


Yes, my friend!
got them thanks to @leetdood when JJ agreed to give them as a replacement chem d bx4 …

I will let you know when I will start with them


Oh that was the replacement huh? Awesome! I love it, much respect to JJ and of course @leetdood that was a big thing he stepped up and did for you.


@leetdood presented me with a pack of Chem D BX4 X i-95 and when in the process of germination it turned out that half of the pack had not viable seeds, @leetdood wrote about it JJ and he sent as a replacement Gmo X i-95.
So I thank @leetdood three times:

  • For the opportunity to try chem d bx4
  • for a concern for replacement and correspondence with JJ
  • For the opportunity to try GMO
    Also fourth for all the accompanying trouble and care are associated with the first three …
    Great respect!

Gotta love gmo. Looking good


I have not even tried crosses with GMO, so I don’t know yet … But I am almost sure I would like it because I kept having a GSC for almost 10 years (I recently lost), and Chem D was just met and already pleasantly impressed. The combination of these two in GMO should be cool!


Finally finished organizing the seeds …

Today, when I worked with the remnants of Chem D X I-95 seeds #3, my wife came in and began to complain about the unpleasant smell.
She said she smells like a cat toilet in the house (although we have no cat).
She came brighter and said she was now smelling sweaty socks. After finding out that the smell would spread from D-95 #3 she said that she did not understand how this smell could be liked at all and drove me outside.

This is surprisingly, throughout the cycle #3 did not have unpleasant notes, and at the time of cut I identified it as fruit, sour, a little chemical …
#7 in different periods had unpleasant notes but not harsh …
I gave my wife to sniff the jar of #7, she says the smell is similar, but it has less ammonia (catpiss) and more smell of socks.


Awesome! Sounds great! That’s the D for sure! Look at those seeds! Very nice, you’re set for a long while!