Chem D Bx4 x I-95 by Top Dawg, Space Monkey crosses and others

Awesome! How are things in the Ukraine near you right now ?


What to say … constant missile shelling, almost every day …
By the end of last month, the family was in Kiev (children went to school and in kindergarten in the city) was very nervous. Although there are bomb shelters at school and in the garden, it is usually shelling at night.
Since the beginning of this month, children have been completed and we have been in the suburbs where we live permanently. This is the place that was previously occupied by the Russians. It is calmer here, although the explosions can be heard, but not as much as in the city.
I am used to and even sleep at night during the explosions.

What happened I would not even wish the enemy. More than 10 people have died of my friends, and if you just count acquaintances, the score goes to tens.

Here I try to look away from everything. And I do not want to draw attention. I could put my own photos and videos from which are creepy but I am not here … I am distracted by reading that life is going on somewhere. I will be uplifting to read about someone’s small problems (I do not want to offend anyone) … For example, poor marijuana in the store, or the means of protecting the store with marijuana lol, looking around it makes me smile!


:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Yeah… problems that we have here when everything is in peace and everyday things go around are so small in comparison that you expleined :worried: i wish that this nonsens ends quickly.

Stay strong and lots off peace and love :green_heart:


My small problem is… my knees hurt :slight_smile: i am getting older it seems

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haha lol it’s not just your problem, aging and knees are a human problem! and you hold on, I heard that together with the problem of the old man, all other problems go away too… :joy:



ChQ x SM #4


the last day of Pompeii…
photo before hardwest
let me remind, all plants are pollinated with ChemD bx4 x i-95 (big feno) pollen

Space Monkey #1 (orig.)

Cheese Quake (TGA) x Space Monkey#3 (plant #3)
the clone of this plant was thrown away, the cone was not dense enough and there were too many leaves.

Cheese Quake (TGA) x Space Monkey#3 (plant #1)
good structure of the cone and the plant as a whole, rather sticky and with an intense smell

Cheese Quake (TGA) x Space Monkey#3 (plant #4)
the most strongly smelling among the sisters, with a strong skeletal structure; cone - a stone with a large bag (interesting plant)

с99 #2

Snow Ripper x Chem DD f3
I have already written about this plant before, in the context of this post I can add that this combination with D-95 is very intriguing to me… two quite different plants in terms of effect, but both are very powerful. I will find out what the combination will be in the future.

12 monkey (Space Monkey #6 bx1 plant #6)
I also remove this plant from further work, despite the incredible smell and impressive amount of resin, the plant itself is quite weak… low yield, does not hold its small weight and needs tying. I’ve done quite a few crosses with her (I’m especially interested with Cherry Queen’s sire) so I think I’ve exhausted her and am letting her go.

Chem D bx4 x i-95 plant #3 (i-95 feno)
in the photo are the remains of the plant, I cut off the tops about 10 days ago (fearing that the tops will be too damaged after the forced move).

Chem D bx4 x i-95 plant #7 (D feno)
I have to admit that this is my favorite plant of the run… even though the plant showed signs of germs (all the female plants of this variety had them) in the first two weeks of 12/12, then those faults disappeared and have never been seen again. appeared (plants were visually inspected daily).
in everything else, the plant was at the highest level and took its place in my heart…

full report and summary to come later

p.s. @leetdood sent me a pack of GMO x i-95 that JJ provided as a replacement…
my friend, I sincerely thank you!


Everything looks STELLAR!!very nicely done my Ukrainian brethren, every single plants is just coated in trichomes ! That’s awesome JJ sent a replacement, see real breeders stand behind their work. That alone extra solidified Top Dawg for me 100% and I absolutely love their genetics as well


#7 winner winner chicken dinner

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glad to see @TopShelfTrees1
thank you for your interest!
the plants are a little upset about the move and should be happier, but the main goal (getting seeds) is achieved…
Top Dawg really is “Top”
and thanks to @leetdood I have the opportunity to get to know one more of their creations.


Can’t wait to see you grow them out as well. @leetdood really is awesome! Very cool of him to do that for you…… top notch


For a while, I hunted the Top Dawg equipment but unsuccessfully … Now there is such an opportunity! Damn, it’s cool!

How are your plants from the Chem line? I saw you a lot of them … Who are you betting in your race? @TopShelfTrees1 have you taken samples yet?


No samples yet but I’m itching to! Sorry I just saw this idk how I missed it :man_facepalming:t2: everything is doing great and very close! I’m in love with the Chem D, Chem De Lachem and big bad wolf the smells, the buds and the greasiness are all off the charts! Honestly though the motorbreath #15 and then those Soylent green from @JAWS have me sniffing and drooling every single time!


all your plants are absolutely gorgeous!
however, my absolute favorite among them is
big bad wolf!!!

looking forward to your review for all of them.

I haven’t had a chance to grow anything from @Jaws and have only heard good things about his work!
especially intrigued by chem4 x chem d, must be a killer combination….


Hi to all!
Sorry for the long absence, was on a business trip and even managed to relax with your family for a few days.

During this time, cut plants have dried - I do processing and tasting.

Two awnings are blooming now:

  1. In one two d - 95, two LPC, two cheese quacke x SM #3 (this was to be LPC awning however, with 8 plants there were only 2 girls, so I filled it with others).
  2. In another awning cycle for seeds:
    I want to get F2 Friesland Indica and several related crosses for both the street (for example Pgo/C99 X Friesland) and for Indoor - SM #1x Friesland; Field Trip X Friesland and some others.

Photo - the first tent

Photos of another tent will be a evening today …

:yellow_heart: :blue_heart:


Was actually wondering a couple days back where you gone to…
Great to hear you safe ,happy and still growin’ @Shevchenko
Plants are looking great!!


Thank you for your care, I value it very much!
And I want to say that a person is the most adaptive animal among all … I could not even imagine a few years ago that I can be with children in the house 800 meters from the beginning of minefields, and now 500 days of war is perceived Almost like the norm …
We are all the strange creatures …


Oh my brother, I feel for you and can’t believe this is considered the norm either. Was also wondering how you were and hoping all is well. Stay safe @Shevchenko :facepunch:t2:


800m from mines? Yikes. You far from artillery/missiles?

Good luck. Always wish it were legal for me to donate buds to the boys out there on/near the front lines.