Chem D Discussion

The Chem D clone by itself isn’t that potent or exciting (to me). After growing two cuts of it from different people, and smoking a 3rd recently grown by Nobody’s Nursery, they’re all pretty much the same cut as far as I can tell. While it may have been special 30 years ago, it’s just not impressive compared to modern non-hype, non-cookies crosses from reputable breeders. Or maybe it just doesn’t jive with my endocannabinoid system. :confused:

It has no pain-relieving qualities and actually makes me feel a little achy after smoking it, unlike most indicas. It’s just kinda low-vibe weed, and not even in a nice couchy sort of way. The only thing I enjoyed about it is the smell/flavor, but since I smoke only for effects, this aspect of the Chem D is meaningless to me. Oh, I guess it’s also a pretty easy plant to grow, not finicky at all aside from a few sterile nanners.

:man_shrugging: :sun_with_face: