Chem D Discussion

In reality, there’s a good chance all the chem-number and chem-letter lines are actually chem91 crosses but, no real proof other than looking at what comes out of the plants :man_shrugging:


What exactly is the high like from the real chem D or even maybe the CSI s1’s? I’ve heard it’s like a freight train but that’s kinda vague… is it mostly a knockout type of high or what?


I too was wondering, because I’ve read everything from couch lock, peel the paint off the wall high, to clean the house, daily driver high.

I decided to fuck around and find out.

I ordered CSI chem d s1, BBW 2.0, and got BBW 1 with 91 X CHEM 1 as full pack freebies. Then I ordered some Guerilla Fume and Chem Fuego from skunk va just to round out my collection.

I refuse to order cuts. Personal preference.


I’ve yet to try the clone… got one flowering in the woods it might not be the best representation but I’ve heard it’s “dick in the dirt” weed.

Anything from seed won’t be the same so that could account for the different opinions, that and the multiple fakes :man_shrugging:


The Chem D clone by itself isn’t that potent or exciting (to me). After growing two cuts of it from different people, and smoking a 3rd recently grown by Nobody’s Nursery, they’re all pretty much the same cut as far as I can tell. While it may have been special 30 years ago, it’s just not impressive compared to modern non-hype, non-cookies crosses from reputable breeders. Or maybe it just doesn’t jive with my endocannabinoid system. :confused:

It has no pain-relieving qualities and actually makes me feel a little achy after smoking it, unlike most indicas. It’s just kinda low-vibe weed, and not even in a nice couchy sort of way. The only thing I enjoyed about it is the smell/flavor, but since I smoke only for effects, this aspect of the Chem D is meaningless to me. Oh, I guess it’s also a pretty easy plant to grow, not finicky at all aside from a few sterile nanners.

:man_shrugging: :sun_with_face:


I would call it a “up indica” . The high is more towards what you might expect from a sativa type. It still got the warm indica blanket and euphoria. But it also got qualities that gives you a bit of pepp and focus. After around 2-3 hours an typical indica after burn ease in.

I would say that the 91 and D got the same type of high, just that 91 is stronger.

This is atleast what I’ve experienced from the different CSI S1s and crosses.

Pz :v:t2:


I thinnk the closest to the chem experience I have come so far is with dead chem head from connoisseur genetics. One pheno from those S1’s was stupid strong and definately made my constant back and pelvis pain forgettable for a couple hours at a time. Had a really nice rich flavor that seems to match the chem d when I read peoples personal descriptions.

The Chem D clone I aquired this year looks to be a match to the variegated versions I am seeing here and I trust my source. Just past the 3 week mark… nice little bush but she sure is stacking nice. I’ll get some pics again at some point.


Lots of great info here, thanks nube!


This is pretty accurate.

I’ll add: Chem 91 = Diesel, gas, fuel Chem D = Diesel, gas, fuel plus onions and garlic.

The 91 is a more finicky plant, the D is more robust. I can especially tell a difference outside in my garden this year. The 91 does NOT like the high altitude, extreme environment.



They were both the same size when put out in May. I will be surprised if they express terpenes well in this environment. A lot of plants won’t/can’t here.


How do you like the highs on them? Similar or different ?? About to flower a ChemD never had nor run before .


Yes, the C4DDD( from @VerdantGreen) I’m working with atm got a strong garlic and gasoline profile with a enchanting sweet undertone that make you wanna smell him over and over. This is the most enchanting weed smell I’ve found to date and a goal I got atm is to transfer it to a female. That’s why I’m working with my Swazi Dragon S2, because at S2 the terp profile is pretty much gone and in the cross I got call Dragon Drip, the Chem profile is strong. I have yet to find an exact profile as the male for a backcross.

This is the female I’m talking about.

Pz :v:t2:


I’m terrible at distinguishing cannabis effects. They both certainly do the job.

When I go to select a jar, I am tending to hit the 91, the Albany Diesel (Weasel), the Chem D and Triangle Kush about the same these days. I have a lot of jars, lol… I have to remind myself to go smoke other stuff.


Is that Albany actually mouth coating sour?


It’s got that mouth coating diesel flavor for sure, with a hint of that sour on top of a kind of skunk funk. There has been much discussion on how that particular cultivar is a real challenge to get to express correctly and folks seem to be having better results with lower temperatures, micronutrient supplementation, hydroponic nutrients, and long growing times like nearly 80 days.

The guy Cloney Soprano got it from in Albany is still mono-cropping it after all these years. It was the best they had come across.

It really does grow on me every time I hit that jar. It’s not the mouth puckering sour I remember but I’m not even sure of what I was smoking back then anyway, and I was never on the East Coast. The high is good, I dunno how to describe it further. It is definitely a plant to grow indoors, at least in my environment.

I have Shoreline Genetic’s ECSD cut to compare with now. It is supposed to pull 30% THC, verified by others. I am anxious to try it. :slight_smile:


Albany Diesel (Chem 91 x MSS / Sensi NL)


if you start a journal tag me i have huge interest in all those strains you got !


Thanks ; members for all your input - the chem D discussioni took me down the road of learning - now all I need to do is GROW that strain ----------------Peace (that’s what is great about this site)


How’s the smell on it?


day two of flower.

chem d cut, my first run with her. they are small but i could not wait any longer, i will grab some cuts before to long.

i have another one just like this one as well.

thanks for looking …


Been wanting to grow the 91 and D for years now. Hopefully soon as I’ve finally found someone in Canada that is selling cuts. I never grow cuts but those I’ll make an exception for