Chem D Discussion

Attached are photos of of Top Dawg’s Chem 3D (Chem D x Chem Double D) at harvest day 70F in a 3-gallon pot with flushing complete. Under a 650W LED. I may have lucked out with this one in that currently it smells of trashcan in summer and halitosis, highly desirable to myself and others here despite sounding unappetizing to the man on the street. Much can change during dry/cure though. Pretty vigorous plant. It needed a lot of support stating about week 5 of flowering though that’s nothing unusual but earlier than some of the other strains grown with it. Heavy feeder throughout the grow.

The pistils could be more brown/red at harvest, but I’m good with it. Some would say you may ensure higher THC harvesting with more white pistils, though that’s not my goal. I thought I’ve read somewhere that the Chem D often never stops producing white pistils, but don’t quote me. Overall pretty happy with the results…


You’ll have much better smoke if you let your plants finish and ripen up. That’s way too early.


I have a chem d and chem 91 clone both just over 10 weeks still popping out white hairs.

Had the heat getting past 90 and the chem D foxtailed like crazy


very nice just b always got shite on point.

very nice indeed …


@JAWS Thanks man, but in all honesty it’s one of my worst runs in a long time. But for the most part they still looking Dank.


and some “white” strains the trichomes never turn amber - generally Sativa’s (100%)

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at 70 days your doing a fine job brother, we all have those times i just went through one myself but at the end i still got great buds and the biggest yield i have ever had. i was totally shocked to be sure of that.

respect brother onwards …


Here’s a crappy pic of my chem d clone.
It stayed a small bush of a plant in a #5T pot.
Not sure what to expect but it sure is greasy and stinky and filling out really nicely for a small bush.


Sorry brother,I do have the 91 , but I have aphids and they are impossible to get rid of without going nuclear, and I’ve got youngsters ,so I’ll need to shut everything down and start over,not without finishing her at least once , otherwise I would set her free into the masses,I believe that’s exactly what needs to happen to bring everyone up to speed on smoking top quality
I have hit her with my housemade male,of 91/TKx Guerilla fume(basically 91 in seed form)


My 91 has mites, heartbreaking.

I s1 her last run and hit a few branches on her with Fume’ this time for regs. Hope I can clean it up by keeping her clones clean.


Take a plastic soda bottle
Poke a few holes in lid and add some DiatomaceousEarth with a marble or stone.
Once your clones are vegging nicely take bottle shake and squeeze in quick motions and you make controlled clouds of DE
Apply a fine coat all over plant making sure to coat underside of new and older leaves and in all the new growth and grooves where the mites like to hang out and repeat every few days.
Wipes mites out no problems
I’ve saved a few mite riddled plants this way…


I had aphids once and man they were annoying and frustrating, they kept coming back for a few months until I did a hard reset. I would think I would be fine and the next time I check a plant would be infested. Screw those things!!!


Absolutely brother,they are not worth any cut,not with the available seeds today,I will try a serious reset and right down to 4 small cuts and fresh soil,but I’ve heard that it is not going to work,but hey,I have been making worm casting and my own soil for years now,I doubt I could throw it all away,we shall see,haha peace


How long do you usually take the Chem D @PatHealy?

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It doesn’t matter how long I take it in my environment with my feeds and everything. Plus, it’s not the Chem D cut, it’s a seed. I’d run it until it was finished and ripened up. I have no clue what your environment is like or your lights and so on. I’d start dropping the light hours if my plants weren’t finishing. I usually drop to 11/13 around week 5 or 6 anyways, because I’m not growing for yield or anything these days and I just want them done.


Diesel and onion/garlic on funk. It’s a good one.


Both the Chem D x Dogpatch and Big Bad Wolf 2.0 sound like you are going to get some fine as chems. Remember, even though a elite clone is the gold standards, it’s possible to find true GEMs from it’s descendents.

Pz :v:t2:


I got the Chem D S1s but I just ordered Chem 91 S1s from CSI.
I’m stoked to have them. Be like hitting the lottery if he threw in some Bad Wolf freebies.

Wishful thinking but he is very generous when buying directly from CSI :slight_smile:


My granny used to prepare delicious meals beautifully…she always said, “eye appeal is half the meal.”…but if the buds look good but don’t get you lifted, then it’s all for not.
Lol…I guess that can go for food too…if it looks great but tastes like shit…lol


If you want the plant to finish lower the p in feed to 1/2/5 or similar

Without adiquate p in feed to match the k the plant will struggle to produce new buds
And the higher k in ratio will keep plant healthy till the end ( no frazzled leafs , just beautiful n and p fade )

Take control

: )