Chem D Discussion

That’s good criteria to potency. I’ll add the ceiling (or no ceiling) to that.


Ok that is how you define it. But the effect is how the potency is measured. What are you even describing?

The most potent stuff I ever had didn’t even kick in until an hour and a half later (2002, chicago). It lasted until the next morning and it made me pass out/faint while I was standing up and see myself from outside of myself. Under your definition, Gelato strains would be the most potent but those only last about 20-40 minutes for me and it is all just headache+confusion+anxiety+dizzy. Literally, the more I smoke of it, the more my headache increases so that is the potency for me.

Sometimes a strain can be very potent but have 0 head effects like MAC. How to tell? Slight relaxation?

So any effect after ingesting is the potency to you?


I can’t say ceiling have anything to do with it since the idea is how strong the effect is from a 1g pinjoint and how long it lasts.

Ceiling is pretty much how wide variety of CB1 reactive cannabinoid/terpentene/terpeniod compounds are in the buds. THC burn through the brain quite quickly and it’s easily replaced by other compounds when hooked into the CB1 receptor.

We know for example that compounds like CBD and THCV can connect into the CB1 receptor together with THC and make it hold on stronger, thus makes it harder for other compounds to knock it away.

When for example CBD is hooked together with THC in CB1, it up regulate the negative feedback loop in the synapse making the effect of THC not as significant/strong, helping keep the equilibrium in the brain.

Ceiling is the amount of additive compounds which play nice with THC while it’s still locked into the CB1 receptor and amplifies it effect, while also helping THC not to be knocked away from other compounds. Down regulating the negative feedback loop and increasing the chaos in the brain.

I don’t know if I made sense, this is not my expertise and I’m using my limited knowledge of zoology from university, since I was a botiny student.

Pz :v:t2:


True from that pov. Though there’s some that will hit hard on the first toke but will be caped after 0.5g, when others will hit maybe softer but will get you higher and higher further the gram. If you can finish it. :laughing:

That makes completely sense, thanks for the hint to a non scientific student!

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As I understand it, this is typical for high THC cultivars that lacks these compounds that either amplify or help THC to not be knocked out of connection with CB1.

There is also these cultivars that you smoke and then you have a hard time getting high for rest of the day. This is due to compounds that hook into CB1 together with THC and totally up regulate the negative feedback loop and render the effects of THC worthless and making the connection with CB1 super strong. If I remember correctly these compounds are called endocannabinoid blockers. Blocking the whole system to do anything.

This is why you can smoke as usual the next day because they have finally released from the CB1 receptors.

You also have additive compounds that are hooking up with CB1 itself or hooking into CB1 together with THC, increase the effects and down regulate the negative feedback loop so much that the brain uses other strategies to block off the whole endocannabinoid system to defend itself from the chaos. Giving you SUPER HIGH tolerance very very quick.

Pz :v:t2:


Ah yes! Ceiling definitely #3 for my list! I knew I was forgetting something :joy:


That is important. It is a lot of stuff to consider. I had a colombian gold x chem d cross recently which was like that. Had the high of Chem D but the no ceiling of Colombian but also had a crazy low tolerance so after the first couple days I had to have so much of it but at the same time I didn’t stop getting high(er) so it was gone within a few days where usually those last a week or two.


Stop smoking for a month or three. Then come back and describe effects.

Sometimes I think many of us are just completely saturated with compounds at this point and we don’t notice the effects as profoundly as 2 or 3 decades ago when weed was harder to come by, and good weed was rare.