Chem D Discussion

Buncha of opinions from some of the first folks to have either.
I am going to go with those opinions , instead of folks who think they have grown the originals , since then.
Call me crazy I know …

Also I can’t believe this even needs to be said , S1’s are not the original cut. In fact rarely are they even close.


This one hits close to home lol. I got what I thought was a Chem D outta Harborside in Oakland in 2012 or 13. I absolutely loved it too. Then I started growing verified Chem D S1s and outcrosses in the last few years for shits and giggles. Turned out what I thought was the real one was fake as hell lol. Im sure thats a big factor in a lot of confusion. People getting fakes or running S1s thinking that’s 100% it. And it takes a little humility to admit you got got. Luckily clones were only 7 or 8 bucks at the time, so I can just call it a learning experience lol


I was recounting what Herb told me as i remember it, but i may be remembering it wrong. I’m sure Herb said Rez stayed at his house… Thanks if it came through you it’s one of my all time favorite smokes !
i still see Herb occasionally so i’ll check that out , if i remember lol.


chem d cut, day 37.

this one is carrying the new DEATH BY CHEM seeds on her frame.

chem d cut x chem 4 bc1 * chem d bc1

should be stellar for-sure …


Why is she so puff bally? Chemd is chunky af when i run her… even seeded.


Im 99.9% sure thats wrong bro , you must be thinking of someone else.
Not L33t staying at his house ?

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We were discussing, IIRC, Rez’s reputation and attitude and herb said that in person he was a nice humble guy who had stayed over at his, but i may be getting confused it was a long time ago and he always got me very stoned !


Yeah his attitude wasnt that bad in real life for sure.
Only way Rez hooked up Herb with the Chem d ( which im 99% sure is wrong was with the cut Captain krip sent me) as Rez would of had me use it for making the Chemdog IBL , and would of sure hooked up the ECSD to make the Sour Diesel IBL batch i made for Rez, but i used the Original Diesel clone after giving a zip of Original diesel to sample and see if it was legit enough to use.

Ive never heard of Rez sharing any cuts overseas

But il be interested to hear what Herb says as i see you posted in his thead at icmag

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Come to think of it i think ihooked Herb the chem d cut when i hooked him up with my SSSDH OJD clone ( and i think I delivered them to Herbs house not sent when we went for a smoke up)

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Yeah you may be right, herb didn’t say Rez had personally given it to him IIRC but had ‘sorted it through some channels’ kind of thing, after he met him.
Chinese whispers aside, back then i found it really inspiring when i joined IC and started posting (after a lot of lurking)
I wasn’t asking for anything but very soon i was befriended and sent the Uk Cheese cut - which seemed like a rite of passage - and then Herb hit me up as soon as he saw i was local to him and when i visited him hooked me up with a whole bunch of cuts… all i had back then was my Blueberry which i shared back but there was a lot of generosity that was really nice and humbling… so if you were part of that then i am grateful… :pray:
it was nice, years later, to find the old London White Rhino and be able to return the compliment to a few peeps.


Yeah bro was good times back then first receiving cuts from overseas , Captain Krip definitely helped us UK crew out with the Chem d , SFV , Sour Diesel ( Captain krip cut) and we will be forever grateful for that.
And yeah nice one on that White Rhino cut bro :pray:


Yes, and in the early days there was no confusion about ‘which cut’ in the UK as there was usually only one version of each that made it here !
It was Herb that gave me the C4D male that i used for the C4DD
Just making F2s of the C4DDD / Contra D - the bx saw the streaky/stunted Chem D genes segregate into about a quarter of the plants which i culled. I have 7 seeded Contra D girls all absolutely ponging of Chem funk.

Contra D



Chem D chopped at 65. I’ve taken her at 77 and 70 respectively so we gonna see how she does a tad earlier.


man Capt was in need of some of those cuts earlier on during covid and i lost touch with him. hope he’s okay.


Ive not seen him post online for a few years myself .

Yeah wish Cap krip well and hope to hear from anyone who knows/see’s him post online so we know he all good

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Excellent point you and holy angel make. I always hear jj saying that on podcasts etc, its so freaking annoying. He acts like he some kind of potency expert its ridiculous. Obviously he prefers sleep weed and judges potency by how glued to the couch he is. Weird bc hes got some really nice sativas in his library. I get people have preferences but he doesnt entertain anything but chem or chem hybrids. Hell id be sick of smoking the same thing over and over for 30 years straight.

Kushboiakoa that plant looks like a beast, did u keep it? Jdub nice job on yours too looks dank af. What harvest did you prefer the early or latter? And I havent heard from capt crip in a long ass time, hope hes well. :v:


It really depends on what people even mean by “potent.” I have had stuff that had me literally feel like I was levitating out of my body at 1,000 MPH. That was “potent.” I’ve had stuff where I couldn’t move and that was potent. I’ve also had stuff that had me unable to function or think and just have a super cerebral overwhelming feeling. Then there’s other feelings that can creep in under those. Ice Cream Cake is borderline “drunk” feeling for example.

I think most older people relate to the bzzzzzzzzzz as how high they are. It really depends on what they grew up on. Pure sativas to me, I get them a lot but they are never really that satisfying as where a pure Indica ticks all the boxes and I can usually “feel” it more.

Everyone is different.


I can’t agree more, potency is used as such a bullshit term now a days. When I started as a stoner, potency was how strong the effect was contra how long the effect lasted in your body/brain.

Something with a strong onset, total couch lock, but stayed for 30min - 1h was considered weak. A functional daytime sativa which effects for 3-4h was considered potent.

It was like the M29 from @Guitarzan, it was like a fing baseball bat to the head, totally dazed and confused. 30min later, you are completely normal again as nothing had happend. I call it weak, but I know that some kids would probably think it’s the strongest shit they have ever smoked.

Pz :v:t2:


I think we can all agree chem d falls into the potent category on any kind of level whether your a sativa guy or not. Just a headbanger, for me duration plays the biggest role. It truly is subjective bc everyone feels effects differently, lol but chemd your intoxicated one way or another. I dont think ive ever heard somebody say it wasnt potent.

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Most those are just effects tho. I consider effects completely separate from potency.

I describe Potency as

  1. quickness of onset
  2. duration

If I have to smoke a joint or blunt to the face to feel high or like I don’t need to smoke anymore, im gonna say it’s pretty weak potency regardless if it lasts 4hrs or not, but I will note that duration too. Haven’t seen that stuff in decades tho.

Now If it comes on with the first or second hit but only lasts 30-45min before I feel I need to smoke again, I’m gonna consider that mids at best. This is every cookies I’ve ever had…

It needs to come on quick and last at least 1.5-2hrs for me to consider it good potency, regardless of whatever effects it has.

JJ and crew seem to say potency = how narcotic it makes you feel, instead of anything to do with onset or duration.