It shouldn’t be heat- but could be ph, not sure how to get a check on this system. No real way to check run off.
I did add some Fishsh!t so acidity is a possibility, but I added some gypsum along with it hoping to mitigate that.
No direct breeze anywhere. Affected patches didn’t line up with ventilation paths or anything. They’re just cupping and clawing real bad, which makes me think a root issue.
PS- after doing some investigation I think it’s actually cold root zone at least partly. It’s cold to the touch and damp.
Yeah, that’s it. Basically I was lazy in my application and might have toasted the middle plant, but was really hard to tell because the three plants are so well mixed.Then some overwatering must’ve happened. Things are cold and wet, but I kicked the space heater on and will let it dry out for a while. Just needs some LITFA. Mia copa
Clones put in a clean sanitized cloner Saturday are showing no roots but still looking happy.
Still happy enough, but no roots. Patience I tell myself. As long as they stay alive I will wait up to about 14 days.
I didn’t get pictures, but the mother is getting some color back to her as I’ve warmed things up. I have been running the space heater to get things up to 75F, humidity still around 35% ouch. I have a humidifier disk on the way. New Ecowitt set up with soil moisture set up should hopefully help keep things under a tighter leash on the watering, we’ll see.
Ok, I’m getting irritated… I’ll have to invest in some meters before I try the aero cloner again I guess because something must be wrong with my solution. I’ve got some in the rapid rooters that seem to be alive and well, but yet again the cuts in the cloner are going soft and dying. I gave it sterile water, rooting gel and hormone in the solution. So I give up on that for now. Will try again when I have the room insulated.
In sunnier news, alongside my four hopefully rooting clones I popped four Trizzler from @Mr.Sparkle ; all four have said hello but one came out sideways and don’t think will make it.
Eight Sour Diesel from @Vagabond_Windy by popular demand; six germinated.
I’m seriously considering cutting her up and reveging or maybe just pulling the tub out. Takes up too much room to not carefully control height. I let it get out of hand. I swear, if only I had a forklift…
Well, fuck. I can’t do anything with her yet, because for some reason, that defies any logic, I can not get a clone to root. My rapid rooters started going South on me.
So please. Theorize with me. Sell me voodoo. Anything! What’s going on here? Rapid rooters, rooting gel. Clean snips. Cut 45 deg just under the node, through the node, anywhere in between. Cut the leaves. Temps around 75F and humidity around 60-70%.
Today I tried TWO nodes in the rapid rooters, scarified the entire stem between the nodes.
Well, voodoo it isn’t, but after a trip to to grow store I think I have the answer. PH! I knew this was probably an issue, but hadn’t wanted to drop the cash.
So today I ponied up for a good meter, sure enough my RO water I put in the cloner measured 7.5. Adjusted down to 6.5 and threw in some clones. It hurt me deep in the purse, but it will be a welcome tool.
Hate to break it to you but these ph paper test strips are a good alternative also great as a back up if your questioning your probe. Less than 20 bucks cheap for piece of mind.
I have the Dr. Meter pH meter and after I calibrated it, I compared it to the pH test strips and the readings were very close to the meter. Always good to have them around when you don’t feel like dragging the meter out.
The Sour Diesel got up potted and are now my trial for feeding salts.
Really leggy. Wish I knew how to stop that. Maybe I just need to keep the light closer, but it seems I always have this issue. The shoot up and can’t support themselves.
I really, really hope I can root some clones here. I’m starting to think of things like maybe I should take a bread knife and see if I can’t transplant the whole plants out of there and into some soil. I wonder if I could play with one, while not harming the other two in the bed.