Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Hi @chronix did you top and or train any of them? Nice beauties :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: :man_farmer:


Sweet looking garden, I just received some LSD, I can’t wait to give them a go.

1 Like

Here are some pics of the autoflowers.
I forgot to take a pic of one or two of them.

Fog Dog @Corey

Trizzler @Mr.Sparkle

C99 X Orange Goji @ShiskaberrySavior

Big Yield x Mi 5 @Jinglepot

Ghost Rose x Mi 5 (2 different plants) @Jinglepot @ReikoX

Black Cream (2 plants) @JohnnyPotseed @Nagel420

Think Diesel @Oldtimerunderground


When is the perfect time to pollinate an auto flower plant?



I have 2 black cats they are twins basically.


All your plants are looking awesome and putting on some weight! That Blueberry Auto is going to be quite large it looks like!! :hushed:

How tall is it compared to the other’s?


Awww they’re All lovely! :heart_eyes_cat:

First pet I had was a cat and I’m a Leo so I’ll always have a soft spot :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: for Cats big or small. :blush:

Thank you for capturing the cuteness. :slightly_smiling_face:


@chronix They’re really looking cool :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs: Well done :leaves:
Just like you, I also have a Fog Dog and a Big Yield going, apart from a Ghost Rose and… :thinking: GWK x JLO…

Forgot to mention, all of them are gifts from awesome OGers…


Any other Canadians put any plants outside yet?
March 27th I put this Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground outside.
It was still in a 1 gallon pot unfortunately, so I put it into a 5 gallon or so pot for now.

All the stress from re-potting and being thrown outside hasn’t really seemed to bother this plant much.
It has had its first rain as well. I am sure it will start taking off soon and become a bush.
It hasn’t been topped at all yet.
March 29th

Pollen from @Alaskagrown 's Blue Berry auto strain.

I kept these 2 plants in my bathtub while I pollinated them, I let them sit overnight in there, and hit them with a bit more pollen, let them sit for 12 hours more, then rinsed them off with water a few times. Left a fan blowing on them for a bit, and threw them back into there tent.

Blueberry auto plant hit with some pollen. from @Alaskagrown

Black Cream auto from @Nagel420 and @JohnnyPotseed hit with some of the pollen as well.

Veg tent got overgrown, still have to wait a while for the autos to finish so I can throw these into flower.
I basically cut them in half and took clones.,I also repotted them into 3 gallon pots. After the autos are done then I can keep a veg clone/mother tent, and have a flower tent.

Auto flower tent


As alot of you know, when growing several different strains, its hard to keep all plants healthy nutrient wise as some don’t need as much as others, some need more.
I mix 2 seperate batches of nutrients, 1 for my veg photo plants, 1 for the auto flowers.
That is enough mixing as it is, I can’t mix individual nutrients for each strain at the moment.
So some plants may be finicky and unhappy, but thats the way it goes for now.
I still have to water these plants and cook myself dinner. I will be finished after that. :laughing:


nine plants in pro mix three gallon plastic pots bottom fed jacks nutes. 5-gdp,3-jack herer, 1 bubba kush. Best run yet. Running 1000 watt de


Oh…No Flaming Hot Wings tonight? :clap:t2:

NOT that I want to be puttin ideas in you’re head!!! I think it’s awesome you’re going to cook something. :+1:t2:

:crossed_fingers:t2: It will have vegetables in it! :pray:t2:

Because I care. :hugs:


We still have snow on the ground here and sub freezing temps.

:green_heart: :seedling:


I’m in Ontario, Weatherman’s talking snow today.


Not from Canada, but damn man it was 15° F the other morning here. No girls are even looking at the outside yet! HOW are you in Canada and warmer than I am in Jersey???

That BC is looking real nice, how purple are the buds so far? Nice branching and growth on her though…


Has to be in British Columbia.
Edit: just checked, he is.


Must be the Pacific ocean…

I haven’t even planted cool weather outdoor stuff yet because I knew we were getting another hard freeze still. And legitimately 6 weeks till most other things (tomatoes, peppers) even think of heading outside. I was tempted to put a few girls out with the few warm days we had, but I knew they were merely a tease…


May 24th long weekend is about right here. I start them inside.


I’m the same time period @Floyd, everyone thinks all of BC is likes the lower mainland. I am zone 3, Vancouver is zone 9/10.


That is the earliest here also US/Great Lake area. I even remember we had snow on the long holiday. It was 85 F when I left on a Friday and snowing and freezing by that Monday.
:green_heart: :seedling: