Chronix's Overgrown Tent

It certainly grew out of control. :laughing:
Same with the rest of them all.
Damn all you OG’s and all your magic bean stalks. :rofl: :green_heart: :v:


haha yeah that Lebanese is a monster! Quite the forest you got there! :ok_hand: :100:


Nice pictures. @Oldtimerunderground nice on the seeds. The plants look amazing. @chronix im looking forward to my new grow.


You can blame @Oldtimerunderground for that monster. :rofl:
Every time I harvest, I tell myself I am going to grow a bit less next run, have a bit more room.
It turns into a forest every damn time. :laughing:
I think I have a problem. :thinking:

I read about your pest problem. Sorry to hear that!
I would love to watch your next grow when you re-start. :+1:
I went through the same thing not too long ago, and gave up an started over as well.

@Oldtimerunderground 's Blockhead x Mikado outdoors.

@Oldtimerunderground 's Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana

SODK x Crem De La Chem from @BasementBeans

Arachnid Pie from @repins12
It would be nice if the bugs would frig off and stop eating the leafs.


I have been thinking of using some of @DougDawson 's Sour Bubble pollen on the SODK x Crem De La Chem autoflower from @BasementBeans
What do you auto seed makers think? Is the plant at a decent time to be pollinated?
I have made photo seeds before, but I have never purposely pollinated an auto, so not sure the perfect time to pollinate them.
I would use some on my other auto flowers inside my tent, but I think its past the perfect timing for seed making.


Looking good! So many possibilities for that pollen!


Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

SODK x Crem De La Chem autoflower from @BasementBeans
I dusted some of the bud sites with some Sour Bubble pollen from @DougDawson 10 days ago or so now.

Sadly bugs have been beating/eating the shit out of this Arachnid Pie from @repins12
It also didn’t like the massive amounts of rain we had when I first put it outside, so I think it got stunted from that.

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground, getting frosty.

Some random pics of all the different types of autoflowers…

These 2 plants I have dusted a few bud sites also with Sour Bubble pollen from @DougDawson

This plant is Widow Berry Cheese Bake from @repins12

This one is GG4 x Tycho Monolith from @Qtip

The hairs did change colour and shrivel a bit after a day or two, or three…can’t remember now. But I am hoping for a successful pollination. :crossed_fingers:

In the back corner, there is a Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Here is a pic of a Swackhammer bud from @DannyTerpintine

Northern Berry x BOG LSD from @smokenhike

C99 X Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

Alot of the plants need to be tied up better, that will be a job for tomorrow.


Frickin beautiful garden. Congrats!


I had a few bugs at the end. It would have been worse. Mold started it. I still had a great run. I chopped the last 3 yesterday. I’m taking a vacation. It’s to hot right now. I’ll start in a few months. I’m happy watching you grow. I’m dreaming of green field’s.


Good thing about taking a break. If there are any remaining bugs in your tent, they should be either gone or dead when you restart. No plants=no food for bugs. They leave or die.
Then just clean, clean, clean and your next grow will be stellar.


Oh man, those are looking really nice. Going to be an easy trim job on the fat Swack & C99 x Goji. Black Leb looks like it’ll be a heavy yielder. Nice colors on the NBxLSD, seems to be leaning more to the LSD side.


Looks like the BH x Mik and Black Leb x SB outside flowered a bit and are going to start revegging now. That Black Leb x Strawberry Banana inside is ready for war with the solid spears on it. Filled in that super stretch nicely👌


SODK F7 x Crem De La Chem

Arachnid Pie still hanging in there.

Some pics of the bugs that like to hang out an frig over my plants.


Blockhead x Mikado

I am sampling some Swack Hammer, it was a branch I accidently broke off around the day 44 of flower or so.

The sample of Swack Hammer from an early age was incredible!
Block Head x Mikado plant I had to cut down early was also incredible! The edibles it made were great!
I actually gave away some of the edibles to someone and it kicked there ass. :rofl:

I did a thing… I harvested the Swackhammer, NB x LSD, and C99 x Orange Goji at day 60.
I harvested the Black Lebanese at day 62.
I wanted to run them a bit longer, but certain life events made me harvest them sooner.

A 5 minute drive from my home, a great place to relax.

The stuffed autoflower tent. Just some random shots, I don’t know who is who.
I don’t want to take them out cause I will for sure probably just break off branches. :rofl: :upside_down_face:

Things could be going/growing better…but…its the way it goes this time. It is what it is.
:slightly_smiling_face: :+1: :v: :green_heart:


@chronix Wow!! Impressive stuff!! Beautiful buds!! Limitless highs!! Eternal bliss!!
Wish I could be doing that well!! One day I will brother!! You’re an inspiration!!
:pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Arachnid Pie from @repins12 is starting to flower now. :slightly_smiling_face:

SODK x Crem De La Chem from @BasementBeans

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground



Beautiful garden, brother.


Arachnid Pie is doing alot better! Grew alot. @repins12

SODK x Crem De La Chem from @BasementBeans

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

It is growing some weird leafs, I think its cause it started to flower, then re-veg, an is now confused.
Or a nutrient issue.


I made some banana bread bites out of some canna butter made from the Blockhead x Mikado
They turned out excellent. :upside_down_face: :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking great indoors and outside! :grinning:

The growth on the BH x Mik is not a nutrient issue, 100% reveg for sure. It should fly through the reveg easily, especially considering how advanced the root system is in the ground. You’ll probably want to spread it out a bit and clear out some of the inner growth.

Those looks delicious :drooling_face:


They absolutely are delicious, and way more potent than I thought they would be. I am very impressed at the potency for only going 44 days! Eating 5 of those banana bites, the effects last along time.

Arachnid Pie from @repins12

SODK x Crem De La Chem from @BasementBeans

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from at @Oldtimerunderground

Trying some tester buds.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Swackhammer from @DannyTerpintine and @DougDawson

Northern Berry x LSD from at @smokenhike

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior
( Had to go inside, mosquitos were eating me to death :expressionless: )

Autoflower tent

Black n Blue Jack from @JohnnyPotseed and @Nagel420
That Black Cream makes everything turn purple!


Looking amazing bud.