Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Your a growing fool Chronix.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Seeing you grow the Blockhead x Mikado I’m rethinking every LIFE decision I ever made @chronix, never mind what the I’m fumbling around in the grow with. BRAVO I shall study your ways, I am a new paddawan. I think the weed coconut oil latte is working well.


Well that’s high praise!! :+1: :smile:

and Qtip is right!.. Excellent work Chronix


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Thank you all for the comments. :smiley: :v:

I finally got around to planting @Oldtimerunderground 's plants into my planter beds that are over grown with weeds, and all sorts of things. The plants were getting unhappy being in the pots…getting blown over in the wind…Raccoons knocking the pots over :raccoon:
I am sure they will be much more happier now.

The Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from OTUG (shorter plant in front)

Block Head x Mikado from OTUG

The auto flowers in the tent have started flowering.

I have some autos that I threw outside a few days ago. My bad luck, there was a wind storm the next day. They are all still alive and seem to be doing okay. I will take pictures of them sometime soon.

I will try to take pictures of the photo period plants that are flowering tonight when the lights turn on.


Swackhammer from @DougDawson and bred by @DannyTerpintine

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

Northern Berry x LSD from @smokenhike

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Smoking some Eutierria from @DannyTerpintine 's genetics. :fire: :slightly_smiling_face: :v:

Sorry for the shitty pics. My “new” phone decided that its charging port didn’t want to charge anymore so I have had to go back to my old phone. :expressionless: :frowning:


Amazing Work! Kill it over there! :fire: :100: :seedling: :heart_eyes:


Nice view. The one is coming out of your tent.

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That looks like she’ll produce .


Hows it taste?? Super excited for my Eutierria grow!


Sweet. Sounds delicious.


I think she will fill out quite nicely.

Very hard for me to describe… earthy? woody? Whatever it is, I rather like it.
I can’t wait to see your results!

I know, running out of room. :laughing: :v:

Thank you very much!

Thank you! Your genetics basically grow themselves though. I just water them. :rofl: :v:

Here are some pics from tonight.

The photoperiod flowering tent. We are at 37 days since I switched the lights to 12/12.

Swackhammer from @DougDawson and bred by @DannyTerpintine

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

Northern Berry x LSD from @smokenhike

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Autoflower tent is starting to bloom.


Bad News Update:
I really don’t want to share this but, shit happens. And, it did.

The Blockhead x Mikado I had in the flowering tent is no longer alive.
It started getting bud rot.
I removed it from the tent to dissect the bad parts planning on trying to save some of it.
Upon moving the plant into my kitchen to do the work, one of my cats ran in front of me in the hallway, and tripped me. My fat ass broke the pot and snapped the main stem. The cat hid under my bed for hours. I am a little sore, but I always am so really nothing new.
Falling on that plant made my arms really sticky. Had to wash with dishsoap a few times, still smelled dank.

I still have a Blockhead x Mikado outdoors. I also still have a mother plant of the one me and my cat killed.

The buds I did manage to save are drying now. They lived until day 44 or so. I am going to make cannabutter out of it.

:pouting_cat: :crying_cat_face: :pensive:


My condolences, that’s rough. Just want to let you know that we’re here for you.

The outdoor blockhead looks happy :+1:


Don’t feel happiness to me also. Still looking good. You grow nice flower’s.

3 Likes and @Hemp
Thank you guys. It was really unfortunate, and I was very upset about it. I was really looking forward to the finished harvest of @Oldtimerunderground’s Blockhead x Mikado he gifted me.
Although, bit of a plot twist, I decided to sample some of the bud I saved, and for 44 days or whatever it was of flowering, it still has a great effect.
I do not have a low tolerance, I eat edibles every night (300mg minimum) and smoke lots of concentrates daily.
I was surprised, it helped with my pain an got me baked. It helped brighten my mood as well, I became happy.
I will save some of the buds for smoking, and the rest will be used for cannabutter.

So it wasn’t a total loss. Also I still have a mother/clone of this plant so I can give her another go.

I think in the future I should get a bigger tent, with a 6 inch exhaust. Perhaps cut a hole in my wall and vent my exhaust outside. I believe I have been pushing my 3x3 tents to the limit which resulted in the bud rot.

I must say thank you to @Oldtimerunderground for gifting this amazing strain to me! :grinning: :+1: :v:

I am going to medicate for a bit, then I will post some more update pics.


I’m so sorry to hear about your little stumble, hope you’re alright. My wife and I have both fell on some plants before :joy: one time my wife kept apologizing, while I was laughing my ass off :rofl: hahaha

You’re most welcome on the Blockhead Mikado bro. It really is an amazing strain, but to me, the greater gift is seeing you grow it out :grin:


Photo period flower tent:

I will try to get better pics of the plants in the back of tent another day, my back hasn’t been good lately so I didn’t want to bend in to much for pics today.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground is the tall plant in the back.
Northern Berry x LSD in the front from @smokenhike

Northern Berry x LSD again.

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior in the back there.

Swackhammer gifted from @DougDawson and bred by @DannyTerpintine

Here is the autoflower tent, its all overgrown too, here are some random pics of all the different plants, I am not sure who is who for strains just random shots, I can’t bend over an check all the labels of them on the pots right now. :laughing:

All my outdoor plants have had a rough go. I put OTUG’s plants out way to early, but they survived very well in my opinion, they are recovering and growing alot better since I repotted them in to my garden beds…that are full of weeds an shit I should probably remove sometime… but they are doing much better since, also have had slightly better weather lately finallly. Its been a weird season here this year.

I have 2 autos out of 6 left, that I put outdoors.
2 of the plants in pots completely disappeared some how? Did a Bald Eagle just swoop down an steal it?
Or is it another thief crawling around in the neighborhood. I need more cameras.
2 of the plants got eaten and stunted by slugs and ended up being twigs.

Arachnid Pie from @repins12

SODK x Crem De La Chem from @BasementBeans

The 2 photoperiods outdoors from @Oldtimerunderground

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana

Blockhead x Mikado

I was lucky to receive some pollen from @DougDawson
Sour Bubble pollen from his adventure.

Perhaps I should pollinate my outdoor plants?


I will retry again soon, still got the strain going in veg! :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope none of us fall over any time soon again. :rofl:


Wow, you really got some great stuff going on. Glad I got this thread on stalker, lol


Ahh, the joys of outdoor growing… Should be quite a haul though when it’s all said and done. Looking good, makes me want to pop some more.

I think that lebanese is trying to escape ?