Chronix's Overgrown Tent

I was lucky enough to try some of it before I grew it, it is amazing. Very nice medicating smoke!

If it isn’t a Lady bug, it could be an Asian lady beetle. They look pretty much the same.
I can’t remember how to tell them apart…but I know the Asian lady beetles will and can bite you!

I just used a cordless drill and a drill bit, but both techniques will get the job done for sure!

Thank you very much! We have had an unusual dry year here the last 2 years. (in the summer months)

Today I harvested and bud washed the C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior
It could have gone a bit longer, but I got worried and decided to harvest it now.
Better to have some, then none at all if it were to get bud rot etc.
I think it will be some decent smoke. My hands sure were sticky after dealing with it.

Sorry forgot to take pics of bud washing…
After bud washing I took the old leaf blower to it, to blow off gently as much water as I could.

Now it is all hanging to dry in one of these…


@chronix Brother, I’m jealous of you! Wish I could get plants to be that big! Awesome!
You rock! Absolutely!! :pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


This was all Mother Natures doing!
All I did was add water and every now an then some liquid nutrients along the way.
The good genetics helped of course too! :slightly_smiling_face: :v:


Very nice garden.


Trimming days…
Alot of bugs, I have been doing alot of bud washing.
I wish I got more pics but my fingers became sticky…

Some pics of the Blockhead x Mikado

I found a Caterpillar friend…only one I found, I let him live and gave him some fan leafs to munch on.

Still have more hacking/trimming/bud washing to do.
I would have liked to let the plants go a bit longer, but I am happy I have started chopping, I found a small amount of bud rot on the Blockhead. We still have warm days, but the night and early mornings are chilly and can get alot of morning dew.

So far this outdoor season has been a win, I can’t complain. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


That block head is looking good I’ve only grew it indoors and really enjoy it .
Here’s my mom .

Dam bud you look like you could use some help a lot of work ahead of ya . But the reward is worth it.


It sure has been alot of work. Still more to go, but I am over half way done I believe…I hope… LOL.
The budwashing adds alot of more work too. It is definitely necessary though, not the just the amount of bugs, but the amount of smoke and ashes from the near by fires. The water I dump out is dirty as fuck.


Instead of a block party you need a bud party and have everyone bring scissors.


You could run a add wanting to rent a electric trimmer . Would save you hours maybe a local shop has a demo they rent out?

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Ya know, that would be pretty damn handy. I have to pick up some pro-mix soon at my local shop, I will have to ask them when I am in there.


If they got one you’d be giggling all the way home . Ya doesn’t hurt to ask or they might have a connection to someone that has bought one that rents it out.


I’m on my second one now first was a t6 trimpro sold it and bought a centurion.


Any luck finding one?


No, I haven’t went to the local shop yet, they are closed Sundays, and today being a holiday (Thanksgiving in Canada) they are closed as well.
Luckily I only got the Swack Hammer left to chop.
I will for sure be looking into finding one in the future though! Would save so much time. :slightly_smiling_face:

Like you said, even if I could rent one, would be a huge help! I will be asking them for sure next time I am there.


Dam you’ve been busy trimming id of though for sure you’d be a week getting it all done.


It has definitely been a lot of work. Alot of medicating while trying to get it done as well. :upside_down_face: :crazy_face: :laughing:

Here is the Swackhammer bred by @DannyTerpintine, gifted to me by @DougDawson

I took the sawzall to the Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Here is the Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

My 2 black cats…


Some freshly bud washed Swackhammer that I have to dry now.
@DannyTerpintine @DougDawson


Why doesn’t it surprise me that OTUG is mentioned in the same sentence as saws?

NICE slingshot you can make there too :wink:


looks lovely! :heart_eyes:

:cat: got them claws out like why didn’t you give me canna-leaves! :seedling:


All the outdoor plants have been trimmed and stored away.
Even though I harvested a bit early, I still think this was a successful outdoor crop this year.
If I let it go any longer, I would have had problems with powdery mildew, bud rot, and also the plants would have been covered in more ashes from nearby forest fires. Bugs were getting bad, a bud wash is definitely a wonderful thing to clean all the shit out of outdoor plants. I washed the buds a few times.

I am happy with the harvest, I will be able to make lots of edibles and pain cream.

My indoor mother plants got spider mites again this year. :rage: :cry: :sob:
I threw all the mother plants away, and I even threw away the tent they were in. The zipper was screwed on it anyways.

I am down to one tent, for now, until I get a new one.
I have started a new project in the tent, but it will be a secret for now. :shushing_face:

Here are some seeds soaking, I had some more not in this picture soaking as well. October 19th is when I started soaking them.
All seeds that germinated have been planted, although no pictures of them for this update.

A pic of one of the forest fires, things have gotten better since we have had rain though! :+1: :pray: :smiley:

My kids. :laughing: :rofl:

New bong, sampling a small lower bud from Blockhead x Mikado.

I have also made some infused coconut oil capsules from some of the Blockhead x Mikado.
Very potent, great for pain and for sleeping.

Perhaps on the next update, I will let you all know what the next current tent project is. :wink: