Chronix's Overgrown Tent

That sucks I believe if you have a airport in close proximity you could report it to them be nice to see a cop get charged with flying a drone in restricted air space .


14.7km away is the closest airport. I have a lot of airplane and helicopters that fly over my place.
I believe it is illegal to fly them over other peoples properties as well.


I don’t know the laws of drones but thts ff-ed up someone doing that. We get the airplanes doing grid sweeps over the corn fields.


Look at the frost on those giants! :star_struck: Looks to me like they’ll be ready around mid-October, only a few more weeks to go!! :smiley:

Man I wish that drone would just crash into the mountainside and explode in a million pieces already :laughing:


Some interesting stuff in here…


I had a drone looking at me in my yard with my plants. I heard the whirring and looked up. About 20 yards away. I hollered at it, flipped it off. Soon as a pulled out my pecker and shook it at him, the drone took off. Never saw it again. Months ago.


EMP the sucker right out of the sky with a magnetron. :joy:

I am joking.


20 microwaves plugged in around the perimeter on defrost should do the trick🤪

Get a sling shot and freeze some grapes …
Practice for a couple hours you’ll catch on quick


For some reason when I started reading that I knew it was going to end up with the packer report.


LOL. Perhaps I should give that a try next time. I have a feeling I would get a free tour behind the bars so perhaps I will just stick to throwing rocks at it. :rofl: :laughing:

Hopefully the weather doesn’t frig me over and hopefully these plants can go another 2 weeks or so.

Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

C99 x Orange Goji on the left, and Swackhammer on the right.

Swackhammer from @DannyTerpintine. Gifted to me from @DougDawson

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

I need to get a digital camera to take better pics in the future.

I would also like to thank everyone that views this, thanks for all the comments, you all are great!


Likewise brother! You’re great! And your plants too! Amazing!
:pray: :clap: :clap: :clap: :hugs:


Frickin beautiful garden, man. There are some really good growers here on OG.
ps you are in that group.


Looking good bro !
Almost to the finish line…
Fingers crossed !!


plants are looking :fire: and healthy! :seedling:


I hope you can get those to the end game @chronix , some nice plants you have.


Some random Lady Bug pictures…

I gave this tent a quick cleaning. I will clean it again before growing but for now it can store a bunch of 1 gallon pots that I cleaned.

I have some plans for this next tent grow…but I am not sure yet so they will stay secret for now. :shushing_face:

I drilled some holes in some small cups for seedlings to start in…

Here is the Black Lebanese x Strawberry Banana from @Oldtimerunderground

Blockhead x Mikado from @Oldtimerunderground

Swackhammer bred by @DannyTerpintine and gifted to me from @DougDawson

C99 x Orange Goji from @ShiskaberrySavior

I am thinking of starting the harvesting of the outdoor plants this Friday, October 7th.
I will have the weekend to bud wash an trim it all, hang up to dry etc.
I fear if I let them go longer they will get bud rot, as the weather will start going to shit here soon. I am lucky the weather stayed nice for this long. Usually get alot more rain, but its been a drought season so far.


Looking good your gonna enjoy that blockhead x mikato I know I sure do was smoking some again today it’s up there in my top 5 .

Really curious to see how that c99 cross smokes also.


Is that a lady bug? Looks yellow. Just me maybe.

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Sometimes I’ll use a cheap screwdriver Phillips head. Get it hot with the torch it will burn right through. Looks like you got it done.

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They all look heavy and heavenly nice garden @chronix, could have used a little drought here.:peace_symbol:

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