Chronix's Overgrown Tent

@smokenhike that is a nice one, I love that thing.

@chronix if you’re going to make another one, instead of wood I recommend using a small thick tupperware lid with a nice lip like this if you can find one

Makes popping the caps out super easy after filling and capping, easy to clean too.


@smokenhike I have that link bookmarked now, thank you!

@Oldtimerunderground Great idea, I got a few lids around that I could try.

I took the male plant and shook him over the females again.


I put together my old 2x2 tent today and I put all the plants that are not wanting to participate in this seed making experiment into the tent.

These plants now have more room.


But now it’s not really an overgrown tent :thinking:


I don’t always have the best ideas or the best thinkings…
My thinkings were…why have a few plants in the way that are not showing sex yet get in the way of pollinating.
As I take the male and manually shake pollen onto other plants some of it can potentially be wasted.
I thought it would be better for pollination purposes.
Perhaps I should just collect pollen and use a paint brush or qtip to apply it?
I could… but I thought if I only got one male plant just let nature take its course.
Unfortunately not all the plants are on the same schedule for maturing.

I will probably condense them all back into the same 3x3 tent they came from soon.

I could start more seedlings in the 2x2 while the other plants finish, and move them in the 3x3 then after.

Here is a Blueberry auto that is showing signs of being pollinated…

Blueberry auto reg

This one looks pollinated to me…
Big Yield x Mi5

The father male Gambian x Blueberry

The 2x2 tent with the 315 watt cmh. I have to keep the tent door open with a blanket covering it half way to keep it cool enough. Blanket helps keep from blinding you and air flow.
I have a fan on the floor blowing air into it to help remove the heat.
I suspect 2 of the plants are male…
Will wait to see.


As always, look great pal! (Gambian x Blueberry) x (big yield x mi5) should be lit! :exploding_head:

… and all the other crosses with it too :wink:


Some plants are showing signs of being fertilized alot quicker then some of the others.

The male Gambian x Blueberry, doing his best to pollinate all the females.


Big Yield x Mi5


Strawberry Nuggets x Creme De La Chem

Black Cream

GG4 x Dosi Lo

The 2x2 is now becomming the overgrown tent. :laughing:


The Big Yield x Mi5 you bred is amazing so I am sure it will be a great cross.
Thank you very much for gifting it to me. :slightly_smiling_face:


Looking good @chronix, gonna be a lot of seed shucking soon.:peace_symbol:


I hope so!

I am still having a hard time deciding on what to run next when this is done…
I have to get prepared for outdoors next year too. :thinking:


Some random pics of the plants pollinated.
Some are slower then others to show, but they will get there eventually.

The male plant.

I found a female in the 2x2 tent, that I have now re-introduced into the 3x3 pollinating tent.
It is still young, just starting to show. Perhaps it can make a few seeds.
It is a RK62 x Diesel Ryder from @Oldtimerunderground

The 2x2 tent.


I went and visited some of my friends today.

I think this male Gambian x Blueberry has done his job.
Every plant is well pollinated in my opinion. Except for OTUG’s plant, but it was a bit late. I am sure it is slightly pollinated still though.

I have 2 plants left in the 2x2. I got rid of some males today.
I have one Ape Bubble Scout that is showing as a female on the left.
On the right is a male Cherry Brandy.
They are a bit droopy as they are thirsty and I haven’t watered them yet.
Being in a 2x2 tent with a 315 watt cmh is no surprise they are thirsty. :laughing: :hot_face:

I chopped the male Gambian x Blueberry down. Attempting to save some pollen.

Pollen everywhere…

I sprayed/misted the plants down to try to remove some of the pollen. I am probably going to have to give them an actual shower tomorrow.

I will try to get close up pictures of each plant soon.


Were you able to capture some of the pollen from that stud, if so maybe I could get some. If not its all good. Thanks @chronix.:peace_symbol:


I was going to attempt to save some pollen.
I am very allergic to it though, so I had second thoughts.
I decided to throw it away outside last night.
If I had kept some I would have for sure sent some your way, sorry about that.

After spraying the tent down a few times, I have been able to stop sneezing.


No biggie, if I don’t ask I wouldn’t know. It’s a drag about allergies, my son is the same way. Thanks again.


Yeah pollen can frick with your allergies for sure. This Bubble Gum auto screwed me up for weeks :v:t4:


Yes, the pollen really messes with me, it is good to hear that I am not the only one!

These pictures are from Nover 27th. I just never got around to posting them.

Snow Ryder

Widow Red Berry Cheesebake

Black Cream


Strawberry Nuggets x Creme De La Chem

Big Yield x Mi 5

GG4 x Dosi Lo

Sour 60

RK62 x Diesel Ryder

GG4 x Tycho Monolith



The edibles help alot more with pain and sleeping.
I am doing okay, thanks! I hope your good as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

Some random pics from today.


Bro the plants look great! :star_struck:

Beautiful landscape scenery photos too :heart_eyes:


I agree. Outmotherfuckingstanding :+1:t3: