Chronix's Overgrown Tent

My only addition to the dryer sheet suggestion would be to use an unscented one :wink:


Another great tip! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thanks Doug.


Plants don’t look as good as they could…
I had issues with ph and fert issues. 1 gallon pots probably don’t help either. :thinking:
I was hoping for alot of seeds but I don’t think I will get as much as I was hoping for.

Oh well, it is the way she goes!

Big Yield x Mi5 @Jinglepot

Blueberry @Alaskagrown

Sour 60 @JohnnyPotseed

Black Cream @JohnnyPotseed and @Nagel420

Snow Ryder @misterbee

Strawberry Nuggets x Crem De La Chem

Widow Red Berry Cheese Bake @repins12
(I forgot to take a picture of this before I cut it)

GG4 x Tycho Monolith @Qtip

GG4 x Do Si Lo @Qtip

RK62 x Diesel Ryder @Oldtimerunderground


Looks to only have affected some leaves, those buds look prime, pal! Nice work! I love the variety too


Some great buds and a nice selection of strains to smoke . Which one is your favourite?


1 gallon pots are tricky. The buds look nice though anyway.


Nice @chronix, everything looks great, nice work with the one gallon pots. Im liking the variety.:peace_symbol:


No matter what medium, 1 gallon pots require time and attention. You obviously gave them both.


What do you mean? They look great! :grinning:
Some nice buds and colas on those plants.

Finishing plants in 1 gal pots is no walk in the park. Once they get really rootbound it can do some funny stuff, even when I make and use a water-only soil blend it happens. I don’t really care for the looks too much anyway, it’s all about the smoke for me.

That RK62 x Diesel Ryder F2 main cola looks stacked tight! :star_struck: beautiful grow man :clap:

I still have to shuck the beans from the autos I made seeds with this fall. Once I do I’ll be sure to send a bunch your way.

Thank you for the update and for growing out the seeds I sent :pray: Hope you’re enjoying the holidays :grin:


Thank you! I don’t really care about the leafs anyways. :laughing:
I love having a variety, makes it more interesting.

I am sure which is my favourite… they are all unique in there own way. I have also not tried some of the strains without being seeded so I can’t give a fair judgement. I can tell you the hash mixed between them all is pretty great. :crazy_face:

Yeah they can be a pain in the ass. Need watered every day when they get going.
I’d like to use bigger pots, but tent space is limited. Maybe I shouldn’t be so greedy and just grow less plants. :rofl: I can’t help myself though…I know I will do the same thing again. :upside_down_face:

Thank you! It is nice to see a variety of plants growing and there differences in growing/structures of plant.

Yes I certainly had to give them attention every single day. There were times I didn’t check on them soon enough and the plants were wilting. They always recovered successfully after watering them though. Those plants suck the 1 gallon pots dry pretty quick. These were grown under LED lighting as well so if I was using my CMH I can only imagine they would have dried out quicker due to the heat. :grimacing:

Well they could have looked a little better, but like you said the root bound would have caused them stress as well. I agree, the looks of the leafs doesn’t really bother me at all as long as it makes good meds for me that is all that matters.

No problem at all, I would like to thank you and all the other awesome OG’s for gifting me awesome genetics to grow. :smiley:

I tested out the Trim Bin I recently got. It works pretty good in my opinion.
I also must say, my cats think im a weirdo for sitting there with a cat litter box looking thing on my lap for hours. :rofl: :laughing: :smile_cat:
This was from sorting seeds from my recently harvested seeded auto plants.

Hey, free hash is free hash. I wouldn’t have collected anything from doing it in a cardboard box or on my rolling tray.

After the hours of mining seeds from the buds I was left with a bunch of shake mixed with premature seeds.
I tossed all the seed shucked shake into the pollen master tumbler I recently got
I got this out of it. Not alot but better then nothing.

Total of this for the sifted material.

The smoke is decent and has a good effect.

It is time for me to take some edibles.
These were made from a mix of strains.
Black N Blue Jack from @JohnnyPotseed
Black Cream from @Nagel420
FogDog from @Corey
Trizzler from @Mr.Sparkle

Here is the seeds drying and hanging out for a few weeks.
I didn’t get as many as I would have liked. Some are not as mature as I would like but I will give them germ tests in a few weeks and see how she goes. Not all are tiger striped but I have had success with other seeds in the past that are pale and not striped.


Happy New Years to all the OG’s!

Tonight I will decide what to start germinating next for the next run. :smiley:


Congratulations on your seedmaking @chronix! :grinning:

Happy New Year!! :grin:


I am going to do a germ test first, in a few weeks and if the seeds are viable and worthy of sending out I will contact all the seed donor parents first and offer them some. If I have any left I will give them out on the fsfc thread. :slightly_smiling_face:


Well done! I wouldn’t worry too much about tiger stripes, I’ve found they come off some of the seed I’ve made like they’re part of a thin skin. As long as the seed is mature enough, it’ll germinate!


Same here. I got a nice line up. I’m excited. I was worried for a minute. Things have gotten better. I’ll be changing my area up. Look forward to your grow.


Let’s try another round of making some autoflower seeds.

January 7th

January 14th

January 14th I picked the strongest seedlings and repotted into 1 gallon pots.

The seedlings that are still in the small plastic cups are seeds from my last round of seed making. I gave some a germination test, now I gotta figure out what to do with them.

After this run, I have to get ready for outdoors so I will be running some photo period plants. Autos as well, but there are some photos I’ve been wanting/needing to try.


@chronix Awesome enterprise!! As always!! You purr even louder than Shadow!! :sweat_smile:
Top notch gardener!! I’ll be following!! :hugs:

@chronix You roar!! :seedling:


Nice grow @chronix, I did my first autos last season. It’s funny im looking at auto grow and I had double grape auto for breakfast lol. Beautiful my friend.


Thank you @Abbbian !

@Greenfingers I have 1 Double Grape going in this round.

January 16th


That is a lot of seedlings going
Yum Grape!

:green_heart: :seedling: