Chronix's Overgrown Tent

I’ve always envisioned doing this and now that I see it in action …makes me want to do it even more lol …it’s like pure pressure in a picture :crazy_face:


Do it @Rabeats2093 :laughing:

Latest batch of Eutierria edibles have been friggin’ excellent. Good and potent.
Still have to fill alot more capsules.


Is it just me, or does your cats (well, the cat in ur avitar) eyes seem quite far apart?


I’m almost out of room as it is …
Mark my words next Nov it’s happening maybe 40 pots lol …I run into problems when late Feb starts …we have to start the veggies and end of April is pretty humid for bud growth …I might be able to get one more run before spring …but then I wont have any halfway decent plants to put out …blah blah blah blah blah :sweat_smile:


Thank you all for the comments and likes. :slightly_smiling_face:

No, she just has really big eyes compared to most cats. She is a mini Panther. Acts like one too. :smiley_cat:

Here is the tent on January 20th. I have spotted 1 male so far. I haven’t checked them all yet.
I know I will have plenty of females, so again, I will pick the “best” male plant I can find and maybe I can make room for some of the plants I bred from the last run…otherwise I guess they will just stay in solo cups. Who knows…it will go however it goes. :rofl: Lets wait an see how it all works out.

I did a germination test on some seeds from my last grow as I mentioned. I forgot about some :laughing:. I found 3 seedlings like this so I planted them into some cups an stuffed them in the tent. At least I know the seeds germinate now. I am not sure the success ratio I had cause I forgot how many I started with. Next time I will have to document that…


Looking great @chronix


Look at that root.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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The picture doesn’t show it all, it actually grew through the other side of the paper towel so I had to do a little extraction of it. I gently worked its way out. :smiley: :seedling:

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When I have one grow into or thru the paper towels, I just plant it with the piece of paper towel.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Check out the tail on that thing! Lol.
I’ve forgotten about seeds b4 aswell. :wink:

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I just cut or tear a piece of the paper withe the tap root and plant the whole thing. It will go away.


I usually just plant it as well with the paper towel but this was an easy extraction. :slightly_smiling_face:

January 21st


Great giveaway! Tent looks fantastic.
All autos correct?

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Yes they are all auto regular seeds. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Your planning on seeds would be my assumption. Or are you going to do some flower

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This will be another seeded autoflower run in the tent.
After that I will start some photos. I think I will try some mutant photos this year outdoors. As well as some regular photo periods.
I will be throwing autoflowers outdoors as well.


Sounds like you have a big plans for this year!
Awesome looking forward to watching.


These look interesting. Dibs on Black Cream, thanks!


Found any more boys in the tent yet?

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