Chronix's Overgrown Tent

I love how every plant is in full flower except the ones I sent you :rofl:
How long they been in the dirt now @chronix??

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Only the Blueberry CBD plant that decided to autoflower is in flower mode, all the rest are still vegging.
They have been outside for 20 days now. They have all been handling the heat really well. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think the ratio is 15:1


Oh so within the next week or two they should hit the accelerator then??? They seem to be enjoying whatever your doing with them :+1:
Any news on the Point Break??

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They are taking off for sure, but they won’t start flowering until around August.
They should all turn into some nice sized bushes.
The Point Breaks were unfortunately all males.


I’ve been to parties like that. I just escaped quietly :rofl:
Looking forward to the Sebrings Revenge flowering. I hope they yield off the charts for you buddy. :+1:


I like the big arm. Nice outside environment.


I seen my white crow friend again.

I messed my back up, so I haven’t been doing much lately. The plants have been taken care of themselves other then me watering/fertilizing them. Going to have to make some plant stake things and tie them up soon I am thinking.

Sunflowers seem to be doing good.

Got some Jalapenos growing.

Finally got some decent rain. We have needed it.


You should catch that funny little crow and teach him to talk. Twice the rarity! :rofl:


I put my plants in the backyard in a different spot this year, from where I had my plants last year. Behind my dilapidated shed. I had a home that was next door to me that was half burnt from a fire, so last year I had more privacy. The home has been demolished now, so now my back yard is more visible…
I put up this scrap wood to attempt to hide the plants from my nosey neighbor that lives across from the demolished lot, but then I ran out of screws. :rofl: :upside_down_face: :roll_eyes:
The plants get no sunlight from that direction where I put the wood so it is no problem in that aspect.
For those that remember, I still have a problem with that guy flying his drone in my yard…

Anyways, here are the plants.
They are growing like weeds, hard to hide them. :laughing:

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

(88 G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC from @middleman
I have more of these but haven’t guaranteed if they are females or not, but I am pretty sure I will have more females of this, and when comfirmed I will replant them. I was going to check today but the mosquitoes were attacking me so after I was finished watering/fertilizing I ran away like a baby.

Another Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Another Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u
This one seems to be starting to flower already which is nice, I gave it some bloom nutes tonight.

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds
Also some Sweet Peppers from @ShitSeeds

Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds

Here is a Red Velvet Sunflower starting to make a flower. From @ShitSeeds

After the Blackberry prickle bushes are done making berries I will be giving them a good trimming. :rofl:
I gotta get rid of all the Morning Glory bullshit vines as well. They are a problem this year, never had so much before.

Here is a pic of a baby Rabbit that I had a good conversation with.

I hope everyone is doing well, thanks for having a look at what I got growing on. :slightly_smiling_face:



I laugh, but I know the feeling. They love me way to much. I musta got that special blood, lol.

PS. Just shoot down the drone. :+1:


They have always loved me as well. Other people won’t be attacked but they will always attack me.
I even put the OFF bugspray stuff on and they still don’t care, they want my blood. :joy: :frowning:

Things are different in Canada. Where I live I cannot legally fire off a firearm on my property.
I cannot legally defend my property if someone is stealing from my yard or breaking into my home. I almost lost my gun license for protecting my property with out even having one in my hands.
The thiefs always win. Our system is fucked.
If I were to tackle someone on my property for theft or break an enter, I would be the one most vulnerable to charges. Yes, they are breaking the law, but if I were to injure them on my property I can also be screwed.


Hope you’re back in action soon!


Quick update…
Haven’t been doing much lately.
Back is still all frigged up, new meds aren’t doing a damn thing.

These Morning Glory invasive vine plants are not helping my situation. They have seemed to be a problem this year, never had much of an issue in previous years.
I had a hard time finding my shovel, this pic was after I removed more then half of the vines on it.

Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds

Sweet Peppers from @ShitSeeds

More Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds

The four plants I planted to close together… :rofl:
Blueberry CBD front left, ABC x strain on the right, Franky on the rear right, Sebring Revenge on the left rear.

(G13HashPlant x Sour Blue Tooth) x ABC from @middleman

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

Sebrings Revenge in the back from @Esrgood4u

Planted some of the extra mutants from @middleman in a spare garden bed that I should have weeded out weeds from first, but didn’t. Again, my back has been a problem lately so I am lucky to have even planted them in the ground. :laughing: I will pull the weeds out as time goes on.

Hey @Oldtimerunderground , come pull your tree stumps out for me would ya? :rofl:
(Plants from last years grow outdoors, with a label to prove it.)

Went to a local plant nursery place and brought some more pepper plants home, a few different varieties.
I think I will just get more promix tomorrow and throw them in some pots.


Like the ghost of christmas past:+1: :smile:

My worms ate mine… I was quite surprised…



Lookin good bro.
Though I’ve never seen a morning glory with leaf like that. Ours vine like crazy also. Though smaller leaves with white flowers.


Everything looks amazing @chronix well done. Especially with your back problems, still got it all done, bravo. I think you’re going to need a bigger privacy board soon though :laughing:


Top notch garden as always :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:
Cool white crow and bear…

If it were upto us, we shall keep the bear, get rid of whoever is flying that drone😁
Unfortunately, as wise man once said
We live in a society lmao…
I do wonder, if signal jammers will work on drones :smiling_imp:

Hope you are doing better than yesterday health wise my friend :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Plants are looking sweet @chronix, I have some of the mikado bubblegum x bubblegum fem pollen from otug, gonna hit all my fems with it. Hopefully it takes and we’ll have feminized seeds to give away.:peace_symbol:


Looking good, my friend :+1:t4: :v:t4:

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Very nice work Chronix. Everything is looking great.

I am also fighting some morning glory all over my property. What a pain!