Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Hope all is well @chronix :+1:


With the amount of slugs I have around here, it might take a 24 pack just to keep them at bay for a few days. :laughing: :rofl:

Unfortunately all of mine turned out to be males. :slightly_frowning_face:

It is all good, I am not disappointed at all. Just means an early finisher to sample!

I got the Red Velvet something or others, and the Giant Sunflowers. At least I think thats what they were callled.
Yeah, your right, they are going to be crammed together, I should have thought it through a bit more, but I was in a rush to get them outside due to space limitations. We will see how it goes. I know I will have to buy or build some more stakes for when they are taller.

That’s because I am a black cat. I have a hooman that I own and make him do everything for me.
He feeds me, grows plants for me, pets me, cleans up after me. I really am just a spoiled rotten black cat. He is lucky that I let him live with me though. :smiley_cat: :joy_cat:

Hey buddy, all is…okay for the most part.
I have been around, Just been lurking mainly.
I pulled a Jinglepot 2-3 days ago and frigged over my baby toe as well :laughing: :rofl:
Not sure if it’s broken, never went to get it checked, I got worse issues to deal with. :upside_down_face:
It was swollen as fuck and completely purple/black/blue. Got a nice blood blister as well.
Oh well, just keep hobbling on, LOL.
Thanks for checking in!

Now for a quick update…
It seems summer has arrived in my neck of the woods early.
Temps have been 30 - 36 degrees celsius, for the past week or so.
I don’t have a fancy new furnace with air conditioning in my home, there is no point in using window mount ac’s or portable ac, they just can’t keep up with the heat.
My plants in the tent were not very happy.

I resorted to plan B. Which is summer tent shut down.
Not to worry though, I have moved the plants to outdoors.
I have kept the best ones, I have given away some Blueberry CBD plants to someone else who wants to grow some CBD plants.
Unfortunately all the Point Break plants I had turned out to be males, so they were chopped. :slightly_frowning_face:

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

(88G13 Hashplant x Sour Blue Tooth) x ABC from @middleman

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

More mutants from @middleman that I am waiting to show if they are male/female.

A Blueberry CBD in front, Sebring Revenge in the back…
I will probably relocate these somewhere else, or gift them to someone else who can grown them on there own property. I gotta TRY to stay within my limit… :upside_down_face:

Hey @Foreigner , see those milk crates? Thats what the wonderful milk jugs come in.
I bet your milk bags don’t come in handy crates like them.

The autoflowering Blueberry CBD is doing well. Another couple weeks till chopping day.

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds

Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds

All the plants are much more happier being outside, and they have grown quite a bit too.
Watering/fertilizing is alot easier as they are more spaced apart instead of crammed in the tent.
Also, those mutants are much better off having more space, those frigging ABC leafs can get tangled/hooked together quite easily.

Since the tent is now empty I left one of the bottom vent holes open in my tent, and I found one of my black cats sleeping inside of it the other day. :smile_cat: :rofl:

Yes I know I gotta clean my yard up… when it isn’t so hot out I will fire up the lawnmower and weed eater.
Perhaps fight the blackberry bushes as well. :roll_eyes:


4 per crate, 3 bags in each.


I don’t wish to alarm you but my milk bags come in…wait for it…another bag :joy:

Looks like you’ve got lots of neat stuff on the go.


Right on bro, everything looks great, most of mine are outside too and im struggling with heat in my tents, as well. Holy shit “I pulled a Jinglepot” is awesome, im, right now, visiting the friends who I was with when I did it, were gonna turn it into a drink8ng game (it’s my (much younger) buddies 32 bday):laughing:

Temps in our area are supposed to stabilize a bit hanging around the 20’s for a couple weeks. Good to see ya!


Hey, whatever it takes for them to get their fix. :rofl:


Still waiting on the mutants to show there identities.

Blueberry CBD @THCeed

Sebrings Revenge @Esrgood4u

(88 G13 Hashplant x SourBlueTooth) x ABC from @middleman

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed
I have a feeling this is going to grow into a monster sized plant.

Another Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Another Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

Here is the autoflowering Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds
They seem to be starting to produce the peppers. (pictures I took of the pepper formations didn’t turn out great so no pics of that)

Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds are starting to take off. They will be overgrown in no time.
Next year I will definitely space them out more. More bracing for them in the near future is definitely going to be needed.


Definitely jealous of your outdoor space brother! Everything is looking fantastic! That ABC plant has me wanting to attempt a plant outdoor myself. Beauty’s!


I’m doing an abc in a 30 gallon this year, she’s already started too, got 2 of em going actually :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

U def should throw one out there, no one would have a clue it’s weed


Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds on the left, on the right is some new random different pepper plants I picked up from a local garden place.

Blueberry CBD plant that is autoflowering from @THCeed
This plant has some very nice fruity/berry smells. Can’t wait to try it.

I re-potted one of the Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

I also re-potted a Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Female (88G13Hashplant x Sour Blue Tooth) x ABC from @middleman

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u


Garden is looking great.

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Thank you.
I still have a bunch of your mutants waiting to show genders.
I am happy that I have found 1 so far though. :slightly_smiling_face:


In a couple months I’ll be able to send you some of the next ABC cross. I have a feeling based on what I see that it will be better. I’d love to make feminized seeds, but I just don’t have the time or space.


I will try them for sure.
I hear ya on the feminized seeds, its much simpler making reg seeds.


Nice looking bud, Bud.
Crazy about the auto flower.

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nice garden!

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I had 3 different varieties of sunflowers started and a f@cking chipmunk ate em.:rage:


Lookin’ great over there. Those Sunflowers are going nuts already! So are mine now that the cold has stopped for a couple days.

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Thank you everyone for the comments! :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is a picture of a white Crow that I have seen many times.
It is a Leucistic Crow. Very rare.

I had a visitor come by… a young curious Bear. It will most likely be killed by conservation officers because people around here are dumb as fuck and leave food/garbage outside. Once Bears learn to live off people they become dependent, and the conservation officers do not relocate them here, they just shoot them.

The Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds seem to be doing well.

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds on the left row, on the right are some mixed varieties from a local nursery.

The Blueberry CBD that decided to be an auto is doing good.

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

(88 G13 x Hash plant x Sour Blue Tooth) x ABC from @middleman

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u


Hey there! The garden is looking great buddy. :slightly_smiling_face:
That mysterious autoflower is looking quite chunky. What’s the ratio supposed to be on those?
That crow is pretty cool!
To bad about the bear though. Yes, people are dumb. They think that it’s nice to have a cute cuddly bear in the neighborhood, but they’re doing more harm than good. Because yes, it will likely have to be dispatched by wildlife management officials. :frowning: