Chronix's Overgrown Tent

Very nice. :100:


Went out for a short walk along the river today.

Sunflowers from @ShitSeeds
I really messed up, I planted them all way to close.
Also, the reason for the garden beds is because my back yard really sucks for digging holes, alot of shale rock. 5000 years ago or so the mountain I live by had a big landslide, and it even changed the route of the Fraser River.
Anyways, some spots plants can grow good in the yard, and other areas they don’t.
Where I put the Sunflower bed probably wasn’t a good spot… :thinking:


Sweet Peppers from @ShitSeeds

Jalapenos from @ShitSeeds

Other pepper plants I got from the local nursery.

5 plants of (88G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC from @middleman

Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u

I wasn’t expecting these plants to get so big…

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

(88G13HP x SourBlueTooth) x ABC from @middleman

Blueberry CBD from @THCeed

Frankenstein from @JohnnyPotseed

Not a great picture but here is Sebrings Revenge from @Esrgood4u in the far back here. (The taller plant)


Looking awesome brother :green_heart::green_heart::green_heart:


Lol, my sunflowers aren’t even a foot tall yet! :crazy_face:


Looking good @chronix, nice work your gonna be eating good while you’re trimming.:green_heart:


:clap:looks great~


Garden looks great @chronix !


Them Sebrings Revenge are gonna be huge buddy. :laughing:
Big plants = more bud :v:


Looking great man. Too bad about that 5000 year old land slide, but that might mean you have some great rockdust in there (optimism lol)

The sunflowers looks good, even if a little rough. They looks like they got some good height and a couple really nice flowers peaking out.
Those peppers are looking fantastic. Great job.


It has been along time since I have made an update.
I had surgery 2 weeks ago or so, and then caught a nasty stomach bug, so I have been useless for the past little bit.

A short quick update, everyone is flowering now.
These plants were not supposed to get this big. It would be nice if they had more room. It’s overgrown now, and that is just the way she grows this time.
Still battling those damn Morning Glory plants that are a pain in the ass. They grow pretty damn quick and are hard to keep up with. Especially when the Morning Glory gets tangled up in an ABC plant, I am sure some ABC growers know how easily those plants can get tangled just by themselves.

I will try to get more pictures soon of each one.


Looks great. Get well soon.

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Hey buddy, we’ve missed ya! What’d ya have surgery for(only if you don’t mind me asking)?
Hope you’re healing up well.
The garden looks great. Lol, “weren’t supposed to get this big” Ha!
Good to see your still kickin. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you!

A couple months ago I had a “granuloma” (basically a lump/bump growing thing) on my lower back top of my butt crack area. :laughing: :frowning_face:
An awkward spot. The doctor tried to cut it out, but then it came back. :rage:
So then I had to go to the hospital and get it removed again. :roll_eyes: :confused: :weary:
Instead of putting me asleep they gave me a “spinal” something or other. They injected something into my lower back and then I couldnt feel my legs or feet at all, I couldn’t move them no matter how hard I tried. Then they cut away and sewed me up, after I could feel my legs and feet again it was time to re-learn how to walk. :rofl:
I must have looked like a baby Deer learning how to walk for the first time. I almost fell to the floor.
I wasn’t allowed to sit down at all for 2 weeks, laying on my side for the 2 weeks have really messed up my back.
I get the stitches taken out this Friday. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you! The jungle has basically taken care of itself.
I would go out an water and fertilize but thats about it. I even had to let the Morning Glory grow for a bit because bending down etc was just too much.
A few days ago I had to stick plant stakes in the ground and tie some of the branches up because it rained alot and the branches were hanging about to break. I can’t complain though, we need the rain to put the forest fires out! :smiley:


Oh boy, that sucks!
Being laid out and not being able to do anything really sucked. I can only imagine not being able to walk. :grimacing:

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Glad your back buddy! Speedy recovery

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Get feeling better. Those plant look so pretty.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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Considering what ya went through the plants faired quite well. So they sending it away to check it’s origin not gonna make me say that dreaded word?


Yes they did send it away an checked it out, all is good. :slightly_smiling_face:


That’s good news then. I’m going in on the 12 got my fingers crossed checking for tumours again . Been feeling there could be a issue hoping not though .

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Called and epidermal and what they give to laboring ladies. Your’s was probably a little lower.
It wasn’t a hairy cyst was it. A friend had that in the same place and was told it was a thing.

:green_heart: :seedling: