Chronix's Overgrown Tent

@chronix probably an epidural
Nice to see you friend!!

Get better!! Hello @G-paS Long time no see!!
:seedling: :hugs:

Btw, a Gambian… x … forgot the whole name now, auto is on the way, growing!


Been tied up doing co-op stuff and don’t get to read like I like to.

:green_heart: :seedling:


@ShiskaberrySavior I hope it all goes well for you! :crossed_fingers: :slightly_smiling_face:

@G-paS They said it wasn’t called an epidermal, I know many people who have had those for different things. It is like the same thing, but not as strong like you said. All they told me was a spinal something or other.
No, it wasn’t a cyst, I’ve had one of them before on my chest (it is coming back too :neutral_face: :disappointed: )
Just a granuloma, that was causing issues like bleeding and puss type stuff. Nothing ideal but wasn’t the end of the world, but something I had to get done as it wasn’t going to go away by itself.


Can’t give a like to that.
Fingers crossed for ya bud.

@chronix - Coulda just been s spinal block. :thinking:


Good to see you @Abbbian !
I am thinking you are talking about a Gambian x Blueberry crossed to something else. I made a few different crosses. Good to hear! I hope it grows well for you!

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@chronix been a minute my friend. Bad news followed by good news, indeed! Sorry to hear you had problems, but glad things are alright now. The plants are looking simply stellar! No other words to describe em, lol Glad to see ya back up and at it!

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@chronix it is a Black Cream x Gambian x Blueberry!
Thanks again!! Hello, hello @JohnnyPotseed Miss you too brother!!!
:hugs: :sunglasses:


lol and another ‘stranger’.! Hey there @Abbbian good to see you’re back on the board also, cuz!


I think that is what it was. It basically just made me numb from the waist down to my feet.
No big deal or nothing, but it was kinda scary at first not being able to feel half your body. :rofl:
I was thinking, what if this never wears off? :grimacing:

@JohnnyPotseed I will try to get pics of your Frankenstein I got outside tomorrow.
You were absolutely right about them loving the nitrogen!

@Abbbian Please let me know how the plant grows! Should be a good one! :smiley:


I had to go research your problems :rofl:
I wanted to know the difference.
Spinal anesthesia involves the injection of numbing medicine directly into the fluid sac. Epidurals involve the injection into the space outside the sac (epidural space) .
I also had to read what causes granuloma. After the first line I had to stop. I have delt with them in the goats. They always come back but they don’t have done what you did so fingers crossed you are good to go.
Get :100:fast

:green_heart: :seedling:


That’s all I would be thinking about too. :grimacing:


Yes, this is the second procedure to try an remove this.
I also had one on my left leg on my thigh, I had it removed at the doctors office years ago before and it has came back as well. It doesn’t cause any pain, doesn’t bleed or ooze puss out of it so I am just letting it live rent free for now.
I really hope this one doesn’t come back, again… :neutral_face: :crossed_fingers:

The thing that started scaring me was the nurses were saying most people have it wear off alot quicker.
Took me alot longer to get any sensation of feeling back so I was starting to worry. Blood pressure was 180 :laughing: :upside_down_face:


My BP is up just reading this! :laughing:
Seriously though, I have serious case of White Coat Syndrome. I’m not a fan of doctors offices or hospitals. I can take mine at home, go right to the dr, and easily be 20-30 points higher on both sides lol.


I have the same issue. :drop_of_blood:


This is a gift from dear friend @chronix !!
Black Cream x Gambian x Blueberry!!
22 days old!!
Thanks a lot brother!! You’re an awesome OGer!!


Thank you very much for sharing that with us!
It is awesome seeing seeds I made travel so far and grow!
Makes me think I should make more seeds. :laughing: :smiley:


@chronix Indeed!!
All OGers will thank you for that!!
You simply kick behinds!
Get better fast friend!!
:seedling: :sunglasses: :hugs:



Before you do so…
You oughta let me send you some stuff that you’ll likely be interested in. :wink:


Glad you’re doing well @chronix, I had the same deal back in 1988. Glad you’re feeling better. Looks like the garden kept chugging along without you.:wink:


I’m glad your OK bud. That injection sounds the same as an epidural like when women get cut open to have a child. It numbs everything below waist level. 🫰for a quick recovery.

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