CLBA Outdoor 2023. Jason returns

We are very proud at Crystal Lake Breeder Association to be able to announce a sponsorship/ co op with a large Danish/Nordic seedbank, which will make our planned future grows and seed projects possible.

More about the great news in the Youtube video below :hugs:

Im also glad to announce that my BOTA, Battle Of The Autos are now possible and will start very soon.

Im going to compare a lof of AF strain against each other and my own Girl Scout Cheese Auto ( Girl Scout Cookies Auto x Cheese Auto) and 2 strains from Seeds Mafia.

They will all compete and the best strains will be used in my 101 AFs in a cornfield project next year.

And the sponsorship has also made my next indoor grow project possible with the exact strains i wanted to run.

Starship from CA seeds

Gelato 2.0 Nordland Seeds and

Gorrilla Glue Nordland Seeds

And im now able to run the planned C99 and Exodus Cheese reglar seeds project later.

More about those later.

2 strains from Seeds Mafia that is going into a contest they have currently, and they are going to compete against the other competitors in BOTA, but more on that later So stay tuned for more in the growthread and UTube channel :metal:


I kind and helpful fellow grower send me these for my C99 and Cheese projects

If i cant find pure males elsewhere i can use these regular seeds as they contain each 50% C99 and Cheese, so a first cross would give an 75% Cheese/C99 outcome, and then back cross from there.

But i still hope to save time by finding pure males and i have a little time before i start sprouting the seeds for the project.

And even if not used in the projects these are awesome genetics on their own

Thanks again

You know who you are :wink::hugs:

In the indoor grow Tent all the plants are starting to show Pistols here on day 3.

Im going to replace the 512 watt led Famurs light with 2 x 120 watt quantum boards soon due to height problems and bad light spread/cover from the Famurs lamp that waste watts in my case.

Even the latest flowering autoflowers from the garden has matured their seeds now see that are all been taken indoors where i will start trimming, drying, sorting seeds and sending to retailers.

Pictures and description coming later :wink:


Today i finally recieved a VERY much awaited shipment from the UK for my Cheese and other projects.

And oh boy.

Its like i died and went to heaven.

First shipment got stolen, second nicked by customs assholes that wanted a big bribe despite this being labelled as a gift but i dont mind dumpster diving for a month for this one :heart:

But now their are finally here and i can start my Cheese Project very soon.

From my understanding ( and from others more qualified) the Rockster Cheese is the closest to the clone in seed form any one offers ( im not even mentioning the GHS joke version).

Time to put on the work gloves.

Stay tuned to this thread and the Youtube channel for updates :metal:


I harvested the Royal Dane’s this night.

I only had 4 females.

Due to nutrient lock out and not visiting and caring for them as much as i should i ended up with 3 small plant and 1 medium large one with seeds.

Not soo many seeds as one could have hoped for but time will tell how many i have harvested

Little Youtube of Royal Danes in the corn at night
Just before harvest

Indoor and garden update coming soon

So stay tuned :hugs:


Sorry for the lacking updates but i got my hands full currently.
Its all growing like weed :wink:
This is mostly a media update but covers a little on both indoor an outdoor ( more coming when the Youtube channel limits are lifted.
i had to use a spare Youtube channel temporarily for some of it as it seems i hit some 24 hour upload limit, and Google wants me to give them my phone number and official ID to lift these restrictions.
Ha ha, they must be smoking bad weed :slight_smile:

CLBA GROW ROOM UPDATE WEEK 5. No bullshit version. AK47, Strawberry Banana, Chemdog, Girls scout C.
reuploaded the 5 week growupdate to the CLBA YT channel.
for now its not age restricted, but it probably will be very soon :wink:

( Temporarly link. it will be moved to CLBA SEEDS Youtube soon)

Outdoors the Gungner and Yggdrasil strains from Northern Seeds have positively surprised me.
The Gungner IS finished at mid September as claimed.
Stocky, ok sticky and perfect for Nordic Outdoor
Contains Northern lights and others and have been grown by Northern Seeds outdoor in Denmark for several generations.
The yggdrasil is similar, a little later finished ( end September/start Oktober) but more sticky.
Ill definitely be growing more of both next year and probably also use them in Outdoor breeding.

The Shorts from the CLBA channel:

Gungner, old Danish Nordic Outdoor with Northern lights.

Indoor Bubblegum grown outdoor in DK

( Running her also indoor currently)

Copenhagen Kush. Cupwinning Indica 28-30 % thc ( going to use this a lot in future projects)

Leb27. Old Danish IBL, Heirloom Outdoor strain

Sensi skunk 1 outdoor ( bought a 10 pack regular to find a keeper male. 7 germinated. 0 males )

Ive recently managed to find and order regular C99, DJ Shorts Blueberry and some Oldschool '90 Skunk, so it seems ive finally acquired all or most the thought after genetics ive been looking for for my planned winter seed projects


reuploaded the 5 week growupdate to the CLBA YT channel.
for now its not age restricted, but it probably will be very soon :wink:


LOL, Age restricted in 4 min… is that a record?? :laughing: :vulcan_salute:



yes, normally they catch it even under processing :rofl:


Awesome show, @XLNordic
Those cornfields with the nightvision goggles = amazing!

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Thank you.
Unfortunately the recordings is not that good.
My night vision add on is made for add on to a riffel scope so the lens is not made for free hand recording, so everything becomes way closer than they are
Making the recording bad quality and hard to watch but i cant afford a real night vision video cam, so i just used the cheap Chinese NV riffel add on, but its more suited for a riffel install than for free hand recording :cold_sweat:
My thermal phone addon is much better but that only shows thermal changes and better suited for finding animals in the dark using heat signature
Its not good at general observation af it doesnt show outlines etc if they all have samme temperature.
My idea was also to try and make something different from what most ppl post, and at least i was succesful in that part :joy:

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CLBA Seeds are going to drop a lot of seeds at NordlandSeedsDK , NordicGeneticsNET and SeedheavenORG very soon ( Early Nordic Landraces and Autoflowers) and even more over the winter (indoor strains and crosses Among them Exodus Cheese IBL, RKS Heime Cheeba, C99 regulars and many others)

Leb27 early, mold resistant Nordic Outdoor Landrace

Gungner. Old Northern lights based Nordic Outdoor Landrace

Royal Dane. Outdoor Skunk of the Vikings

Some of the planned indoor grows for this winter:

Exodus Cheese IBL 8x BX,
RKS Heime Cheeba,
C99 Regulars
Oldschool Skunk '88
Oldschool Skunk Special '91
Original Blueberry - DJ Shorts based

And many, many others

Keep an eye on our YouTube channel for more news and upcoming genetics


Sorry for the lacking updates.
Ive been busy lately ith house and other matters.
im of course still growing and ill make some more detailed update soon


Hey man. This is a great thread. I wonder if you can help me? I have 2 strains ( Viking) and (Mand). I cant find any info on them except that they may be old dutch strains that were sold in the coffee shops in the late 1980s or early 1990s. I could be completely wrong. Have you ever heard of these strains? If so, What can you tell me about them ?


Ive Heard Viking mentioned before but i dont have any info, Sorry.
The other one is unknown to me also

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Sorry for lacking updates

There has been some set backs, delays and changes but its still getting greener day by day :grin:

Plants for the cornfield has been transplanted

My time currently are a little stressed out and limited so i hope these Youtube videos can explain some, and if not, just ask

I just received these rare, expensive, promising and very unique Iranian Indica seeds.

“Some dude in Canada” are selling a feminized pheno of these for 100 USD ON SALE :flushed: as Iranian Autoflowers

As my time is limited currently i cant promise forum updates on a regular basis but keep on eye on the Youtube channel :wink:


As most cannabis related videos that shows the actual plant, most the videos are age restricted so you need to be logged in to Youtube in order to watch them



The censorship and blackmail in part of the community is still there and just for worse by the years :flushed:

The update above was deleted on ICM with the following reason that i had to pay for advertizing in order to continue using ICM?

Then i made a new short update there telling viewers that i had to stop updating the grow thread due to that demand.

And the next moment i was banned :flushed:

When i started growing again after a long brake i heard some rumours about ICM.

Seems that wasnt just empty rumours :cold_sweat:

Well keep growing and just ignore the Bullshit

Grow the seed.

Dont feed the greed :metal:

Hi there
Just read through your thread
Great job

Interesting line up for sure

I look forward to following along



Children Of The Corn S01E02 is online.

Its a unique documentary Cannabis Autoflower Guerilla Grow in Cornfields by CLBA.

Dont miss out.

Look for previous and future episodes in the CLBA YouTube channel and follow the grow until harvest in a few weeks


Children Of The Corn S01E03 is now online ( better lighting :wink:)

A Documentary cannabis Autoflower Guerilla Grow in Cornfields


Children Of The Corn S01E04 now online

Children Of The Corn

An Autoflower Cannabis Cornfield Guerilla Grow Documentary



S01E04 Teaser

S01E04 Full Episode