CLBA Outdoor 2023. Jason returns

Most updates from now on will be mostly Youtube based, for indoor and outdoor , so keep an eye on the channel on a regular basis as Youtube often doesnt notify on new content if its age restricted, which all proper cannabis videos are :wink:[image]


Welcome to Children Of The Corn: S01E05 & S01E06.
The Best and most Authentic Cannabis Cornfield Guerilla Grow Documentary.
Harvest time is upon us!
Some days with rain but no sign of mold.
Day time filming in 1080P
On Friday 13th we brought in the Gear and Sunday the Harvest started.
LSD Auto and Gelato Auto
A Large Cornfield Cannabis Autoflower Guerilla Grow Documentary.

13/9 2024 we brought in the Gear
15/9 2024 Harvest begins



Keep it Green and see you on the next episode.


LOL, I haven’t seen a guerilla grow in a corn field in many years…

I agree with the need for cammo netting… :+1:
For the white table, I’d get 3 cans of spray paint
(2 greens that match the corn and a brown that matches the ground).

Looking good, I hope you get a great harvest.



Thanks for the kind words.
Yes, good idea.
Its probably better to paint the table than to use a cover cloth.
I dont think theres others doing the same kinda grow style in corn in my country so here the police Arent flying choppers to look in the corn
But theres still private planes flying around for fun that one needs to keep an eye on