[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Thank you dude! Welcome along.

The ill-looking plants bounced back nicely. I believe the lockout originally happened because I wasn’t allowing enough runoff to pass through. I took clones very early on in veg and have been pushing them with the regular calmag feed without any issues thus far (with proper runoff this time though).

Yeah dude, Jimmy is dumping while everyone else is just spewing that baby pollen. My original idea was to defoliate the females to allow everyone else’s pollen to reach areas Jimmy’s hadn’t once everyone else was dumping, but I’m now considering removing Jimmy earlier than the others. I’m just not sure how much earlier, or if I’m allowed to separate him at all. A question on amble parts for @DougDawson, for sure.

Hell yeah, they’re all smelling real strong of it now. No mistaking it. It’s going to be fun watching you re-grow these puppies out.

Muchas gracias, I had never heard of the strain until the Archive interview with OrgnKid. I’m really glad that Nacho still had a pack of these, and that I was able to snag some more of his work. I’m quite excited to pop his Strawberry Waffles, hoping the name also matches the scent. I smoked some Apples and Bananas a month ago and although it was absolutely amazing; it smelled nothing like apples or bananas lol.

Cheers y’all, I’ll post update pics later in the next few days.


The big question is “has he done his job”? If he is dumping pollen you should see browning pistils on a bunch of plants. Are you seeing that. If he has pollinated the plants, and you need the space, I would think removing him would be ok. If they others are starting to drop it will only be a couple days before they are dumping as well. You could always give him a big shake in the tent and drop a cloud of pollen on everything.


I’ll take some pictures tonight and tag ya, but it wouldn’t be for at least another 2 or 3 weeks. Maybe removing him a week earlier than the others? It’s not a space issue, I just don’t want his pollen to entirely dominate. He’s been dumping for about 5 days now, and there are visible seeds forming.


chop chop time for jimmy :laughing:

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I would say if he is the only one dumping pollen and you got visible seeds forming than he has done his job. The key is to have as much genetic diversity as you can but he has already made his mark.


Yeah, only a few of his sacks are open, but the ones that are are DUMPIN. Peggy is pretty sex’d up. I took some rushed pics just now:


Right next to Jimbo are Kayla:

And Peggy Leggy:

And here’s everyone else



Lt., who’s also next to Kayla and has also been releasing pollen, just not as much as Jimbo:



Jordana Brewster (Formally T.O.G.F.F.A.F), and also the one that seems least pollinated.


What are your thoughts, Mr.@DougDawson ?


Well my first thought is that’s not dumping, lol. That thing is going to drop tons more pollen. It does look like you got some seeds starting though.


Hey I was checkin out nachos gear and not knowing his work can u reccomend a few of his better known/appreciated strains?
Awesome work ur doin, its lookin good

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He’s dumping pretty good right now dude. I know he’ll start fully going here soon, but no one else is dropping pollin like he is. One good shake and Peggy is covered. What are your thoughts on removing him a week earlier than the other males?

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I don’t see any issue with that. It’s genetics were spread so you should be all good there bud.


Agree, you should let the others some opportunities … frech|nullxnull


This is the first of his work I grow out so I couldn’t really tell you. I’ll tag ya if you’d like next time I pop his work though.

Okay, that sounds good to me!


@Mr.Christmas not like you asked by my 2c are that all your males should stay put until week 5.

I’m desperately wanting to pull the males from the NWHP Freakers Run to give the ladies more space as they are already doing some serious Yoga wanting to grow 6ft+ in a tent that has just about 5.25 feet of viable growing height lol.


@Mr.Christmas looks like they are going to have a nice big family .:clap:
Nice plants as well, and the same for your growing skills! :+1::open_mouth:
Hoping you get many seeds this run!:crossed_fingers:
And it looks like you are well on your way!:partying_face::tada:


What it do, Señor Paloma? All inputs are always welcome! It’s not a space issue, as they’re all nice and jigsaw’d in there. I’m just a bit concerned with Jimmy taking up more of the space genetically though. I definitely have cut males too soon before, but I think Jimmy will go on till the 4 week mark (2 weeks from now) and then the other boys will be left until week 5ish, if not longer. We’ll see though, nature dictates.

Also, I gotta catch up with your NWHP grow. I’m pumped to hopefully give those seeds a go with the techniques I use.

Orale, I’m personally excited to see Godiva keep flurishing. I haven’t seen that tight of a bud structure on males I’ve grown yet.

Thank ya for the kind words dude. Majority of the things I’ve learned about Cannabis have been through this forum, so it’s only right that I pay homage to it in some manor.

OverGrow the World!


@Mr.Christmas I am also the same as you about learning on this forum. The best one on the internet. And such nice people who are on this forum as well always willing to share, what they know. :grinning:


Hey y’all.

I’m doing shit in college because of arbitrary turn in dates, so instead of trying to rush to hand in an assignment that’s going to lose 50% of it’s grade in a few hours, I’ll post an update instead.

Well, back to the grind!


I hope you can do both! And your plants look really healthy, as always. :smiley


Thanks for the update!
Dont understand the college thing, but I wish you good luck!!


I’m knocking it out as best as I can, but have definitely been playing catch-up from the start lol. Just need more time, or better time management. :face_with_monocle:

Also, thank you. I heard Solfire describe the Banana OG scent as a banana candy and I think that’s a better representation of what I’m smelling than just overripe bananas.

Howdy Zett, I had been working on a statistics assignment and wasn’t understanding jack diddly, plus my brain can only take so much suffering, so I went to take some pictures instead. The assignments are usually due on a day like Sunday, lets say, but don’t get graded until a week or more out, yet handing them in a day late causes the grade of them to automatically drop 50%.

TL;DR just complaining.