[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Told you I was bad at that :slight_smile:


No, no, you may be on to something! Honestly, if it wasn’t for metering everyone from the start, I would go straight to believing it was a nutrient burn. I think the move right now is to feed them the flower feed for this week and then start them heavy once I do flip them.


Howdy y’all,

Just a quick update. What @funkyfunk said with the leaf color sat with me for a bit, and I agree. It’s the deepness in color that made me want to assume it was a toxicity of some sort. However, as I had stated, all the soil values and runoff values were coming in within limits of what the healthy counterparts were at, as well as the other healthy OG hybrids I mentioned previously that the males are chillin with.

I was going off of these image to compare the leaf damage with mine:

The example image underneath Potassium deficiency, as well as the example picture of a phosphorus deficiency, gave me an idea that it was deficiency consisting of the two. Especially since a dark green leaf color is expected of said a phosphorus deficiency.

Like everyone, I stay up late at night thinking about my plants lol. So, I hit up OverGrow’s local plant doctor @George at like, 3 am, to see what he thought about the whole ordeal. George showed me this chart:


And told me that it could possibly be lockout, which would also make sense. The plants could be metering in limits, but the cations present could be overtaking the others, causing there to be a lockout.

Using George’s provided diagram, Calcium and Magnesium could be culprits of what’s going on. These two came to mind because Drip Hydro has a warning on their feed chart that states:


In the year that I have used them, I haven’t had to reduce my CaMg feed for any cultivars, but these Nana OG’s might be the ones that need it.

So the current plan of attack is to pursue this as a possible lockout. I’ve began flushing all the Nana OG’s, and will feed them all with the reduced CaMg recommendation. I have a stronger hunch that this will be a better long term fix than what I was previously doing.

If for some reason I start noticing any new symptoms, I’ll re-evaluate my stategy.

See, I told you that you were on to something, Funky.

Here are some update pictures of today:



Lady Godiva:


Jimbo Cross

(shout out to my toes)

The females are clearly not ready for the males (today marks week 2 of flower), so maybe another week in veg for the fellas.

I’m kinda butchering this a bit y’all but don’t you worry your pretty heads; we’re going to get there. Also, excitingly enough, the female tent is starting to stink of overly ripe Bananas. It’s a surprisingly strong scent for how little developed the females are at this point.

Lastly, and albeit the most important thing I wanted to let everyone know during this update was that tomorrow,
April 18th, 2024,
Marks my dogs three year birthday.

Well, I guess that’s that. See ya!


Well I hope my suggestion does not lead you on a wrong path. I’ve thought of a lockout too, but as said I’m very bad at this and this chart always give me headaches. So you did well to get in touch with @George, even at that late hour lol. They’re looking good right now and seem vigorous, so looks like you handled that right on time :slight_smile:

So this banana really smell bananas, was wondering if the name was related to the smell. This plant can output so many different odors, that’s incr-edible lol.

Happy birthday to your mate! Looking really nice and seems happy. 3 years, must be a playful companion, enjoy! :slight_smile:


Happy birthday puper !

:partying_face: :tada: :gift: :scream_cat:

Looks so happy :blush:


Those plants look great from my eyes . I seriously look forward to this repro. I need to redeem myself with another shot at this strain.


I wouldn’t mind, I love sight seeing! No, but on a real note, I believe this is the way.

Yeah, the smell is really captivating. Though I can’t really pinpoint who’s the one producing it. I put my nose up to them all and don’t get the smell at all.

And thanks for the well wishes for my pup! She’s really lovely dude. I’m a big fan of her.


Muchas gracias! She had some fried chicken n’ rice for dinner that night.

Thank you dude. What smells are you getting from your lone survivor?


Also, it’s about that time.

Since these are to be mothers, they only got a slight haircut to open them up to more light penetration, and pollen penetration as well.


Plants look vigorous and healthy.
Nice work!
There is a lot of bud sites on those plants, should make for a ton of seeds.


Its like a pungent dank stinky loud weed kinda smell. It was more of a dank smell and not a sweet or a banana smell.
My nose sucks and most days i cant smell shit cause its stuffed shut rendering me a useless mouth breather.


This garden is wonderful, brother!!!



Looking awesome bro! Very nice! Gonna be a lotta bud on those beauties :wink:


Thank you señor, I wanted to have enough in case any shenanigans happened with the postal office. I’d also like to send enough so Doug has back-ups for the Canadian folk in case there’s ever a shortage of Co-Op seeds, like what went down this time.

Fuck yeah, that still sounds delightful. Maybe it’ll get more complex as it progresses. I’ve always had a real sensitive nose, ever since I was but a wee lad. One of my favorite aspects of Cannabis is opening a cured bag and just being engulfed in the scent of it all.

Thank you hermano! I’m transplanting the clones of the ladies in the next few days too. I’m trying to flower them out after the mothers are harvested to sample the smoke out.

Thank you dude. I’m real excited about the smoking some sinsemilla of it, as I’ve been avoiding fruit smelling bud for a bit now but this funky banana thing is doing something to me.



Before the grow, I was going off the expectation that Allbud describes of pine trees and banana peels, because Leafly is almost always wrong. But no, they’re pretty spot on with this one.


Hola mis amigos.

The males were getting a bit outcompeted for canopy space so I raised all but Lt. Dan and Jimmy.

Jimmy was also given a bit of a haircut to slow things down.


Looking good @Mr.Christmas :grinning:


They look fabulous man. -A healthy looking family if I ever saw one. Makes the heart warm. Great work!


^^ To say the least.

Interesting to see this different phenos in the group shot.


Im gonna have to go smell an overripe banana and then compare lol


Good work there !

I’ve smelt some Banana OG few months ago ( from royal queen seed ).

A part of my brain can’t process how this banana smell on cannabis ( even if I could smell this terp in a wine too).

It’s marvellous and the OG ( chemdawg ) part of it gives me an automatic smile.

Grow tall and prosper :vulcan_salute: