[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

It’s a mulch. Looks like made with some hulls here (rice maybe?). The purpose it to keep the soil out of light like it would be outside. It helps to retain moisture too. So all in all the microbial life is supposed to be happier. It has (a very) limited effect against pests like gnats. Also it looks nice :smiley:


Where do you get it?


Depends on your country but where I leave you can get mulch bags in any mainstream online or IRL gardening shop. Depends a bit of the type of mulch you want, I’m no expert on which is best. I supposed it’s the one most readily available to you. Most common here is shred hemp stalks and branches, so you can do that with your previous run stalks also. Let them dry, shred them and voila :smiley:


Hello @Mr.Christmas !! Good luck in this run. Follow here!!

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How are you finding the rice hulls? (I was considering the same)



I found them on Amazon! :wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol:



I’ve made sprout 6 Powie Wowie (the ones in the plastic tray) and 6 Powie Pineapple.

I’ve made theme sprout in paper towel then in plugs that I dislike :

  • They were dry as F and took hours to get wet ;

  • They break easily ;

  • They need to add stuff to facilitate the roots growth ( even in a propagator).

I need a way to make my own Riot Root plugs this is the best stuff I know for seeds and clones.

I’m sprouting alfa alfa seeds so I will use a bit of blended mix to spray on the plugs …


That sounds like a keeper cut to me.

Hey pal, thanks a bunch! Welcome along!

󠀠Six seedlings have been transplanted, and their stems have been buried.

The stems get a light coating of Take Root before the burial.


There are only 4 other seedlings. Frowny face has not broken soil, and the one that I hoped picked up strength did quite the opposite.

The remaining 4:


I never thought to do that. I put a pinch of Vam in the dirt where the roots touch the soil. The next time I bury those long steamed sprouts, I will try a little on the steam.

I love how you named them :rofl:

:green_heart: :seedling:


It works surprisingly well. I keep my seedlings in those 4 inch containers for a few weeks, so I like for them to grow roots out of that stem ASAP.

And thank you. :grinning:


Great trick, didn’t think about it too.

Another one for those seedlings who have very long stem: sometimes it’s not practical to bury them a lot, it ends up too deep and there’s not much room for new roots anymore. In this case while repotting I gently twist the stem to fold it in circle, a bit like a wire cable, while filling the top of potting soil. That way you can have those 3 inches or more stems take only half or one inch of the top soil. Is it something others do?

Next time I’ll think about adding rooting powder though!


I apply a touch of dynomyco right to the radicle/tap, it’s crazy the difference between one given and one not root development wise. They are usually so vigorous any advantage given they will certainly take hold of and thrive. Take root is a good one @Mr.Christmas :bulb:


I too dust the stems with rooting hormone before potting up. works great!


Just wanted to give props for this work, I’ll be interested to see the plants as they grow, banana OG I’ve heard mentioned but haven’t ever had the opportunity to see stem nor leaf, so I appreciate the opportunity to scope em out. :v:t2::heart:


I’d love to see a demonstration of it sometime (Although I understand if this isn’t possible). I’m imagining you bend it like this and then burry?:

Hell yeah dude, I actually just tested it out on the seedlings for my personal grow. The ones where I didn’t put myco or take root had significantly less established rootballs than those who did.

I used to wet the stem before plopping it on there, but now I just rub it in all nice and dry like.

Hey brotha, thanks for your kind words. I’m hoping that you’ll get to not only see the stem and leaf, but smoke some of the flower when you grow the beans out.


I fold it more in the shape of a spring, in rising circles if you will. That’s the same gesture when you fold instrument cables, or a climbing ropes, as to not put tension on the fibers. Don’t know if that’s clearer. I’ll try to take pictures when I’ll repot seedlings this week.

I like your drawing, looks like someone is growing weed in a t-shirt that’s funny :laughing:


My first thoughts too :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Hell yea, excited to follow along here :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2:


If I was trying to draw a T-shirt, I would’ve posted this:





A few of the seedlings done lost their heads, including Jimmy Cross.

Also, Lt. Dan is drunk.


I want some banana strains, I test the crap out of them.
Just putting that out there shamelessly