[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Well I must say I’m stocked 'cause it seems your also a great fashion designer

Ok, you’re better at growing bananas from seeds in fact :laughing: They’re looking good can’t wait to see them later. Thanks so much for the seed run!

I’ll post a drawing later (trying to be on par with your talent) cause my seedlings are too perfect, they did not require that trick, so no photos. No wonder, theses are bagseeds, so I’m guaranteed to have the best next thing and be successful commercially. In fact I’ll only grow and breed bagseeds now.

P.S: sorry not sorry I’m high


You may have spoken too soon! A few plants are showing deficiencies. I’ll post pics of them tomorrow, they look intense!

That’s what I like to hear!


Something you’ll fix I’m sure. Unless Lt. Dan is getting everyone drunk :laughing:


Thank you for the confidence.

Let me provide some background. I run Drip Hydroponics (pH adjusted to 6.2 in veg), and my media is Sunshine Mix #4. I’ve found that introducing their feed from days 12 at 1.20 is best to avoid toxicities/deficiencies. However, a few of the OG hybrids that I have growing ahead of the Banana OG experienced severe deficiencies on day 15 of veg. Because of this, I decided to introduce nutrients to the Banana OGs on day 10, but at a lower e/c of 0.9, just in case they weren’t all ready for it.

5 days later, on day 15 (3/3/24), I noticed necrosis and chlorosis on Patsy’s lower leaves:

I decided to measure everyone’s E/C, here are the results:

  • Kayla : 0.04 mS/cm
  • Yaruska : 0.04 mS/cm
  • That one Girl From Fast and Furious : 0.04 mS/cm
  • Jimmy Cross : 0.005 mS/cm
  • Patsy : 0.07 mS/cm
  • Peggy : 0.07 mS/cm
  • Bubby : 0.17 mS/cm
  • Jane : 0.36 mS/cm
  • Lady Godiva : 0.36 mS/cm
    … and Lt. Dan wasn’t measured, because he was still too underdeveloped.

For reference, Sunshine Mix #4 had an e/c of 0.44 when the seeds were planted. So, I decided to switch them to full strength e/c, which is 2.01.

On March 6, I noticed Jane’s leaves were curling slightly upward. This is a symptom that I’ve previously experienced was caused by a nitrogen deficiency. So, I decided to measure her e/c.

Jimmy Cross developed necrosis on his lower fan leaves, and a bit on his upper.

And Patsy’s leaves began to curl a bit more.

Here’s a group pic on that day.


Here’s them yesterday

…and Lt. Dan:

I gave him a little trim on the sides, he was out of regs.

Looking at the plants, I decided to bump them up to the week 3 feed (Bumps the e/c up to 2.24, introduces more nitrogen). I want to avoid letting the plants get as bad as the hungriest plants in my other garden.

Here’s the hungriest one there, a Hell Raiser OG:

Anyway, here we are today:


Tough questions, I know nothing of your soil and nutrients, let alone this cultivar :smiley: Plus they seem to react very differently. There’s quite some variations.

But they don’t seem bad at all. Also they’re in these container since a little while now, so roots are probably getting a bit bound and sensitive. How’s the environment? I wonder if some of the symptoms (curled leaf edges) might be related to that. But I’m terrible at diagnosing, so don’t listen to me so much :smiley:


This is definitely true! They actually were transplanted way faster into the 4 inch containers because they showed rootbound unhappiness real early on. However, the root system wasn’t nearly as developed as I expect it to be by that point. They’ll be going up soon, they gotta get their shit together though.

The tent sits at 77-80 degrees F, with leaf temps at ~75 degrees F. Humidity is kept at 72-76.

They’ll grow out of this, I’m not concerned.


And bounce back they did.


Jimmy Cross


Oh sweet ! They look healthy brother :pray:
Excited to see this grow man !


Man you got a lot going on. I am sure all them plants 🪴 got your ass hopping everyday the effort you are putting in really shows well. :facepunch::ok_hand::wink::sunglasses::+1::clap::v:


Great job. Love this project. Excited about the near future.


Thank y’all for the encouragement. I’m having a blast, it’s a bit hard to express that via posts, but it’s true. All three of you are very active and supportive members, and it does not go unnoticed nor unappreciated. Lucky for us, we’ve passed my two most intense checkpoints during this process: the early topping, and the “laying down”. I can only hope for smooth sailing from here on out.


I really know nothing about E/C etc… cause I only grow in soil and never check this stuff.
But they’re lookin good good now mate!


Awesome job @Mr.Christmas, very nice save! Keep it up! :fire::fire::fire:

Pz :v:t2:


We are all just as excited and enthusiastic :star_struck: as you are about this grow. I think :face_with_monocle: that makes it easier to follow along. The detail you have been painting with words and pictures are what is keeping it interesting. :clap::clap::clap::ok_hand::facepunch::wink::+1::sunglasses::v:


Nice skills keep those Banana’s going. Great smoke.


Hey y’all, hope everyone’s week is going great. Feels like I blink my eyes and it’s Friday again. Anyone got a way to slow that down? Not much info to provide, please enjoy some pictures for now.

I’m keeping a close eye on the deficient plants. It seems the damage isn’t new, but if the situation does worsen, they’ll be getting upped to an E/C of 2.43.


Been loving the names as they go. Feel like I read a new one every update lol

Keep it up, my friend.


I think :face_with_monocle: I am bananas :banana: for bananas :banana: now! Looking :eyes: pretty good. Hope the problem was just a hiccup in the road to success with a quick recovery :heart:‍:adhesive_bandage: ! :wink::banana::+1::facepunch::ok_hand::sunglasses::v:


most lines have been selected to only one of the side.
i really like that there are fat- and thin-leafed phenos :slight_smile:
= a “complete” (or still intact) banana-seedline *yay *


That sounds like a great run for genetics