[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Yeah, it gets tricky coming up with names sometimes. But most of the time, they just scream it at ya. We got all 10 named now.
My little T.O.G.F.F.A.F
Lady Godiva
Jimmy Cross
and Peggy.

The names don’t correlate with the sex. These could all be dudes, for all I know.

Cheers hermano.

I believe there are some more trials and tribulations with their nutrients. The issue is definitely progressing, ever so slightly.

Their E/C is all in the low .20s, with the exception of Peggy who’s at .30. She’s been the happiest of them all throughout.

Anyway, I’ve decided to up their feed, and I have my toes crossed that that’ll do.

Yeah, the chunky, squat, fat leafed ones look very different to the thinner bladed ones. A few of them have very loud aromas to them. Jimmy Cross makes me sneeze when I whiff him up :smirk:.

I can’t wait to smoke them.

Here they are today.

We’re going up to the 2.43 e/c that Drip used to recommend for heavy feeders. I say used to because they nonchalantly removed it from their feed charts. I’m not sure why. I shot them an email and haven’t heard back in a few days.

Anyway, my goal is to get the media to start stacking up to at least .5, we’ll see how it goes.


When I first moved to Oregon we used to go from shop to shop untill we found some banana. Definitely one of my favorites and would love to get my hands on some, some day. Hope it all goes well and thanks for keeping them going!


Hey y’all.

I’m currently smoking a nice joint of some Blockberry, Superboof pheno. About to go make some burgers after this post to end my night. I feel real grateful today. It was a bit of a stressful day, but none of the shit I dealt with really got me down. I felt real good. We gotta be thankful for what we got, parceros.

The plants have responded great to the increased feeding. They’re real hungry plants as you can tell from the previous posts. With the offspring, I plan to feed heavy from the get. It’s interesting because the deficiencies seem like potassium/phosphorus, which is a first for me. It’s usually nitrogen, calcium, or magnesium deficiencies I’m battling. I’m a new grower (my 3 year anniversary is actually coming up in April), so I’m still getting used to the swing of things. But man, it’s been fuckin’ fun. And most of what you see is thanks to y’all. I’ve spent so much time just reading, and learning, and laughing, and crying with y’all here. I’m very grateful for this community.

Anyway, that’s enough of my rambling.

We got a bunch of dudes, man.

Even. fuckin. LT. DAN!

Can you believe this dude? He’s got a lot more than legs now. :flushed:

Also males (no close up pics tho) :


We got 2 shy ones, which I totally get. I’m the same way.

That One Girl From Fast And Furious has this really neat fan leaf formation that the other’s don’t.

And then 3 that I’m 51% sure are Female. (No Closeups, the bracts are too tiny.)

So if we’re lucky, Peggy and my little That One Girl From Fast And Furious will be females. That way, we’ll have a 1 to 1 ratio.

Also, all of their petiole (stem rub?) smell is real real funky. What I do is I break the petioles of a defoliated leaf and then just sniff it up real nice and good like. I know the smell isn’t indicative of the end terp profile, but it’s always been indicative of my favorite plants. These all have that strong funk, with ol’ Jimbo being the stinkiest of them all.

Well, that’s all for now folks. Thanks for stopping by!


That’s sick. I never got to smoke OGs when I was growing up. All we saw was Sour Diesel, Chem D, Blue Dream, and White Widow. At least that’s what they said it was. I got to experience OGs once I moved out to California and boy, oh boy do I like OGs now. I believe it’s Stizzy that has a OG Kush pheno that blew me away for being mass produced like that. It wasn’t like any other OG Kush I had smelled either, it was super funky. What someone would describe as a bad smell.

That’s kind of what I’m hoping for with these.

Thanks dude, I’m giving it my best.


Appreciate your mindset, my friend. Your grow skills are nice, too :blush: but I like the temperament. Keep it up :muscle:t2:


They’re looking so good.

It’s cool when a day doesn’t manage to break a good mood.

And I have to say you’re quite giving back to this community with this run :slight_smile:


Yea when I was growing up in Florida all we had was brick weed lmao, every now and then we got chronic from the west and diesel from the north. I think I was 18 before I started hearing actual names lol. But moving to the west coast definitely opened my eyes. Shoot when I moved everyone had blue dream like it was the regs out here :rofl:


You’re killing Florida’s reputation for its fine heirlooms ala TK lol :laughing:


Lmao Florida kills its own reputation although I’d have to say some interesting stuff coming out of Gainesville for the last decade or so.


the weed also!? haha


I loved the punk scene out of Gainesville in the early 2000s.


Yeah, and tampa’s death/grind recordings were killers at that times too.


owww what beautiful plants!!


banonner og!


Thank you señor! I need to head on over to your journal whenever I get some spare time to catch up. My toes have been too clean for too long now.

Thank you dude, the community means a lot to me. Also, I’ll be keeping a close eye on them to make sure nothing funny happens from here until they’re flowering.

The females will be getting transplanted into the 3 gal pots the moment they show their sex. I’ll veg them for two weeks or so and then flip the females, separate the males for a week or two, and then re-introduce.

Ey man, it’s some good shit! I haven’t had pure blue dream since though, only an Acapulco x Blue Dream pre-roll on my celebration out of Cali. I’m not typically into the fruity flavors but every once in a while, they’re real nice.

Thank you! I’m excited to see them in flower already.


5 males, 5 females.


Nice root shots!!! Healthy looking plants


very nice rootballs, gonna be some big plants. Nice job


What an even split, thats awesome


Ditto, you cant say fairer than that, excellent result @Mr.Christmas :+1: