[Closed] Banana OG F4 Seed Co-Op

Sweet !!
I love that you got an even mix :pray:
They all look awesome, and those roots are incredible :raised_hands:


I like your style, short and squat will tons of roots.
Nice work.

Hope everyone is havin’ a Happy Easter.


5/5, you are going to have a ton of seeds. Great job, grow is doing amazing. :v:


It made an incredible bond, brother :heart_eyes:.
I love plants like this…
5 males and 5 females… The party is going to be good in this tent :sunglasses::smiling_imp:.



Awesome bro! This is gonna be great !


Howdy y’all.

I’ve been a tad bit busy and therefore haven’t spent too much time on the forums as of late.

The girls have been in flower since the 4th now.

The males have been chillin’ in my other tent since. I noticed burnt tips on a Jane and Jimmy Cross sometime ago so everyone’s feed got reduced back to 2.24.

Also, some of Jimmy crosses sacks have started opening. I’ve heard that this is a sign of not-so good of a male. Can anyone touch on that at all?

Cheers, brochachos/as.


2.24, pushing them :smiley: But they seem to like it, they’ll be huge. You’re in for a lot of seeds.

For the early male, have no idea, lots of heated discussion about that. But it seems mostly to depend if you want your progeny to be early in the end. In the wild he may have won over the others, but the ladies don’t seem ready enough :laughing:

Keep up the good grow!


Co-op should include as wide a genetic diversity as possible. I’d let the early male go for a period of time and then remove it.
They’re looking lovely




That’s actually just the base feed from Drip.

Yeah dude, he would’ve dominated out in nature. It would’ve been just Jimmy Cross crosses.

I’m not talking about culling him lol. If I had been allowed to cull, Lt.Dan would’ve been long gone. Just want to hear people’s reasoning on why it could possibly be considered a bad male.


Some people believe early males are less desirable for potency I believe. I think early males are great if you’re trying to adapt a strain for outdoor growing.
I’m personally looking forward to the scientific approach to this type of thing as opposed to bro science


Totally agree! I think there is value to the outliers of both ends of a given spectrum. The earliest males and the latest too. They’re all different unique tools! Especially as they relate to population fitness across multiple generations. Many blessings and much love


I see, I had assumed it had something to do with the finish time of the females. But I didn’t really comprehend why that would necessarily be a bad trait? The potency is something I wouldn’t have thought of, and that’s very interesting. I agree with you about the science aspect. I’m a fourth year Soil Sci major that fell in love with Cannabis enough to use my GI bill for it. Anyway, knowing the notorious “bro” science is a good starting point for any legitimate experiment. Thank you for sharing your knowledge :pray:t3: . It would be cool to test out the progeny of Jane compared to Jimmy Cross on a single female, like Peggy to test out if the potency thing is real. Jimmy has been my favorite plant from the start, also the smelliest. I’d be surprised if he produces anything other than stars.

Especially for a preservation run! I agree with you, though I have very limited experience with males (:flushed:). I’ve now dedicated a tent to flower out all the males I find while searching through phenos, but that’s currently being used to grow some personal smoke.

I like the idea of open pollinating my packs, and then selectively openly pollinating the selected progeny.

Thank y’all!


I can’t believe there aren’t more botanists in this forum. Rude of them.

I know that hillbilly broscience states: the early flowering male gets the chicks. Unless you’re a pea. Then you just pollinate yourself.


Hey y’all,

I’d like some advice. The males are starting to show signs of the possible potassium or phosphorus deficiency again, with Lt.Dan being the most deficient.

He seems to be healthy enough on nitrogen, so I’m wondering if I can just begin feeding the males their flower feed until I flip them? Since I there’s no nitrogen issues, I don’t see the reduced nitrogen in the flower feed being an issue. I also want to flip them in a week, which gives the females a 2 week head start.

Yaruska is also hungry:

Her soil e/c was significantly lower than everyone else, with an average e/c of .35. Kayla’s e/c is also fairly low, though her leaves aren’t showing such blatant signs of a deficiency like Yaruska. Her average e/c was .45, while Peggy’s was .78, and TOGFFAF came in the highest at 1.19. The deficiency issues previously went away when the soil stacked to .50+, so for now, Kayla and Yaruska will be getting an increase feed, while Peggy and TOGFFAF stay at the base feed. I didn’t measure Bubby tonight because I just fed her. I like measuring soil pH and e/c the day after feeding.


I’m terrible at diagnosing (and so correcting) sorry. My bet would have been an overwatering (leaves dropping) and maybe a nutrient burn/lockout. To me the blue hue of the leaves indicates they have plenty of potassium, but that could be the picture tricking me. As I said I’m not good, so take that with a lot of caution. I’m mostly bumping the thread for more experienced people to jump in honnestly :laughing:


Ive had nothing but issues with the f4s i got. I just could not dial them in at all. They came out the gate nice and green then everything just kinda yellowed and died off.

I have one f4 that made it to day 36f and counting but it is far from perfect. The rest are gone


The EC measurements point away from nutrient burn. Also, them previously being fixed by the increased feed does too. The increased feed also has higher nitrogen, and the tips got burnt after a week on it, which is why I don’t want to turn to that for the males. Things also pointing away from a burn are the soil pH readings, as well as runoff pH and e/c readings.

The leaves were drooping because he was thirsty. I’m more specifically asking if it’s okay to feed them the flower feed.


From my experience with this batch, I feel like they were hungry. That one survivor looks great, though!


I say give em the flower power! I’ve been known to overfeed k until they tell me to back off. Sounds hungry to me though. Love your detailed media run down. Way thank you. Also looking good despite :purple_heart::love_you_gesture:t2: