**Closed** Seed Run: Hazeman 88g13hp

I ran a couple of @Barefrog’s beans and want to run yours next. I had one female of his that had a unique terp profile and the other not so much but both had nice plant/bud structure. The both got seeded so I need to run some seedless to judge them fully.

I’m looking forward to running yours @SCJedi next, to compare… and maybe mix the two. If I get a good stud male, I’ll do all I can to save some pollen for the greater good. It may be the way for us as a large group on OG to isolate certain worthy strains in any or all of these co-op grows. Collectively, we could do better in the long run for re-creating these strains by networking for pollen and/or stand out phenos. peace


I am up north and remember getting UW back in the day from multiple people. It was always such a pleasure. Have wondered if it was still held. Cool that you made S1s. I can’t really think of the exact traits of the UW but I did like it… What are your memories of growing it… I want to say the bud was pretty light in color and nice and frosty but can’t remember any smell / flavors


Anyone still have some true 88g13hp seeds around


If you check with @SCJedi he might be able to help you out .


@ShiskaberrySavior thank you for the help I appreciate it


completed project