**Closed** Seed Run: Hazeman 88g13hp

Hell yeah man! Seems like you really love that one. It’s not hard to see why and I can only imagine how well she gives a proper stoning. I bet she would pair well with Orange Grove in a cross.

Bohdi used the same PNW hashplant that was used in the orginal G13xHp right? That would probably be the best bet if it could be done. That or use the 88’G13xHp and select on the Hp side.

Sorry SCJedi, for getting off topic.


Sorry to interrupt, but Old-school Hp caught my eye from another room. Where can one find more information on this topic ?


I’d love to find a legit pine tar Kush and a legit UW HP and make a 3 way cross with the 88ghash. Not exactly sure how I’d do it but it’s just been an idea I’ve tossed around in my head. I guess it’ll just be one of those thoughts that eventually fade off into nothing since I’ve only been able to acquire the UW in a cross and still haven’t found a legit PTK.


I made S1s of the UW cut that I ran for quite a while. I keep telling myself I’ll do embryo rescue on them and then I don’t. Perhaps 2020 will be the year.


2020 ? Times up …lol
What’s the UW cut ?


University of Washington where it was found
Also known as udub


Pretty sure I meant 2021. I’m guessing the lab won’t be fully up and functional until January 1 anyway. The escrow doesn’t close until 12/11.


You got any you can cut away from the herd on them s1’s?

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Unfortunately no. Maybe 20 total? That is how I know that I need to do embryo rescue.

I made a lot but lost them and the pollen as a partnership split. A couple of years later the seeds showed up in a plain envelope mostly crushed by the combo of the USPS and sender negligence.

Every time I have tried to pop some they crack a tail, stall and die. I need to sterilize them, crack them open and start them in test tubes.


Is anyone finding any phenotypes in these that exhibit the burnt tire smell? I am getting way more lemon/citrus leaning phenotypes in the ones that I received from Hazeman than I recall from the ones that NDNGuy sent me 10 years ago. Positive vibes…



Ya have to take into consideration all the breeding between here and there and what they used for breeding material


Most definitely. I am more so just wondering if it is still something that I should be hopeful in to find while working this line or if I should abandon that hope. Nostalgia is a hell of a drug haha. Positive vibes…



I’d probably search out another batch of beans preferably not out of the same batch.
Can’t find whats not there

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There were so many repros of these done.
Do not be afraid to ask people where from you don’t want to rechew the same gum.

I’ve got some from a repro from another club, I know they ain’t the same.
You’re welcome to some.


I truly appreciate the offer. I would definitely love to look through some from a different population. Feel free to reach out with a PM whenever you have a chance. Positive vibes…


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I finally grew some of the 3 females out for some flower and I just cannot stand the smell to smoke it more than one time.

Originally I thought the plants from the seed run were giving me cocoa or tootsie roll but these have something rancid/foul about them. It could be rubber or something burnt. I’ll like toss it out or make RSO with it.

Caveat that I have a really sensitive olfactory system.


Do they smell like hot roof tar in the dead of summer on the pinch?


Interesting. I just finished a couple that bare frog sent me and the scent is more peppery with like a rotten meat funk on the back end.

Burnt tire would be cool!


I always loved the burnt rubber smell from the GHash. After growing for nearly 2/3 of my life, I tend to seek unique/odd cultivars. I had a plant recently that smelled like someone took a shit in a fruit bowl. She exhibited intersex tendencies around 2 weeks post flip, so she, all cuttings of her and her sisters/cuttings were culled. Feminized seeds, so no males to speak of. Positive vibes…
