(CLOSED)The Pigeon & Bear Show: Episode "Freakers Run: Nepali Watermelon Hashplant"

Glad to see our girls rocking towards the finish line! Hope the last week has been a good one. :green_heart:


They really are!

It’s only been 56 days since I’ve flipped to 12/12 and all three plants are dropping their fan leaves and knocking out tonnes of seeds! :exploding_head:

If I slip up and tap a plant when doing my nightly checks they all come raining down. I’ve never seen anything like this before in a seed run and it’s both really cool and unnerving at the same time. I’d be less wtf if they weren’t suggested having a 90 (+/-) day flowering period. :man_shrugging:

On top of this, they are no longer wanting to take up water which further suggests they are reaching their end.

All y’all saw how much pollen was in the tent with those ladies so maybe they were fucked to pregnancy death. Kinda like a body horror where the thing does the horrible thing to the person and then they eventually explode not knowing at the time they were just a parasitic breeding ground for the thing that they “got away” from in the first place.

Can you tell I like horror movies?



Seeds keep dropping!

:grin: :+1:


The tent picture reminds me of someone putting pots everywhere because the roof is leaking. It’s raining seeds. :scream: :rofl:


Good news is that you can start a new project sooner, overall 4 to 5 weeks after pollination seeds are ready to harvest. If I was in your position I’ll give it 1 more week courtesy and move on, those seeds are looking pretty good and well developed already :fire:.

Sorry to ask this, probably is been mentioned before on the previous messages, out of the three females which one gives you the best impression? What are your thoughts on having the same cultivar (males included) out of three different breeders?



After you shuck the seeds, do you plan you on squishing the chaff in your rosin press? I bet since it’s a hash cultivar it’ll yield nicely


good morning @Pigeonman :coffee: :coffee:

hope you and are doing well and have a great start into the week

a nice vial of seeds you have there, so let the seeds keep on falling :smiley:


I feel this @Pakore . I like to run my seed runs into the ground like beaching a ship! I get the most viable out of it regardless of having cooked trichs for hash. lol

Seriously hard to tell. I’ll have a better idea when I actually get up closer to the back one. It was all pollen smell for the longest time and they aren’t gonna be sparkly as they want to end early so no real development of the sticky-stuff after getting coated in man-plant-dust.

Surprisingly even all round. Def feel like I opened a single pack of F2’s even though it was 3 different packs from three different spaces.

I’m really looking forward to growing this out for actual flower but from the insanity stretch I think I may be an auto-drip solocup adventure to keep them under control; wraping them in lights like @defharo 's bad assery grows!

I think i’m gonna do a small bubble hash run like I did with the Yogi’s chaff instead of pressing it. I have a jar of floral/citrus hash sand that goes really well as “gooey center” of a bong bowl which inspires me to work it that way vs makin’ honey.

Thanks @m0sirys ! Sadly had the AC tech in again as the water pooling sensor for our attic air handler keeps tripping so we’re going to get it replaced. I seriously fucking hate that it’s gonna cost us near 600$ for the parts and labour considering we all know how much mark-up is on these parts.

I normally deal with this shit myself but being seriously claustrophobic I’ll freeze in a panic once I get even 1/2 way into our crawlspace attic. :man_facepalming:

Yesterday I needed to check out gutters as one rain-barrel wasn’t getting any water even though the others had overflowed. Borrowed a ladder from my bestie, climbed up onto the hot as fuck roof, ran around carefully doing what needed to be done. Before we got the roof replaced I was up here often checking on things so that and work related tasks involving heights really did burn out the vertigo.

Going up: no problem.
Working up there: no problem.

However… getting back down:


So I always end up Wil Hoff’ing myself and then embracing the suck where gravity may be a cruel mistress.

It’s raining now and that barrel was full when I woke up so my puttering was totally worth it!

Best of mornings to all y’all awesome-possums!



Glad you made it back down. Happy Memorial Day


I SO get that Sr. Pigeon.
-Grouchy :green_heart: :call_me_hand:


sorry to hear that brother. i guess that sucks quite alot . :frowning:


Well here’s a fun update!

A lower nug, rather small compared to the tops:

Using my hand I crushed the nug in my palm. Not to totally obliterate, but a grab and then let go motion.

This is what ended up in my hand.

And after tossing 2x bright green seeds and clearing the chaff, this is what was left.

:grin: :+1:

So as much as I could cut them down and work through the seeds I think I’m gonna let them go a little longer and then let them dry out for a few days and then go at them.

Keeping everything separate will not be possible the way they have been raining down but I do plan on cutting the top colas of each plant into a tray so I have at least some sorted selects to work with down the road.

One has gas-fuel notes.:ok_hand:
One is legit :watermelon: !
And I keep forgetting to check the back one by opening up the side doors… :man_facepalming:

I’ll get on that at some point and report back. :rofl:

Cheers folks and thanks for stopping on by!



Looking awesome, love the color of those beans. Great job on this seed run…


Beans look great…time to warm up the bean separater :ok_hand::+1:


Great work @Pigeonman, was a fun one to follow!!


And they are all down… :sob: :+1:

Here’s the final shot of them up.

MASSIVE tops! I cut the biggest colas from each plant and kept them separate.

1st (Top) = wet buds on stems (on tray)
2nd = mixed chaff/seeds (drip tray), plant #4 top (cad tire bucket)
3rd = Plant #3
4th = plant #1

And now to ignore them for 1 week and then the sorting happens!



Good job on this run, it looks like a success!


I am always surprised by the amount of seeds that the lowest small buds actually contain. I didn’t think the pollen would reach them, but that stuff flies everywhere.


Get ya brick on! Those tops are BIG.

Beans look great too nice job. :+1: :evergreen_tree:



Sorting is going to be a big job, but we all know the @Pigeonman got this one :point_up:! :ok_hand::+1::facepunch::wink::sunglasses::peace_symbol: