Cloud City Clones?

Greetings OG fam. Happy Thursday. A buddy recommended this organization based on another persons experience. Soo I was wondering if any of you wonderful Ogees had any dealings with them. Thanks.


Never heard of them, but seems too good to be true. That’s a huge stable and really low prices. They may have em, but it’s likely not original cuts or anything.


I got clones from them. It took them a month, and 3 tries to finally get live plants to my door. And they came in in pretty bad shape. They were almost completely dead and I’m still vegging them. It’s taken 3 weeks from delivery to get them looking halfway decent. I have a thread here titled grapes and berries in the diary section.


That is a bummer would hope they could find a better way to preserve from there door to your door priced do look good.

Same happened to me. They responded quickly at first and now they won’t respond plus haven’t gotten my replacements and paid for insurance. One is alive out of 6 sent four came in fairly decent shape but was in the mail for 5 days. 2 were supposed to be replaced. Nothing now. Packaging was not good

honestly everyones clone game is pretty poor these days unless youre buying flat quantities. my local dispensary straight up stopped carrying them recently due to pest and customer troubles. you might be better off with seeds which i know is alot of work

Don’t waste your time with them. I tried small order to test it and glad I only spent 100. They came in a small box from post office. I opened it and 2 saran wrapped clones wrapped in packing tape fell out of the box. 1 broke and dried up and other broken but might live. No label on either one. Nothing in box to stop them from moving around. I asked about it on their Instagram account and their response was they ship 50 orders a week. These people suck and they clones they sent are complete garbage. Don’t buy anything from these losers. !


Farmer Joe on IG for high quality pest and HLVD-free. Real heirlooms.

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Plus he sends CORRECTLY

Have you tried them please ?

I don’t find his insta. Can you send me please ?

Thank you very much