Cloud9's grow journal

Currently running 5 autos. They were stunted by cold temps during their first few weeks. Had a cold snap and couldn’t get the tent above 65 just after germination. Is it even worth running them all the way through? 1 month since soaking them. Hard to tell but I think I’m seeing pistils already.

Sweet seeds orange apricot
Fb LSD25 x 2
Fb purple lemonade
Fb gorilla skittles-pic not loading

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Also getting ready to start some sativas.


I say always finish a grow. You never know what you might get and “its all gravy” anyway. :grin:


I have run fb Skittlez and Lsd-25. The lsd-25 will push the purple later into flower and from my experience is very frosty and for me was lanky but I would place this as grower error as I fed lite its whole life.

I’m looking forward to seeing how you fair with these in the weeks and months ahead. Grow well friend

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I apply the same philosophy to runts of the bunch. Man some of the best smoke has come from those who faced the chopping block. In example my last run. Runt was growing all kinds of lanky and funky. Let her go and it was the best decision I ever made. lol


I’ll let them ride. I’ve run a few of the Lsd25 already and loved the smoke so I’m sure whatever I do get will be good.

A little more info on my set up. Mars hydro 4x4. Was running the ts 2000 but upgraded to the ts 3000 for this run. 6" carbon filter/exhaust fan, and 6 and 8" oscillating fans. Since the tent is in the basement, I have a piece of 2" rigid insulation underneath. Using foxfarm nutes.


Hard to say, 4 weeks huh?
I seen vids on the tube of ones that stayed
Small. Like really small.
Other ones recovered and did OK.
But if your talking 63 day finish
28 days of that are gone.
I don’t see much happening in 35 days
That is why I quit messing with autos
Some grew insanely big, others normal
A few freakishly small.
It seemed to me I could do better with
A fast version photo and clones.
It’s your call man.

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Well the stunted plants are laughable. 4 to 6" tall. Will probably amount to a gram per plant.

I’ll let them finish. I’ve already started 5 more and will post updates here.
Fb Lsd
Fb gorilla skittles
Seedsman Alaskan diesel
SS orange apricot
Ss devils cream - I got twins from this bean.

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Uppotted today 3/19

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The fabric pots are the autos. The plastic pots are THH and the solos are paper of the solo cup challenge. The Orange apricot didn’t get very tall but the buds are dense and frosted and she was the first one done. Lsd was right behind with nice fat purple buds. The Gorilla Zkittles hermed on me but I did stress it out. Had to chop it early but it looks and smells great. The Alaskan diesel is a bush and still needs a few more weeks. I’ll take fresh pics tomorrow. The Devils cream twins were left together. They came out as two different phenos. One green that smells like pencil shaving and the other purple that smells fruity. They also need more time but less than the AD.

Mar 21

Mar 26

April 12

April 23

Orange apricot Apr 25

Apr 29

Orange apricot

Devils cream May 1


Alaskan diesel

Orange apricot May 5


Devils cream

Gorilla Zkittles

Full shot of Orange apricot May 10. 72 hour of dark, then chop.


Lsd headed for it’s dark period.

Chop day

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THH Started 10, only get 4 to germinate. I think I overheated them. Of the 4, 3 were males. I decided to let them drop some pollen before chopping.