Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

I was gifted some Darkstar f2’s today. The gentleman that gave them to me told me he was wanting to spread the love. It didn’t really hit me until I was reading up on the effects and reviews, that this could be a very helpful strain for several groups of people.

Since I was given over 30, there should be a great chance of having plenty of stock to breed. I haven’t even finished one run inside, so I figured I would put this out there and see if there is any interest in a preservation run.




Nice score man. :star_struck: :star_struck: :star_struck:


I’m nowhere near, but I think it would be fun to do some micro PC case grows and do some breeding like @Mr.Sparkle… and some sssdh sounds yummy to me lol… but yeah, US here so it sounds like I’m not a candidate, plus I’m at most only an intermediate grower.


Stoked about this one!!!


My man @Badger diggin up the gold! That’s awesome!

Kev :call_me_hand:t4:


I added it to the list since there seems to be interest. If you want to run an open pollination to make f3’s for the community, please send me a pm.

Edit: I just noticed that it’s still in stock some places. Does that mean the preservation run has to wait? Sorry, I’m still learning how this stuff works.


They’re already at f2 , so they’ve already been been ‘worked’ , plus they’re yours to do as you please - this one ( Darkstar f2’s.) is obviously something we’re all interested in - ultimately it’s your choice … :ok_hand:.
I’d leave them up for someone to make some f3’s. ( jmo.).
Have a good one mate …


All I need was the green light for sure. Ethically my feeling was use them to help people, but I wanted to make sure I was following all the rules. I’m not trying to upset anyone here for sure. Thanks Gaz29. It’s on then!


I would say if they are still available to contact the breeder and ask if he minds us doing a preservation. Bodhi gave us a post with his blessings and wishes for how he wanted us to proceed in preservation of his seeds. That was pretty much how we’ve approached it in the past. Everyone sees it different so the best way to be sure is to contact the breeder if possible. At least make an attempt so we all don’t look bad later. Most breeders are flattered and always thankful for the contact.

Maybe get an opinion from LJ or another MOD if you like. They may say different. I’m just a leader, mini mod. I hope we get to do them! peace


They are your seeds and you are free to do what you like. Breeders use strains someone else worked before to breed and then sell it as their own. Yours are F2 so they are different to the F1 already. No need to ask permission.


Yeah, I didn’t catch the f2 thing. Makes sense.

Hey @allotment, I still have your Sunviva tomatoes going in a pot. Actually, the same pot but it’s going into a larger one asap, so I can try and keep them all winter. They have beautiful small orange tomatoes that taste great. I’ve never grown them inside so I’ll study up for tips. They sure seem fine so far. Very sturdy. There are actually 2 plants in the one pot.I doubt I could separate them now so I’ll just give them some room. I’ll get pics soon.


Cool! Glad you like them. I’ll have open source chili pepper seeds to give away in a few weeks or so. Can’t say much about the taste yet, the ones outside are still not done. I got some in the tent now, they’re going faster. Already started flowering.


Yeah, this will be fun. I had wanted to possibly start an indoor produce operation in my downstairs space, so maybe this will get me started. I live in a fairly rural area and fresh fruit and veggies are hard to get in the winter. The grocery store stuff is tasteless often times, especially tomatoes. It would be a great thing for me if I could pull it off.

I’ll get these potted and put up some pics.


@GnomeyByNature…just saw this… the real seed Company sells a cbg strain now via kwik seeds


Isn’t that the truth! Can’t beat home grown.


I gotta put a couple of pics up of my store bough tomatoes… not bad really, they are vine ripened. But I was ready for a sandwich with a bunch of tomato but when i took then off the counter and out of the sleeve, I noticed these bumps protruding drom them. Then I looked closer at one and a seed had sprouted from inside and is growing out of the tomato, lol. I lanced the other little bumps and these sprouts are all busting out, ha. I never saw that.

Having trouble with my phone and computer… maybe in a few…


Funny you mention that, I have seen it several times on social media in the last weeks. Never before. Strange.


That’s strange…GMO? Never heard of such a thing.


@GnomeyByNature @Upstate I’ve got three Female Pure CBG from RSC. They have been out of stock forever now, so I’ll probably reverse one and make more seeds.

Now that I think of it, they said expect huge variations in everything except cannabinoid content. I should reverse one of each and pollinate the bunch.