Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

Yeah, sorry folks, we seem to have a few stragglers with the vote but I have brought it up with the action group and will get you an answer as soon as I can. :v:


Has there ever been any discussion about reproducing autoflower seeds? Sure are a lot of great strains out there that will disappear eventually.


There have been Co-Op seed runs of autos in the past: Lucifer’s Big Buddy, Stuck in Plain Sight, and Spotted Lime.


Does anyone have interest in being a grower for a co-op seed run if approved?
A US grower is preferred but I am open.

I have several Ninefold Genetics packs I can donate so we could have multiple growers if there is enough interest.

I have…

  1. Nurple Gorilla (purple nurple x gorilla fuck)
  2. Chaos’s Ghost (chaos x ghost train haze F2)
  3. Renatus OG (rene S3 x prism og)
  4. Where’s my 3rd eye. (where’s my bike x sour DMT)***
  5. Black Laser Trip (purple laserlite x black lime reserve x chocolate trip)

Anybody…anybody? :sunglasses:


damn @shag … I’d run the Renatus for ya but as you know I got a lot on my plate for the forseeable future. Hope someone steps up for these . Prism OG yielded some really nice strong plants… crossed with Irene S3… yowza!!! Which breeder in the collective did that one?


Who did irene s3? Or is that what you’re asking


well that is a good question too but ya… the ninefold collective was/is a group of breeders in collaboration, which included @SmokinJoeMGF of Possum Ridge/Motherless Goat Farms :wink:


@SHSC-1 @leetdood
I got these from Limos personally.
I could inquire but he is usually never around anymore.
I am assuming Limos did the breeding but I do not know for sure.

Maybe the motherless goat can tell us…LOL


Thank you!

I am extremely interested so far, at looking at irene and merry og (irene s1) work

I did not know an irene s3 existed

Furthermore, irene is most likely a bubba s1 so an irene s3 is a bubba s4. :see_no_evil:

I’m going off memory here but I believe @Tonygreen was talking about Tom hill saying selfing a line can lead to more regular expression of what the breeder is looking for (inbred line)

I’m playing with outcrosses for the most right now but selfed progeny and so forth has always intrigued me… Nspecta digs so hard into his bubba and urkle cuts. He’s how I found out ghost og is likely a triangle s1.

I hope I’m not rambling too much it’s just really interesting to me the dynamic of population genetics and the history of heirloom clones.


Not for me, @SHSC-1 will tell ya I love the old school stories.
I was there but just as a smoker, so I love to here what was happening behind the scenes. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Looking at the pack again it says Rene.
I think it is this Rene.
Dunno for sure.

From 2006
Hey Doobie,
Rene is the mother of the High End cross. I think Red at Legend’s crossed Rene with a blueberry if remember correctly which would make sense, a well cured Rene smells like sweet grapes almost. There aren’t many people that have the original Rene, Red, Bubbleman and myself are amongst the few. You won’t see any Rene seeds because there are none, so there are no males. We all have the same Rene but none of us really know where it came from. I’ve read that Bubbleman heard a story about it coming from Montreal but as the only 5 or 6 people I know who have it including Red, BM and myself are all from BC, I don’t know if it’s true or not. So, the best you can hope for is a cross with Rene in it. I’m sure you’ll be happy with High End because even though I only met Red once, he’s a fantastic guy and knows his shit.

From what i remember that strain was named after Rene Boje a very cool woman who had to leave the us and seek refuge in British Colombia.

Rene is an extremely rare sativa dominant hybrid

@SHSC-1 do you know anything about this one?


yes the Rene is a famous cut and kinda hard to find these days.
I must have just miss read your first post when I went with Irene LOL
I have a few crosses with the Sunshine Coast BC Rene cut compliments of our long lost friend.
Rene x BC Skunk and Fraser Valley Blueberry Hashplant x Rene BX1 … seeds I should get into one day sooner than later.


I have access to the Rene cut in BC if any Canadians are hunting after her


What a kind offer. :star_struck:
Too bad I am in the USA.
I know someone that just had to start over that may… @SHSC-1
@Granola have you had her long?
What are your thoughts on her?


I would very much appreciate a cut… as @shag stated… I’ve had to do a full reset over here.
Another member sent me Irene and bubba and tk and motorbreath… but they came a long ways and didn’t survive the trip :frowning:


I don’t have her, but a good friend does.
I had her for a few, but only ever in veg.
I can say that she sure smells strong, my veg tent was stinking real good before I lost her @shag


You got a huge care package coming from me in a bit here just need to pick up a few things for you !


Thanks for the quick response.
Nice work Gents I love to see folks share the love. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


awesome sauce :wink: !!!


So just what is the question anyway? I’m a bit confused. Just fyi, I still talk to limo from time to time and if I can make the reunion he said he will grace us with his presence lol