Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

Yeah i bumped the dbhp thread lol why so bitter

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So much talk and yet 0 substance. Such an angry strange little man.

Im not doing the reddit thing with you bud.

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:rofl: Fuck outta here with that. You started talkin smack. Got called on it. Now youre just back peddling trying to make everyone else the asshole. Nice classical psychopath behaviors.


No. I asked if that lawyer thing was with bodhi now youre acting crackheady. A no would have sufficed.

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So Bodhi did not go after an OG member?

Ah yes, the classic psychopath trying to hurl insults when called out. Seek professional help.

Thank you for clearing this up.


I believe some wires are getting crossed regarding several different things. Some that had occurred some time ago, fading memories and all that.


Thank you. Great to know.

I believe you might be misunderstanding the definition of asking.


It had already been cleared up, you just didn’t pay attention :joy:

He beat you to the punch by quite a bit there, bud

Folk, let’s move this conversation along please. Going off topic.


Still seeking volunteers to increase Bay 11?


We’re talking about clones, not his seed lines, and this was when he introduced granddady purple in the early 00s or late 90s, not anytime recently.

Sure they entered appalachia as bay 11, it’s weird that people are hung up on that. This happens all the time- when brands enter cups they want the win to reflect on their product so they give the flower a dinstinctive name. He didn’t rename the strain, he just made up a unique name for the flower he entered. It is very common for companies to name their specific product for an entry, not the strain itself.

And this doesn’t apply to the seed line, Bay 11 is a hybrid seed line.


I don’t agree with this take at all and I wasn’t going to say anything but seems people are agreeing with you which is fine and of course, their right to do.

It is just that this person was given a cut by Bodhi who had worked it for 4 years after receiving it from H&L. Then this person renamed it and did not explain the genetics during this time. He may have later released it as a seed line and explained that it is Appalachia, still without giving credit to Bodhi or H&L.

I do notice in life that things have changed and that the “scene” has blown up so much that there are 1,000,000 IG breeders and it isn’t like it used to be. Regardless of this, many of us are what is left of the prelegalization hyperinflux of people. From this time, having a code and a sort of shared comraderie of a secret society, there were rules. These rules were of course broken and the more money is involved, the more temptation can creep in.

Integrity is what matters. If i were to take what you had been working on for years and had the means to distribute and market this creation without giving you any credit, it may or may not matter to you but it’s still fucked up.

It is like jiujitsu class. When I used to go, there were 90% awesome individuals who were extremely humble and nice and then there was that 1 dude with the affliction shirt who just would never stop when someone tapped. In any given field, there will be idiots and shitheads. I don’t think this free spirit of OG has to conflict with compensating someone for their years of hard work. We can all evolve into something that is beneficial for all.

What this guy did was bullshit. We can’t just let the scene turn into a bunch of shitheads. Look what happened with Snowhigh… all the old heads cashing out cuz they saw the writing on the wall.

We can be different.

Also you can go back and do some research and people were discussing back in 2011-2012 how those seed lines aren’t even real. If he renames someone else’s then he can just sell you anything also.


:joy::joy::joy: I hear ya



is a cross of appalachia :wink:

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