Co-op Strain Donations and Breeder Match Ups

I’ve been here this whole time, I’m certain this did not happen.
@Bodhi you can see his post history.

@toastyjakes any idea what this might be referring to, if anything?


Hadn’t noticed before that on the list of dispensaries they sell at, they list which shops carry clones and/or flower, but they don’t seem to be selling seeds at all.

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@WeTokeChronic Those Candyland caught my eye. I’ve seen a cut still floating around but glad to see someone trying to keep a regular seed line going. :metal:


Yea I think they’ve always been like that…I was getting clones from them because all the dispensaries carried their :seedling: but just a couple probably had their seeds


Worry not. Im not confused, lying, making things up or retarded.

@zephyr buddy i pmd you the details

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I’d also be interested in evidence instead of just slander. Bodhi helps people.


Source: Trust me bro

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Will the cultists apologize when the truth comes back out? Probably not, your master can do no wrong apparently.

The funny part is some of you were disappointed about the situation then, even felt bad for the og member to the point of almost standing up for him but blinded by free shit you bent back down.

Multiple times now i exposed parasites here 6+ months before too many ppl got hit only to get shamed and insulted. Of course when shit went down months later dudes were surprised to get scammed.

Anyway :grin:

You do you boo.


Did you know that @Mithridate did a trade with someone and then found out that that person was reproducing and selling that strain on strainly? I heard he sent a cease and desist letter to his house that was notarized. Who would even do that shit? I mean it is one thing to be serious about a plant but it is another to try and claim nature as your own.

Me? Strainly? Nah youre mistaken. I dont play those stupid games

Oh? Well, I said it though.

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I appreciate the thought and would have benefited from his actions. I can’t agree with the method. It is still theft in my book. if we were talking anything but weed they could have registered/patented their work for in most cases 3-7 years before it could be changed and sold as something else.

Unless gifted voluntarily to the world, a person should be able to benefit from their work.

:green_heart: :seedling:


You do realize you’re talking to a bunch of stoners? I… was probably here I guess? Maybe I remember it, maybe I don’t?

Did it have something to do with RBJF/DC?

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Nananana boo boo
I am rubber you are glue

The only real shady thing was growing out the Appalachia and entering it into the cup as Bay11. That’s it. The seeds afterwords and pheno hunt afterwords is totally fine…and the labeling is shady too. Front label should say Bay11 x OGK

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What are you even rambling about here? You made big claims. People ask for proof. You call them cult members. Thats laughably dumb. Put up or shut up about it already. Its not everyone else’s responsibility to disprove your unproven claims.


Fine. Ill help you and others remember.

There will be signs…

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That was Master Thai aka the Akula breeder extraordinaire.

No lawyers who also happen to be patched Hell’s Angels … just lots of bluster, threats, harassment, attempts to con, and a strong psychosis. He has been caught using sock puppets, as well.


“I’ll get you all you better watch out I am a superior life form now gimme ten bucks.”


So again, no evidence. All talk no substance.